Kenetrek Boots

Border closure and spring outfitting season

Ok lets keep this conversation on topic. We know and don't want to open a can of worms with FN issues here.
Ok lets keep this conversation on topic. We know and don't want to open a can of worms with FN issues here.
fair enough and also apologies to Sask hunter. I did not move the thread off subject initially, but did want to correct an erroneous statement that was made and to take that a bit further there are approx 50000 trappers and only 24000 of them are first nation individuals, so we are not the only ones allowed to carry a handgun. Many of the wilderness workers are not first nation individuals either and they also are allowed to carry a handgun. there are also other exceptions that are not First Nation related individuals

The so called commonwealth of nations is a Volunteer group and laws passed in any one of the countries in the group do not extend to the others Countries. The laws passed in England have not extended to us since 1931.

I will not respond to the "shots" taken at us, as a race, out of respect to Randy and Sask Hunter

We are still looking at the possibility of late fall hunts, but most who had reservations for 2021 have already moved them to 2022. Some 2023
Ok 👌🏿 I know covid was hard on a lot of people. Literally everyone i know in my community was fine through Covid and we were open all but 2-3 months when it first hit. I kinda like freedom and local control sounds like you want the bigger hammer of federal government to run the show. You’re in the right place for that and I am in the right place for local decisions. Looks like I won’t be going to Canada anytime soon since I’m not vaccinated (yet ) not sure on that. but I do want to fish the elk river. Maybe next year ?
You may not live that long. Check the news. "This has become a pandemic of unvaccinated." Infection numbers in US are exploding again and almost exclusively new variants hitting tthose who choose not to be vaccinated. More importantly, it's now the 20s to 40s age group that's getting whacked ... because the old folks are now vaxed. When COVID comes to your town, it wont be the same old virus.

So you want to come to Canada to fish but don't want to do your part to get vax numbers up so it's reasonably safe to open the border? Thanks for choosing to make life difficult for the rest of us who want to cross the border again. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as disgusted with Canadian denialists. It's about being a good neighbour ... wherever you are. Not too hard to see the results of Sunday school attendance falling off to nothing in the new millennium.
fair enough and also apologies to Sask hunter. I did not move the thread off subject initially, but did want to correct an erroneous statement that was made and to take that a bit further there are approx 50000 trappers and only 24000 of them are first nation individuals, so we are not the only ones allowed to carry a handgun. Many of the wilderness workers are not first nation individuals either and they also are allowed to carry a handgun. there are also other exceptions that are not First Nation related individuals

The so called commonwealth of nations is a Volunteer group and laws passed in any one of the countries in the group do not extend to the others Countries. The laws passed in England have not extended to us since 1931.

I will not respond to the "shots" taken at us, as a race, out of respect to Randy and Sask Hunter

We are still looking at the possibility of late fall hunts, but most who had reservations for 2021 have already moved them to 2022. Some 2023
No "shots" taken. It is what it is. I don't take too kindly to being essentially called a liar. Most of of the folks south of the border are not aware of how restricted weapons works up here. Or aboriginal hunting rights. Last I knew down there Native Americans are only entitled to unrestricted hunting on some (most) reservations. Off reservation they are supposed to follow state and federal hunting regs. Very different up here. It is what it is. I know several trappers here, both native and white. None of the latter mess with the red tape and restrictions for exemption to carry handguns on the trapline (and ONLY on the trapline). An unrestricted .22 rifle cut off short within the limit (which is surprisingly liberal) is just as handy. In more dangerous environments the sawed off shotgun seems to be the trapper's protection piece. Frankly, I have never asked the native trappers if they carry a handgun but I've yet to see one who does. The thinking behind the handgun allowance for trappers and bush pilots is primarily survival tool.

So, not taking any shots, but are First Nations generally exempt from federal restricted weapons regulations? I'm still not clear on that. You seemed to leave that question hanging.
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You may not live that long. Check the news. "This has become a pandemic of unvaccinated." Infection numbers in US are exploding again and almost exclusively new variants hitting tthose who choose not to be vaccinated. More importantly, it's now the 20s to 40s age group that's getting whacked ... because the old folks are now vaxed. When COVID comes to your town, it wont be the same old virus.

So you want to come to Canada to fish but don't want to do your part to get vax numbers up so it's reasonably safe to open the border? Thanks for choosing to make life difficult for the rest of us who want to cross the border again. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as disgusted with Canadian denialists. It's about being a good neighbour ... wherever you are. Not too hard to see the results of Sunday school attendance falling off to nothing in the new millennium.

Whoa pardner! No I don’t want to get vaccinated at this time. I respect Canada and the rules so I won’t be going too Canada but when/if everything calms down I want to fish the elk river. The fact that some dude in Idaho doesn’t get vaccinated should have ZERO impact on vaccinated Americans traveling up there. I don’t understand why it matters if a vaccinated New Yorker travels to Canada while the unvaccinated Idahoan stays home. My health choices shouldn’t impact anyone else’s ability to travel. My experience with COVID is the opposite of yours and what I heard from the mainstream media. According to the news we did EVERYTHING wrong and we are all still here. I have friends and family that were “at risk” from age and other health issues and I was careful around them. Canada is a beautiful country and I love the outdoors up there but i am going to respect the rules. I also live fairly close to the border. If they won’t let me through without a vaccination I won’t go. No problem it’s called FREEDOM of choice. You are also free to not mosey through North Idaho anytime soon which you shouldn’t because sounds like a lot of us won’t live that long. Canada is a great place so I will monitor this thread to see if they will eventually let whackos like me back up there. 👍
Trap, no one is calling you whacko. But right now opening up anywhere is dependent on vaccination ratios. Everyone needs to do their part and get vaccinated so their choice doesn't impact the choices others want to make to stay healthy, travel, go to the bars, etc. It's about living in a world community. And we all do in the jet age.

You can choose to not get eyeglasses when you need them. But if you can't pass the eye exam, you don't get a drivers license. That way everyone else on the road is safe, including yourself. So the govt steps in and makes a health choice for you. As it should. As far as I'm concerned those who choose to not be vaccinated should be compelled to quarantine in their home alone until they do. No different than the corrective lens to drive requirement above. You think your safe but you don't know. Just because you're not sick doesn't mean you're not carrying COVID and contageous until it does make you sick. I am always stunned that the US is supposedly the most advanced country yet it had one of the highest infection rates. It's no accident. Pure unadulterated don't give a shit. And crappy leadership. Canada has a COVID death rate per capita less than half that of US. Hard to be critical of how the feds here have handled it if we have done that well while sharing a border with the US. Every day I see government ads on TV encouraging vaccination. Half my cable channels are North Dakota, Seattle, and Minnesota. Do I see any government ads telling those people to get vaxed? Nope. Not that I've noticed anyway.
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Trap, no one is calling you whacko. But right now opening up anywhere is dependent on vaccination ratios. Everyone needs to do their part and get vaccinated so their choice doesn't impact the choices others want to make to stay healthy, travel, go to the bars, etc. It's about living in a world community. And we all do in the jet age.

You can choose to not get eyeglasses when you need them. But if you can't pass the eye exam, you don't get a drivers license. That way everyone else on the road is safe, including yourself. So the govt steps in and makes a health choice for you. As it should. As far as I'm concerned those who choose to not be vaccinated should be compelled to quarantine in their home alone until they do. No different than the corrective lens to drive requirement above. You think your safe but you don't know. Just because you're not sick doesn't mean you're not carrying COVID and contageous until it does make you sick. I am always stunned that the US is supposedly the most advanced country yet it had one of the highest infection rates. It's no accident. Pure unadulterated don't give a shit. And crappy leadership.

Ok I agree if I don’t get vaccinated( I as in only me,myself and I )should not be allowed to travel to Canada or other countries with vaccination concerns. My status should not inhibit anyone that’s vaccinated from going to Canada-otherwise why would anyone get vaccinated? Wouldn’t the vaccination protect them from me and others that are not? To suggest we need a certain vaccination rate of all Americans to allow vaccinated people to travel to Canada is absurd. I also agree our current leader is a dipshit 😂 we agree on a lot. I appreciate your comments but vaccination rates shouldn’t impact the ability of the vaccinated to travel. If a kind Canadian hooks me up on a phenomenal Canadian hunt I will probably get vaccinated 😍😂 I’m not unreasonable about considering the possibility of the vaccination ha ha. I think we should probably get this thread back on track. My only point is I can’t see any reason to not allow vaccinated Americans into Canada-if it works they should be immune???? Be nice to see Canada get open for hunting season.
Hopefully PM Trudeau has been spent the weekend putting together a plan to allow those of us that are vaccinated, entry into Canada. We were scheduled to enter Quebec on August 6. Probably not going to happen. Our outfitter will allow us to reschedule as soon as PM Trudeau provides an entry date.
I don't think opening the border right now due to the delta variant spreading through the states is a top priority for him. He's about to call a federal election soon
Ontario, you and your PHD need to calm down. People are making a choice regarding their health that you might disagree with. I’m not vocal about either getting vaccinated or not getting vaccinated. That’s a personal choice everyone has to make. A government forcing its citizens to get vaccinated or remain quarantined sounds almost like some extreme world leaders from the past. At least most of the rest of us don’t act like we have this covid stuff all figured out.
I don't think opening the border right now due to the delta variant spreading through the states is a top priority for him. He's about to call a federal election soon
This is my thought as well.

So that there is no misunderstanding regarding First Nation people in Canada. We are not allowed to use lead shot and dont. If you know someone that does it should be reported. When not hunting on our land we must follow all the hunting laws and do. When hunting on our land, we are even more restrictive and protective of the animals on the land and even the land itself. We do not hunt animals from snowmobile's or at night and if that behavior was witnessed they should have been reported, and prosecuted. Trappers, Wilderness, Pilots, Guides, type people, whether First Nation or not, can and do carry. Applying is not that difficult, you fill out a form, attach 40.00 and send it in.

Back to the border closure : I believe Rainer is correct. As mentioned yesterday, most who had reservations have already moved their hunt to 2022 and 2023.

Appreciated all the off forum support, thanks guys/gals
Birds might pass through sask quick this year. With crappy crops everywhere and low yields the birds will eat fields out ASAP this fall. Will make tough to get on the X this fall
Birds might pass through sask quick this year. With crappy crops everywhere and low yields the birds will eat fields out ASAP this fall. Will make tough to get on the X this fall

Those pivots are working overtime this year. Most guys I know are pulling 1/4 to 1/3 of the bales they normally pull out of fields and other crops are just shyt...