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Bozeman: is it really that bad anymore?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
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I drive the full huffine twice a day. It's not the slow ones that bother me. There's a half dozen lights and the 75mph crowd gets to the one end or the other no quicker than the slow guys. There's some terrible wrecks on that road due to the a$$holes in a hurry.
Having lived near Gallatin Gateway for fifty years, I can fully attest to that. It's not the slow drivers ... and there are very few except at 5pm when traffic is backed up. Speed and driving distractions have caused more wrecks on Huffine in the past decade than in the four decades prior!
Perhaps the only thing I miss about Bozeman is the Cats Paw. Some here like to wax poetic about how great it is compared to many other locations phssss….you wouldn’t be on this site and this thread if you were debating between moving to Bozeman or someplace in the middle of the country. I can’t claim to be a native of Montana, but I come from Rocky Mountain country with conservative values and blue collars balls deep.
Moved to big sky in 2005 and wouldn’t trade my 6 years there for anything…ground floor moonlight basin was THE SHIT! Eventually had to move into Bozeman around 09-10? (They were some fun years). But by 15 it was already a sinking ship. Whatever your vibe has been stated already but we all know why we are reading this thread. I gtfo in 17 and avoid it like the plague now. Like take the pistol out of the truck if I have to go. Shows my age but that might help another gauge weather or not this town is for them. I live about 100 miles away now on a piece of land that would be worth double if it were in gallatin county. Rant over….carry on
Not if you had seen it 40 years ago, I’d bet.
The state of Montana was a very different place 40 years ago. 80 years ago. A lot of my family has passed over the years. I have some history that I can look back on, but wish I would have paid way more attention to my family stories when they were told. Pictures are great. The real life things are better. mtmuley
The state of Montana was a very different place 40 years ago. 80 years ago. A lot of my family has passed over the years. I have some history that I can look back on, but wish I would have paid way more attention to my family stories when they were told. Pictures are great. The real life things are better. mtmuley
My grandma told me endless stories of the family. Being a history buff I memorized them and now am some what the “ history” teller of the family. The best part for me was I got to get help with the pie making.
I’m looking for places like Froid or Medicine Lake to raise my kids. A different kind of work ethic, appreciation for family and community, and respect and passion for nature and wild things seems to develop in kids with those types of backgrounds.
I’m looking for places like Froid or Medicine Lake to raise my kids. A different kind of work ethic, appreciation for family and community, and respect and passion for nature and wild things seems to develop in kids with those types of backgrounds.
You can do that anywhere.

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