Border closure and spring outfitting season

Well QAnon groups are taking their stand in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Spreading their anti-vaxxer propaganda, to a point they need to treat the adults in those provinces like children. Manitoba and Alberta needed to start a lottery to get people their first shot. Now with the new Delta variant spreading its going to make this even longer. It has already killed some people that were fully vaccinated.

Its just frustrating when most provinces are now getting better and want to reopen. Then their are some that are ruining it for the rest of us. Yes, i'm looking at you Alberta. The last province to close up, worst hit province and now wants to be the first to fully open up come July 1st.
U.S. Keeps sending vaccinations to Canada to assist while also assisting our own citizens. Why is Canada behind the curve to assisting their citizens?

I do not have an answer. My grandfather uses a word I did not learn in college to describe Canada's vaccine/quarantine/border/covid program. "Clusterf---" )

At this writing. Nunavut is closed and someone can only enter if a resident and has been pre approved before starting their trip from another Province or Territory. ( some exceptions for essential workers, but with 14 day quarantine ). N.W. is also closed down and ALL roads into the Territory has been closed and one is only allowed to pass if they have been fully vaccinated and only two days per week. One road requires, pre approval, before being able to cross at that checkpoint. Yukon , still 14 day restriction unless you have had both shots and have documentation stating that you have had both shots.

this is rough and in all three Territories there are additional restrictions and procedures.

Deaths to date : in all 3 Territories----- 7 ( all three territories ==approx 125000 )

Outfitters: 2022 hopefully . the problem in Canada is unlike the U.S.. Someone form a Province must hire an outfitter to hunt in a Territory ( actually this is true even between Provinces ) So it isn't just the loss of business form the U.S., but also other Provinces in Canada. Although in the Yukon, someone from ( as an example ) Alberta, can do their 14 day isolation in the mountains while hunting for 14 days---"maybe". There is some disagreement about this even--plus the cost.

My grandfathers analysis may be correct
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U.S. Keeps sending vaccinations to Canada to assist while also assisting our own citizens. Why is Canada behind the curve to assisting their citizens?

We're not, we're ahead in the developped world in terms of people vaccinated with one doses. Most provinces are at 70+% vaccinated in 18+.
Possibly the border will open July 22nd. I'm looking at another 14 day quarantine when I return after Minneapolis VA hospital finishes my hernia surgery. Crap. But at least I will be fixed before it turned into an emergency ... which nearly happened. Still nothing but emergency and cancer surgery allowed in Ontario hospitals. It will be good to FINALLY be normal again. Well, more normal.
We're not, we're ahead in the developped world in terms of people vaccinated with one doses. Most provinces are at 70+% vaccinated in 18+.
You are almost correct. 70% with FIRST shot. Last I heard % fully vaxed was still single digits. Still no answers why Canada isn't using the Johnsons vax. That would speed things up a lot. I smell a payoff.
You are almost correct. 70% with FIRST shot. Last I heard % fully vaxed was still single digits. Still no answers why Canada isn't using the Johnsons vax. That would speed things up a lot. I smell a payoff.
I literally said that in my comment, we're leading in terms of population vaccinated with one dose. Did you not read it or just wanted to critize anyway?

Having 70%+ of 18+ vaccinated shows intent, it means that 70%+ of the pop wants the vaccine and will most likely get their second shot.

The science also supports vaccinating max population with one dose to have as much coverage as quickly as possible. The first dose alone works, the science supports it, open the f'n border.
The Yukon Territory recently had a surge of 50 COVID-19 cases, primarily Whitehorse.
"The outbreak involves three groups: graduating Whitehorse high school students and close contacts;
two classes at Elijah Smith Elementary School;
and adults socializing at parties and in bars."

this brings the total death count to 7 in all three territories 3-Yukon, 0- N.W., 4-Nunavut

Alaskahunter, what is the count in Alaska ? And what percentage of the population has had both shots ?
this brings the total death count to 7 in all three territories 3-Yukon, 0- N.W., 4-Nunavut

Alaskahunter, what is the count in Alaska ? And what percentage of the population has had both shots ?
I think the Yukon currently has it's maximum at 87 active cases?
Alaska, with a larger population of ~733,000 has a current average of 30 cases per day,
~50% of age 12+ fully vaccinated, but ~70% age 65+ years fully vaccinated
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I literally said that in my comment, we're leading in terms of population vaccinated with one dose. Did you not read it or just wanted to critize anyway?

Having 70%+ of 18+ vaccinated shows intent, it means that 70%+ of the pop wants the vaccine and will most likely get their second shot.

The science also supports vaccinating max population with one dose to have as much coverage as quickly as possible. The first dose alone works, the science supports it, open the f'n border.
Sorry. An elder moment. I was still on drugs after surgery. I see in today's news that 20% of the population in Canada is now fully vaccinated. We're making progress. I'd like to know what's the holdup with getting Johnson's one-shot vax up here. I'm sure I'm the only person in NW Ontario who got it and I had to go to Minneapolis for it. That would speed things up immensely. Something screwy with how this has played out. I finally said to hell with waiting and crossed the border for vax in May when they put the First Nations people in the city to the front of the line. I can understand it up north where medical facilities are scarce but how do the urban natives rate special treatment?
Well QAnon groups are taking their stand in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Spreading their anti-vaxxer propaganda, to a point they need to treat the adults in those provinces like children. Manitoba and Alberta needed to start a lottery to get people their first shot. Now with the new Delta variant spreading its going to make this even longer. It has already killed some people that were fully vaccinated.

Its just frustrating when most provinces are now getting better and want to reopen. Then their are some that are ruining it for the rest of us. Yes, i'm looking at you Alberta. The last province to close up, worst hit province and now wants to be the first to fully open up come July 1st.
Oh wtf, 7 people died, shut down Alberta. People are $*)Q!#@$ bat shit crazy to believe this communist bullshit
I believe Alberta has lost approx 2300. The Territories have lost 7 But we have members on the forum from Alberto, I am sure they can give us an up to date number if they see your post
Oh wtf, 7 people died, shut down Alberta. People are $*)Q!#@$ bat shit crazy to believe this communist bullshit
It's not communist its factual and saves lives. If you were going to link it to a political ideology at least do your minimum due diligence, It's fascist
After reading a few quotes on here that members posted that Jim Shokey said I kind of disliked the guy or more his attitude toward diy hunters. He wrote this and I think it is a good read. Had more apathy for outfitters and hope government will help them out with issuing a few more tags. I think the hunting will be really good once gets going again cause have allowed resource a bit of a rest.

No, U.S. Hunters Won't Get Refunds for Canadian Hunts | Outdoor Life
After reading a few quotes on here that members posted that Jim Shokey said I kind of disliked the guy or more his attitude toward diy hunters. He wrote this and I think it is a good read. Had more apathy for outfitters and hope government will help them out with issuing a few more tags. I think the hunting will be really good once gets going again cause have allowed resource a bit of a rest.

No, U.S. Hunters Won't Get Refunds for Canadian Hunts | Outdoor Life
A lot of people don’t think about all those other expenses. They just see $20k for a hunt and think that’s all profits. I don’t really feel sorry for Shockey as he has plenty of other revenue streams. I do feel sorry for these guys that run a small family camp and are just scratching by.
Not really reciprocal, is it?

Canadians welcome to the U.S. via flight w/ 3 day negative covid test...essential or non essential... be it hunting, fishing, Yellowstone National Park...

U.S. ---> Canada. Wha? In our park, eh? National news!
Thats not entirely true @Sytes. Wealthy Americans have been coming across just as normal during this entire time. They have been driving across or taking private planes here. Me and my girlfriend, we live in cottage country. We have been keeping a running total on how many American license plates we've seen. So far New York: 21 Texas: 12 Arizona: 4 Massachusetts: 4 Florida: 32 Georgia: 12 South Carolina: 12 Pennsylvania: 15

We also have a private airport with no tower and on somedays you can see TMZ there waiting for celebrities. Rules and Laws don't apply to the wealthy apparently
Speaking for the legal application of our border crossing. Always those who skirt the law.

U.S. legal via air.
CA not legal.
Essential vs non essential.

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