Bozeman: is it really that bad anymore?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
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Not Bozeman specific, but any location that attracts downhills skiers inevitable becomes a shit show filled with the most annoying of all seasonal 1%ers - the overpaid self important out of state skier.

yeah, that's a bad sign.

the worse sign is when the enduro and downhill mt bikers show up en masse.

to put it eloquently, you're long past #@)(*%* at that point.
As a former resident of Bozeman and a current resident of Big Sky, I can certainly say there are a lot worse places to live… I feel a lot of people are disgruntled because they can’t afford to live there.

Housing market is absurd. I have neighbors on my street who are selling their homes for 2x what they paid for it 3 years ago.

This house was built less then 8 years ago and was originally listed for 850k.. Currently on the market.

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Oh yeah ... gotta have a black lab displayed on passenger seat, fly rod in a rod case on roof of 4wd compact SUV with snorkel, shiny never deployed orange traction boards, gas cans and water cans attached, spanking new high lift jack, roof off, hair held under flatbrim bro cap, speeding 70 mph on Huffine, headed to Gallatin Canyon to flyfish, Starbucks in hand ... feeling the Bozone!
It's a great spoof on the stereotyped image of a new "immigrant" to Bozeman - haha!
If Kurt actually watched it he'd realize it wasn't a hit against Bozeman.
Glad you caught the stereotype spoof.

For those who want a chuckle over the fly rod in a case on the roof of a 4wd compact SUV with a carb snorkel:

EDIT: Hah! Holy chit this thread caught FIRE! How many pages since? Wasn't it just yesterday? Haha!
Even Durston from Ferguson to 19th is rubberneck driving this time of year - vastly improved in last 20 years.. night and day.
The number of times iv almost sent it off the road by the M is embracing. lol don’t drive distracted they say….i blame lulu lemon not my cell phone
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Bozeman and Laramie are both cool as hell. No place is perfect, but if you hunt/fish and couldn’t enjoy living in those two places I’m not sure you’d be happy anywhere.

I am a firm believer that one of the keys to happiness is to grow where you’re planted. Lots of places across the country have a ton to offer, outdoors-wise and otherwise. Get involved in the community, love where you live, and if you don’t then move.
Bozeman and Laramie are both cool as hell. No place is perfect, but if you hunt/fish and couldn’t enjoy living in those two places I’m not sure you’d be happy anywhere.

I am a firm believer that one of the keys to happiness is to grow where you’re planted. Lots of places across the country have a ton to offer, outdoors-wise and otherwise. Get involved in the community, love where you live, and if you don’t then move.
God damned hippie!
Over half way to #2000 posts on the thread...just saying.
I’ve got a pleasant memory of a good looking brunette in the parking lot of the M, will leave the rest of the story up to imagination. Definitely have had some fun in Bozeman.
"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist" Baudelaire.

The most effective sacrifice zones are full of people who don't know they are in one; and think they've found Nirvana, never to roam in search of some better place.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
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Caribou Gear

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