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How come when I’m viewing a map zoomed in at this distance it looks like this-7205D49E-9E94-4846-A971-1DFE734A9F91.png
But when I try to zoom in any farther it turns to this-273156A2-9A1D-45A9-8C47-070FF17E5FD9.png
I’m in satellite mode, and newest update. Weird that some of the map is viewed at paper map like and some satellite imagery. Did I do something or am missing something?
Works great on desktop but on phone I get this. Have the latest update. If I zoom all the way in its good.Screenshot_2020-09-19-15-45-08.pngScreenshot_2020-09-19-15-40-22.png
Why do you keep rolling out major updates in the middle of hunting season? Two years in a row my hunting had been affected by updates that mess with my offline maps. I have had to redownload and update all my offline maps in the last two weeks. Some of them will not download. I push the download button and nothing happens. I push the 3 dots and then push download. Nothing happens. All the ones that did redownload (it was hit and miss which ones did and didn’t) have had to be updated again. I want to hunt not update the maps I downloaded while scouting. I want to hunt not get to my spot and see that my maps don’t work. I am not sure I can justify paying for this again if it not going to work when I need it.
How come when I’m viewing a map zoomed in at this distance it looks like this-View attachment 154505
But when I try to zoom in any farther it turns to this-View attachment 154506
I’m in satellite mode, and newest update. Weird that some of the map is viewed at paper map like and some satellite imagery. Did I do something or am missing something?

You have the Forest Visitor's Map Layer turned on which only populates at a certain zoom level which is why there is a difference as you adjust the map. Turn that off and you will get consistent satellite imagery. It is found in the Map Layers menu, under the My Layers section, under the Hunt category. Turn that off and you'll be set.
Why do you keep rolling out major updates in the middle of hunting season? Two years in a row my hunting had been affected by updates that mess with my offline maps. I have had to redownload and update all my offline maps in the last two weeks. Some of them will not download. I push the download button and nothing happens. I push the 3 dots and then push download. Nothing happens. All the ones that did redownload (it was hit and miss which ones did and didn’t) have had to be updated again. I want to hunt not update the maps I downloaded while scouting. I want to hunt not get to my spot and see that my maps don’t work. I am not sure I can justify paying for this again if it not going to work when I need it.

I'll send you a message so we can troubleshoot a few things to get you up and running.
Just wanted to comment. The active fire layer has been really helpful this year to determine which friends had places in the advancing path....Takes about 24 hours to get the info to show up but still worthwhile...

Do saved offline maps get automatically updated (ie reflect new burns/trails/ownership etc?) or do you need to re-download periodically.... thx @onX Hunt, y’all have an awesome product!👏🏻
You have the Forest Visitor's Map Layer turned on which only populates at a certain zoom level which is why there is a difference as you adjust the map. Turn that off and you will get consistent satellite imagery. It is found in the Map Layers menu, under the My Layers section, under the Hunt category. Turn that off and you'll be set.

Thank you!
my desktop is really dark and pins i have not put in
You possibly have the Roadless layer turned on which can be found in the map layers menu under the Hunt section. If you have a screenshot, send that over as we'll have a better idea of what is going.

As far as the pins question, I am not sure what you mean so if you could further explain what the issue is with that then we can go from there!
Is there going to be a 3-D layer available in the future, similar to gohunts?
Check out the Web Map as the 3-D Beta is available for all users on the Web and currently available on iOS (apple) devices. Android will be coming in the future
Do saved offline maps get automatically updated (ie reflect new burns/trails/ownership etc?) or do you need to re-download periodically.... thx @onX Hunt, y’all have an awesome product!👏🏻
We recommend resaving offline maps periodically to ensure you have the most up to date information and features so there are no issues with any old offline maps you may have.
Does anyone else have a problem with their "cone" (direction you are facing) being backwards? It has happened to me quite a bit, but got me lost as hell in Oregon 2 weeks ago. Showed me facing one way and it was actually the complete opposite way. I tried re-calibrating the compass on my phone, turned off and back on, reset settings, did the whole figure 8 thing and nothing worked. Is it just my crappy iphone x or is there a fix i didnt do?
I really want to do some OnX homework tonight and it is simply unusably slow. Is this just me or what's up?
I’ve noticed my gps location (blue dot) tracks so well one day. Then other days it stays grey and doesn’t track at all. Happened this weekend. Saturday was perfect. Sunday sucked. I really wanted to record a track but couldn’t.

wide open canopy, nothing to obscure satellite view. Is it a phone issue or app issue? Samsung s10.
excuse the angle
You have two layers on that give the map that look. The first is the Roadless layer (shaded areas have roads, purple/white areas do not have layers) this is found in the Map Layers menu under the Hunt section.

The other layer is the river stage forecast layer (which is those green pins), that layer is under the Water section of the Map layers menu. Turn those off and you won't have that look to your map anymore.

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