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Border closure and spring outfitting season

Isn’t a Springfield a handgun? Are you even allowed to have handguns in Canada?
Yes, but handguns are restricted weapons. Anyone who passes the course and background check can own a handgun. But they can only shoot it at a certified range. It can only be transported to and from place of locked storage and the range or certified gunsmith (for repairs).
Youngest daughter (fully vax) has been down here for nearly three weeks from Canada. Leaves Monday to head back home to Vancouver, will be interesting to see how it goes.
Make sure she has results of negative COVID test from less than 72 hrs before arrival in Canada. Gotta have that as well as vax document. If she hasn't already registered with ARRIVCan, she should. Make sure she registers on the govt website not the phony phishing ones that pop up first on Google. She needs to have all her ducks in a row. If she's preregistered it will go a lot quicker for her when she arrives. Crossing the last two times has been very quick and pleasant for me.
I believe she’s set... will know in about an hour from now. She’s “not” the most organized of my children lol

UPDATE- She made it, will be back on the basketball court tomorrow. Dodged that bullet!
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The reason nonessential flight has been allowed into US is no one knew what to do with passengers who arrive and are nonessential

Airlines are required to return a traveler who seeks admission into the U.S. that Customs and Border Protection refuse.

The reason non essential is permitted via air vs land is based on the premise majority are present in the U.S. for a short duration. Car rental becomes expensive. Does it happen? Sure.
Though the crux is on land entry:

Via land, Australians, Asians, French, Germans, Mexicans (whole other story), and mainly Canadians via U.S. Canadian Border that drive their own vehicles fall under B2 or WT status as tourists. That permits their time in an RV, etc up to an <initial> 6 months (B2) and 3 months (WT).
Whether one feels that's a crock or not... speak with the airline lobbyists to start.

I'm not a fan of it though closing land borders has certainly reduced the quantity of "tourists" remaining longer than a week or two.

Side note: Entering the U.S. has Jack squat to do with a U.S. as a disabled Vet or an escaped convict returning. A U.S. Citizen will not be denied entry into their home country - U.S. <period>.
The convict will be arrested, the Vet welcomed home as many of the CBP Officers are vets themselves.

Another article from the U.S. side:


Airlines are required to return a traveler who seeks admission into the U.S. that Customs and Border Protection refuse.

The reason non essential is permitted via air vs land is based on the premise majority are present in the U.S. for a short duration. Car rental becomes expensive. Does it happen? Sure.
Though the crux is on land entry:

Via land, Australians, Asians, French, Germans, Mexicans (whole other story), and mainly Canadians via U.S. Canadian Border that drive their own vehicles fall under B2 or WT status as tourists. That permits their time in an RV, etc up to an <initial> 6 months (B2) and 3 months (WT).
Whether one feels that's a crock or not... speak with the airline lobbyists to start.

I'm not a fan of it though closing land borders has certainly reduced the quantity of "tourists" remaining longer than a week or two.

Side note: Entering the U.S. has Jack squat to do with a U.S. as a disabled Vet or an escaped convict returning. A U.S. Citizen will not be denied entry into their home country - U.S. <period>.
The convict will be arrested, the Vet welcomed home as many of the CBP Officers are vets themselves.

Another article from the U.S. side:

With air travel the onus would be on the airline to determine at booking if a passenger was essential or not, and they would have to haul them away if border people don't agree. Obviously determining who is essential is not the airlines' bailiwick. It would be unworkable if the govt decided to throw that responsibility on the airlines (and no doubt the courts would throw it out) so the feds just gave up and allowed everyone in on a plane. With land crossing there's no innocent middleman on the hook if the traveler doesn't meet essential requirement and is turned back. Must have been a real mess for bus lines. But not for Greyhound. Three years ago they went belly up in Canada in all but a few runs and those died during the pandemic.

I never said being a disabled US vet entitled me to special consideration at the border when entering the US. The border agents typically ask me the purpose of my visit, probably out of habit. I could tell them it's none of their business ... and they could tell me to pull over for an inspection. But I'm only too happy to chat. Pretty much everyone on the US side at the crossing here are pleasant folks. Not so much on the Canadian side. Being a US vet does entitle me to free COVID test at the VA hospital with results in an hour. That makes travel to US somewhat more practical. Otherwise I'd have to camp out for a couple of days down there waiting for Walgreens COVID test result before returning to Canada. I expect the pretest restriction will stay in place for some time to come.

So why didn't the US simply refuse entry land or air to anyone without a US passport? That's what Canada did (I have US passport but I am also a "permanent resident" [essentially a Canadian citizen who can't vote or do jury duty] so can't be refused entry either way). The US couldn't do anything that smart because it didn't have it's poop in a group at start of the pandemic. Not even close. A state of confusion. Too caught up in COVID denial or the virtues of quack cures and injecting Lysol.
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Moment by moment. And with infections suddenly doubling in the US, I wouldn't bet on getting into Canada next month. Best to get on the vaccination crusade and push everyone you know to get vaxed. I think % vaccinated is the statistic that means the most right now. Hopefully we don't get another significant morph in the virus before herd immunity can kick in. That's why it's so important for everyone to get their shots ASAP. States like OK and TX where vax rates are still inexcusably low will drag everyone else in the country down. We're having our problems with antis too, mostly a few right wing religious nuts in Manitoba, SK, and Alberta. Relatively speaking, the problem with radical unbelievers is insignificant up here. The bigger problem has been access to vaccines but it seems that is FINALLY being resolved.
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Moment by moment. And with infections suddenly doubling in the US, I wouldn't bet on getting into Canada next month. Best to get on the vaccination crusade and push everyone you know to get vaxed. I think % vaccinated is the statistic that means the most right now. Hopefully we don't get another significant morph in the virus before herd immunity can kick in. That's why it's so important for everyone to get their shots ASAP. States like OK and TX where vax rates are still inexcusably low will drag everyone else in the country down.
I'm still trying to figure out why it matters if a person in Texas who is not and does not plan on going to Canada is not vaccinated, but I am here in Iowa, fully vaccinated and have never had the COVID but I cannot go to my cabin in the middle of a very large lake a mile or more away from the nearest neighbor who most likely will not be there when I am there?
I'm still trying to figure out why it matters if a person in Texas who is not and does not plan on going to Canada is not vaccinated, but I am here in Iowa, fully vaccinated and have never had the COVID but I cannot go to my cabin in the middle of a very large lake a mile or more away from the nearest neighbor who most likely will not be there when I am there?
If everyone could magically drop out of space onto their lake cabin and stay there, there would be little risk to others. But as we saw in the Muskoka cottage district, all the infected cottage owners from greater Toronto area carried the disease up to that community. They shopped for beer and propane and fish bait. Not only did they spread COVID to the locals, but other non cottager tourists carried the disease to other parts of the country. It was bad! The Atlantic provinces were in the unique position to simply shut off all travel to even other Canadians. Cottages stayed empty unless they were locally owned. Most of the Atlantic provinces fared very well during the pandemic. I think it's too bad they can't build a wall around states like Florida and Texas that flaunted their disrespect for health and travel advisories. This is where the federal government needed to step in with a firm hand and give firm guidance. We are simply too fluid a society to think that health regulations during a pandemic can be inconsistent from state to state or even country to country. This pathetic excuse for a pandemic is only a precursor of a real one coming down the pipe. And that is inevitable. If we couldn't handle this one, what will happen the next time?
It would be unworkable if the govt decided to throw that responsibility on the airlines (and no doubt the courts would throw it out) so the feds just gave up and allowed everyone in on a plane.

The airline is responsible for their travelers. Pending admissibility, if CBP Officer refuses a traveler - there are no if, ands, or buts about it. That airline is responsible to return the traveler back to it's original departure location.

There are "Pre-Clearance" locations at several airports within other countries to minimize the impact though this is at the courtesy of the country and Diplo status is afforded to the CBP Officers working at the locations.

Also to add - the requirement for flying into the U.S. must have a Negative Covid test within 72 hours of the departure flight time.
The airline is responsible for their travelers. Pending admissibility, if CBP Officer refuses a traveler - there are no if, ands, or buts about it. That airline is responsible to return the traveler back to it's original departure location.

There are "Pre-Clearance" locations at several airports within other countries to minimize the impact though this is at the courtesy of the country and Diplo status is afforded to the CBP Officers working at the locations.

Also to add - the requirement for flying into the U.S. must have a Negative Covid test within 72 hours of the departure flight time.
Not arguing that point. But the airlines didn't want to be stuck with adjudicating what is or is not essential travel and being on the hook if border folks decided otherwise. How would that vetting work with online booking? It wouldn't.

As I recall, the COVID test requirement for flight travelers into US was initiated by Biden very quickly after taking office. I seem to also recall enforcement was problematic, at first anyway. My African outfitter says he has that all sorted out for clients before they leave. Incidentally, if I make the trip (situation in South Africa has suddenly turned violent this past week ... again), I will be self quarantining on return even though not required because I'm vaxed. Delta variant is very bad over in SA and there is a chance, albeit remote, I could carry it even though vaxed. I'm retired and live alone so usually pretty much quarantined anyway.
If everyone could magically drop out of space onto their lake cabin and stay there, there would be little risk to others. But as we saw in the Muskoka cottage district, all the infected cottage owners from greater Toronto area carried the disease up to that community. They shopped for beer and propane and fish bait. Not only did they spread COVID to the locals, but other non cottager tourists carried the disease to other parts of the country. It was bad! The Atlantic provinces were in the unique position to simply shut off all travel to even other Canadians. Cottages stayed empty unless they were locally owned. Most of the Atlantic provinces fared very well during the pandemic. I think it's too bad they can't build a wall around states like Florida and Texas that flaunted their disrespect for health and travel advisories. This is where the federal government needed to step in with a firm hand and give firm guidance. We are simply too fluid a society to think that health regulations during a pandemic can be inconsistent from state to state or even country to country. This pathetic excuse for a pandemic is only a precursor of a real one coming down the pipe. And that is inevitable. If we couldn't handle this one, what will happen the next time?
Federal government stepping in with a firm hand?? no thanks!!(are you fond of sheep ?)-my kids went to school 5 days a week for the WHOLE school year. no mask required and all sports played on schedule-all of them lived hmmm. I think local communities need to make decisions based on there local people and conditions. Federal govt has no idea what's going on in my community. Provide clear guidance? Yes I wish they would have been better at that. But this is about Canada-carry on
Federal government stepping in with a firm hand?? no thanks!!(are you fond of sheep ?)-my kids went to school 5 days a week for the WHOLE school year. no mask required and all sports played on schedule-all of them lived hmmm. I think local communities need to make decisions based on there local people and conditions. Federal govt has no idea what's going on in my community. Provide clear guidance? Yes I wish they would have been better at that. But this is about Canada-carry on
Sure, that works if everyone in the local community stays in the local community and keeps the rest of the world out. But this is the 21st century where everyone has a car or a plane ticket to go anyplace on the globe. Why not wait till there's a problem and people are dying in the locsl community's streets before initiating precautions? Because by then it's too late and the bug has been transported to the next community and the next ... That's the way pandemics work. Denialists just make it work better ... for the virus.
Sure, that works if everyone in the local community stays in the local community and keeps the rest of the world out. But this is the 21st century where everyone has a car or a plane ticket to go anyplace on the globe. Why not wait till there's a problem and people are dying in the locsl community's streets before initiating precautions? Because by then it's too late and the bug has been transported to the next community and the next ... That's the way pandemics work. Denialists just make it work better ... for the virus.

Ok 👌🏿 I know covid was hard on a lot of people. Literally everyone i know in my community was fine through Covid and we were open all but 2-3 months when it first hit. I kinda like freedom and local control sounds like you want the bigger hammer of federal government to run the show. You’re in the right place for that and I am in the right place for local decisions. Looks like I won’t be going to Canada anytime soon since I’m not vaccinated (yet ) not sure on that. but I do want to fish the elk river. Maybe next year ?
Yes, but handguns are restricted weapons. Anyone who passes the course and background check can own a handgun. But they can only shoot it at a certified range. It can only be transported to and from place of locked storage and the range or certified gunsmith (for repairs).
this thread is about the border closure, and travel, between our countries, so I will not elaborate, but for the record, the quoted statement above is not true.
this thread is about the border closure, and travel, between our countries, so I will not elaborate, but for the record, the quoted statement above is not true.
it is true in nz which is part of the british commonwealth as is canada
this thread is about the border closure, and travel, between our countries, so I will not elaborate, but for the record, the quoted statement above is not true.
It is true at least for almost all Canadians. As far as I know bush pilots and trappers still can get exemptions to carry handguns in the field but the red tape is onerous. Most don't bother. I cannot speak for indigenous peoples. They may or may not have to follow the restricted weapons regulations binding the rest of us. Exemptions for them abound. First Nations People commonly still hunt waterfowl with lead shot. Seems unclear whether it is legal or not but clearly no enforcement ... of them anyway. They are not bound to most if any of the provincial or federal game regulations when hunting either on or off the reserves (however I seem to recall there is some agreement with them about not selling bear parts?). Here they commonly jacklight moose from snowmobiles. There is no limit on the game they can take. So, perhaps you are speaking specifically about the First Nations folks when you say the storage and transport regulations for restricted weapons I summarized is untrue? That wouldn't surprise me.