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Biden positive for Covid 19

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My brother did a medical rotation during COVID in the orthopedic surgery department. He was convinced COVID was a fraud (PS. Orthopedic Surgeons lost a lot of money during COVID since so many elective surgeries were cancelled. Do you think that opinion is affected by their income?). Then he did a residency in Orlando during the Delta surge. He completely changed his mind as he watched young unvaccinated people die while waiting for an ECMO machine to open up. They were often pregnant young women because the ethics board chose them for the few available ECMO machines. He never lost a vaccinated person. Not one.

He's now an Intensivist (Intensive Care MD) in Texas. He's sick of people trying to start fights with him about COVID vaccine while he waits in his work scrubs at a food truck on his lunch break. It's so ridiculously political for some people.

My friend is a dermatologist. He's had two people refuse treatment for melanoma since COVID because they no longer trust doctors because of the lies spread by the misinformed. These men will literally die because they think horse medicine cures everything and doctors are part of the "Deep State".

All I can do is shake my head and try and not judge.
Good for you, and nothing but back straps and tenderloins I bet. Say hi to the Wendigo for me.

Racist comments don’t really sting from a guy who revealed himself to be a misogynist in another thread, and whose most-used pick up line is probably gesturing at women to take out their ear buds. Absolute trash buddy.
Let me guess, you get your info from the same people who said if you get the vax you won’t get Covid? The same people who said it didn’t originate in the lab? The same people who said if you get the vax you won’t die? The same people who said masks and 6’ distancing work? The same people who said to wear a mask to your table at a restaurant then you can take it off? The same people who censored doctors like Bhattacharya and then had to eat their words? The same people who said it’s a pandemic of the unvaxxed?

I’m guessing you get your info from the drug companies and their tests? Or, are you trusting the “science”? Lord knows the drug companies have never lied about their products.
Post 35.... 🤡
Covid vaccines literally have millions of test subjects to show safety. There are a few people with certain conditions that should be concerned for everyone else they are very safe.

Yeah. And for some. The vaccine has ruined their life. $*)Q!#@$ mandate has taken more from me than I ever imagined a vaccine could. Has forever altered how I will live the rest of my life. FJB
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.

Any other wingnut sources of misinformation you want to share, or just a one trick pony?

Del Bigtree, highwire, ambulance chaser... hilarious.

Can you post an article where they quote the Easter bunny?
My brother did a medical rotation during COVID in the orthopedic surgery department. He was convinced COVID was a fraud (PS. Orthopedic Surgeons lost a lot of money during COVID since so many elective surgeries were cancelled. Do you think that opinion is affected by their income?). Then he did a residency in Orlando during the Delta surge. He completely changed his mind as he watched young unvaccinated people die while waiting for an ECMO machine to open up. They were often pregnant young women because the ethics board chose them for the few available ECMO machines. He never lost a vaccinated person. Not one.

He's now an Intensivist (Intensive Care MD) in Texas. He's sick of people trying to start fights with him about COVID vaccine while he waits in his work scrubs at a food truck on his lunch break. It's so ridiculously political for some people.

My friend is a dermatologist. He's had two people refuse treatment for melanoma since COVID because they no longer trust doctors because of the lies spread by the misinformed. These men will literally die because they think horse medicine cures everything and doctors are part of the "Deep State".

All I can do is shake my head and try and not judge.
Calling Mr. Darwin . . .
People who don’t believe in vaccines or think it’s a conspiracy are the same nutjobs who think 5G is mind control or whatever, or that the Earth is flat. Laughed at by general society, they just get brave cause most of them are loud braying donkeys and those types attract each other. I hope ‘sticking it to the man’ is worth it when it catches up with you.

Remember back when everybody thought Jenny McCarthy was dumb for fighting against vaccines? You’re all on her level now lol
It's really more a failure of stem education...or serious lack of it. And increasingly, a blindness to their own tendency to confirmation bias coupled with willingness to believe whatever feeds that from media sources designed to feed that bias.
Planning for a new candidate is already underway. Poll of self identified dems today showed 3/4 feel Biden should bow out.

I hope they pick someone who's a centrist from their side of the aisle. I believe if the governors have a role in picking that will be the case. Whoever they pick needs to have a strong chance of winning. For that it's got to be someone who's not way to the left in the party IMO.
Who would that be? Throw out some names. Your party should have been working on this 2 years ago. Kind late now. Democrat party and media sources have decieved you. Blame them.
It's really more a failure of stem education...or serious lack of it. And increasingly, a blindness to their own tendency to confirmation bias coupled with willingness to believe whatever feeds that from media sources designed to feed that bias.
As one trained in the hard sciences, I think we have bent over backwards to invest in STEM. It is not high school STEM failing, it is the egocentric drive of some with STEM credentials to politicize nearly every field of science rather than to continue to teach and challenge assumptions and perceived truths through rigorous fact based inquiry (the core role of the sciences). The STEM pundits need to get off the talk shows on back into the lab and the classroom. They need to stop "p-hacking" and making grand unsupported pronouncements from minimal data. They have driven not enlightenment, but the very skepticism we see in this thread. I am shocked and dismayed at the clueless anti-vaxxers and flat earthers, but they didn't arise out of nowhere, they weren't created by poor STEM education, they were created by arrogance and the politicization of science by people who should have known better.
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On one hand it's a blessing to be a lucky free country citizen, where you can scour the internet and grasp only that which conforms to your personal ideology and whatever your attitude about medical science, the judicial system, law enforcement or whatever. On the other hand ... it's a shame that so much skewed, irrational information is grasped and perpetuated.
Covid attitude and vaccine acceptance or rejection, with freedom to decide personally, obviously is a lightning rod.
'Seems to boil down to a personal perspective, but what I've learned is that hospitals cite the numbers of Covid related deaths are exponentially suffered by the unvaccinated.
Mom, who lived to 101 yrs of age, was a regular at the clinic and her doctor's office, consistently adhering to medical advice and fully vaccinated.
Polio vaccine for me as a tot ... no polio. Tetanus shot after the rusty nail wound ... no tetanus. Antibiotics for infection ... infection went away. Vaccine gun blow to my shoulder prior to deployment to Vietnam ... no malaria or other SE Asia ailment. Shingles shot ... no shingles. Full Covid vaccination, with boosters, for wife and me ... no Covid ever.
Anecdote: A friend visited from Maryland who contracted Covid while in Montana. He infected about ten of the fifteen of us who met for a social reunion. Wife & I took him home and nursed him for days until he could get on the plane and return to Maryland, where he continued to suffer from the Covid for weeks. Wife & I vaccinated ... remarkably NO COVID!

Believe what you wish or simply put head in sand ... ignorance is a freedom.
People who don’t believe in vaccines or think it’s a conspiracy are the same nutjobs who think 5G is mind control or whatever, or that the Earth is flat.

Do you mean people who don’t believe in any vaccines, or only the Covid vaccines? If the latter, then probably don’t lump them in with a flat Earthers.

The debate over covid origins, governments’ responses to covid, and whether the vaccine should be mandatory, were all complex issues but hindsight has helped those who actually want to learn. By the way, during covid up there in Canada things got a little spicy didn’t they? Maybe you were affected by that.

Good thing is that now, most people can or should be able to have a rational discussion. Until Buzz and his junior high clown emojis show up.
Covid or not - there is ZERO chance Biden will be voted in as president. What sane person could vote for that given where we are now and the obvious condition that man is in? Democrats better think fast.
Actual about a 17% chance (vs 70% for DJT) if you want to bet money. Oddly, the betting market changed dramatically, but the polls haven't. Maybe explainable if you think everyone just bets their tribe at this point. People thinking they can at least win a little money if their guy loses.
As one trained in the hard sciences, I think we have bent over backwards to invest in STEM. It is not high school STEM failing, it is the egocentric drive of some with STEM credentials to politicize nearly every field of science, rather than to continue to teach and challenge assumptions and perceived truths through rigorous fact based inquiry (the core role of the sciences). The STEM pundits need to get off the talk shows on back into the lab and the classroom. They need to stop "p-hacking" and making grand unsupported pronouncements from minimal data. They have driven not enlightenment, but the very skepticism we see in this thread. I am shocked and dismayed at the clueless anti-vaxxers and flat earthers, but they didn't arise out of nowhere, they weren't created by poor STEM education, they were created by arrogance and the politicization of science by people who should have known better.
Fair points ..but many of the deniers are older, so their education was years ago. And in many rural areas, there is fear created by small but very vocal anti science groups that has begun to affect teachers and curriculum. They run very poorly educated people for school boards, show up in large numbers to intimidate. I do think it's better in suburban/urban areas but good teachers, board members, and administrators are getting out of the field in rural areas.
It's funny seeing the panic on everyone knowing good ol joe might not beat trump and even thought he was selected through a democratic process they want to remove him from running.... talk about a threat to democracy
Planning for a new candidate is already underway. Poll of self identified dems today showed 3/4 feel Biden should bow out.

I hope they pick someone who's a centrist from their side of the aisle. I believe if the governors have a role in picking that will be the case. Whoever they pick needs to have a strong chance of winning. For that it's got to be someone who's not way to the left in the party IMO.
This is why the only candidate that can replace Biden is Harris. If the D's pick anyone other than Harris the R's will quickly label that person as the "smoke filled back room deal" candidate and the party could be viewed as not trusting the will of the voters. The Biden issue should have been dealt with a long time ago.
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