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Border closure and spring outfitting season
"COVID-19 is being widely transmitted throughout Yukon, primarily affecting unvaccinated people and is now present in most Yukon communities," Yukon's Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley said in the press release.
He characterized the situation as Yukon's "first true wave" of COVID-19."

Thank you for posting this information ( the above quoted posts )

These two posts plus the burning of Catholic Churches in B.C. and N.W. Terr. have created a "tightening" of travel into The Yukon Territory. Fully vaccinate individuals, carrying documentation of such, is allowed in, but as of today additional security will be implemented to keep people who do not live here, traveling here to create turmoil, out. If not vaccinated then you will have to isolate for 14 days. When you read the restrictions or lack thereof for entering into Canada, do not assume that those are the only restrictions that you will have to adhere to if you are traveling to any of the three Territories.
Thank you for posting this information ( the above quoted posts )

These two posts plus the burning of Catholic Churches in B.C. and N.W. Terr. have created a "tightening" of travel into The Yukon Territory. Fully vaccinate individuals, carrying documentation of such, is allowed in, but as of today additional security will be implemented to keep people who do not live here, traveling here to create turmoil, out. If not vaccinated then you will have to isolate for 14 days. When you read the restrictions or lack thereof for entering into Canada, do not assume that those are the only restrictions that you will have to adhere to if you are traveling to any of the three Territories.
Guess that means I won't be joining you for dinner! ;)
The wonders of Trudeau...

"I can tell you right now that's not going to happen for quite a while," Trudeau said during a campaign-style stop in British Columbia on Thursday. Trudeau did not say when vaccinated travelers would be permitted."

Youngest daughter (fully vax) has been down here for nearly three weeks from Canada. Leaves Monday to head back home to Vancouver, will be interesting to see how it goes.
I'm reading in the news a big upswing in US daily infections, probably as a result of 4th of July partying and the delta variant. Tokyo is also getting thumped by another wave. Africa also is doing badly. The violence in South Africa is especially worrying to me as I'm scheduled to hunt there this summer.

I just returned to Ontario yesterday after dropping my Springfield off at a gunsmith for rebarrel. Had to drive all the way to Minneapolis for a COVID test at VA hospital. They print up results in an hour so I could could return same day. Can't get back across the border into Canada without it. If you try it's a $5K fine. Had to do an at home online COVID test within 24 hours after return or get slapped with two week quarantine ... which IS enforced.

I read this notice posted on door of Minneapolis truck stop when going in for coffee after fueling up: "Per the governor's order, those who choose to not be vaccinated must wear a mask inside." Huh? The same pandemic doubter idiots who refused to wear a mask will be the ones who choose to not get vaxed. Do you think they'll voluntarily put on a mask now? Pfft! So I go in with my mask on and the person behind me at checkout asks why I'm being an idiot about getting vaxed. I explain that I am fully vaxed but still capable of catching and carrying the bug. And I have to test clean when I get back to Canada. Also, it's kinda important to me that I don't make someone else sick even if COVID won't make me sick if I catch it. The Minnesota governor's order is doubly stupid. Does nothing to encourage vaccination and discourages masks which encourages no social distancing (definitely saw that!). So we should just throw open the gates for that? It's a time bomb waiting to explode again down there, especially in congested Twin Cities. A couple of the provinces up here have gone to a lottery jackpot to encourage vaccinations. A good idea. People who are dumb enough to throw money away gambling are more likely to be gullible enough to believe pandemic/vaccination conspiracy theories. Vaccination passports are the answer but the lawyers are fighting it as violation of constitutional rights to privacy. I guess the rest of us don't have a right to know who is trying to make people sick? I think it's a good idea. Those who can't produce a vax passport can enter the stores after donning masks ... and govt issue dunce caps.
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So crossing the border TWICE to get a gun worked on is considered essential? 🙄
Non essential travel to US is allowed now. Canadians just have to put up with the hassle of being fully vaxed fourteen days before reentry and taking two COVID tests, one in US before and one after return. We pay for the test in US (but not me because I'm disabled US veteran and it was done at VA facility). The at home test after return is generously provided by Canadian government at the border.

Edit: I should add that every time I have driven to Minneaoplis since May (first for Johnsons vax, then for hernia surgery, and this week to deal with gun issues) I have made the journey nonstop, there and back with no delay (except post surgery one day on the ward). That has required driving through the day and night with only brief naps inside my car at rest stops. No motels. No shopping. Anyway, I saw too many boarded up and/or burned up stores to be comfortable hanging out in Minneapolis any longer than necessary.
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No its not if by land. Only essential as of now. The US side will not allow entry by land to a nonessential Canadian traveler. Ask me how I know lol Not sure how you were able to cross by land unless you are deemed essential or have dual citizenship. A Canadian can return to Canada by land if they comply with all the conditions but can't cross into the US unless by air. I have a buddy who has dual citizenship and he crosses back and forth all the time to go to his cottage in Ontario and back to Michigan but if you have a cottage in Michigan and are Canadian they won't let you cross by land yet .
No its not if by land. Only essential as of now. The US side will not allow entry by land to a nonessential Canadian traveler. Ask me how I know lol Not sure how you were able to cross by land unless you are deemed essential or have dual citizenship. A Canadian can return to Canada by land if they comply with all the conditions but can't cross into the US unless by air. I have a buddy who has dual citizenship and he crosses back and forth all the time to go to his cottage in Ontario and back to Michigan but if you have a cottage in Michigan and are Canadian they won't let you cross by land yet .
Correct. Note that I'm a disabled US veteran. Never gave up my US citizenship.

The by air only US exemption for nonessential is also stupid. It's okay to climb into a congested tube with a bunch of other potentially sick passengers and cross the border but not okay to drive across alone in a car? Totally draft! COVID vector for spreading internationally has been chiefly through passengers traveling by plane. Cruise ships got a bad reputation as the worst offender but only because passengers were stuck on board until after they developed symptoms. Air passengers like Big Fin who become infected in the plane are well on their way to spreading the disease elsewhere by the time they develop symptoms.
When you have that magic dual citizenship and neither country can refuse you entry; everything is essential as long as you convince yourself it is!!!
Or you can just hop on a plane and not worry about what's essential or not. It is a comic opera.
The reason nonessential flight has been allowed into US is no one knew what to do with passengers who arrive and are nonessential. At land crossings the border folks can simply tell nonessentials to turn around. Canada finally did require all arriving nonessential air travelers be placed in special quarantine motels ($2,000!) up to three days until mandatory clean COVID test was reported. Then they still had 14 day quarantine at home. Which I can tell you from personal experience was enforced.

When my gun is done I'll cross and go through the same hassles all over again. And it is a helluva hassle. The only difference between now and a month ago is no 14 day quarantine if fully vaxed AND clean COVID tests. At least the people of Canada will know I am clean when it's overwith. And I'll know I'm not making anyone else sick ... which is even more important. I'll also have a gun I can count on when in Africa this summer and Montana this fall. That's kinda important too.
No its not if by land. Only essential as of now. The US side will not allow entry by land to a nonessential Canadian traveler. Ask me how I know lol Not sure how you were able to cross by land unless you are deemed essential or have dual citizenship. A Canadian can return to Canada by land if they comply with all the conditions but can't cross into the US unless by air. I have a buddy who has dual citizenship and he crosses back and forth all the time to go to his cottage in Ontario and back to Michigan but if you have a cottage in Michigan and are Canadian they won't let you cross by land yet .
And if you have a cottage in Ontario and are American (only American), you can't go to the cottage. Your dual citizen buddy at least had to quarantine at his Ontario cottage for two weeks. No such requirement for me when I went to Montana to hunt last fall. But I was essentially quarantined in the trailer with my dogs and my brother who tested negative a few days before I arrived. I did have to quarantine on return to Canada but no test required back then.
Isn’t a Springfield a handgun? Are you even allowed to have handguns in Canada?
Springfield 1903A3 rifle for which the 30-06 Springfield cartridge was developed. Sorry, I thought everyone knew that. This one probably shot a few Japanese during WWII. Made by Remington Typewriter Co for Springfield armory.Deer Gun final 3.JPG

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