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Bush Looking Anew for Alaska Oil Drilling

Thanks MD4me,
or should I say "how dare you disagree with the almighty tree huggers" they are the only ones who have a right to any opinion, and the rest of the world should shut up and thank them for telling us what to think !
AAAAAAHHhhhhhhhhhhhh THE pipe is FALLING.. the PIPE is FALLING :)

SOMEBODY ... QUICK !!!!! Help the "a bunch of helpless animals" bear down from the PIPELINE !!!!


And the owl.....

Its a good point Ithaca, it sure doesn't look like there is a place to perch if its not there. That's a reason for telephone and electric poles too. They catch more of the mice and stuff like that then, I bet.
Well... Had I posted a Picture of dead owls around pipelines that would prove we shouldn't have them there because they fall off of them too...... It will be an Interesting debate. :eek:
"This will probably be a real interesting battle. Moosie,Thanks for the picture of an owl on a pipe. That proves we should erect pipelines everywhere for owls to perch on."

No Ithaca ,thats not what everyone is saying.

What I get out of these post's is that most people think we should use some of our own resource's so we don't have to be so dependent on other's.
That by working together and meeting in the middle we can come up with something that is good and workable for all of us.

We don't buy into the line that all use is bad ,or that the only way to fix thing's is to follow the treehugging greenie's into the total hands off approach they are trying to take this country.

"That proves we should erect pipelines everywhere for owls to perch on."

Not hardly Ithaca, if that is all you get out of everyones post they it's no wonder you try to use the same off the wall view of everything else including ,ranching ,grazing and the ATV issue.

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