Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

I just found this site today because I somehow triped over this tread, Hilarious ! I visit there daily along with a few others and I now have a new place here.
I did ask a few weeks back how long it takes to graduate from fng there and oh my god did I open up a can of worms. Anyway this is my first post here. Thanks for the add!
Don’t loose sleep over it. Being a well known rokslider as they call it doesn’t come with any new perks.
I'm on Rokslide more for the entertainment than for actual useful information.

Guys get ripped a new one for not agreeing that a .223 with 77 TMK's is good for everything in NA.

Leupold scopes are total junk and if you can't drive tent stakes with your scope and have it hold zero, might as well go home.

Sure I will get booted at some point, but my nature is to converse on the internet like I am talking to the person face to face, with a bit of respect.
I’m a wkr or whatever it is over there now I’ve debated on posting my log in stuff in the classifieds here im sure someone would like it for trolling
I honestly think every forum does more harm than good. There is some good discussion and helpful information out there, but there are also way too many internet ecologists that spew false information. Also, it’s creating way too many overconfident marksmen who have good enough equipment to locate and wound animals that would have been missed 20 years ago. Therefore I troll every one of them as a coping mechanism. I do write something constructive every now and then though.
Young guys can be critical of the boomer eliminate of Hunttalk but those boomers(plus older millenials) have a wealth of information accrued from years of hunting without all the benefits of the modern day "tech" hunter.
Just saying.
Wise to sometimes shut up and respect your elders.😃
Robby Denning is a grifter.
Ryan Avery is a blowhard

I do enjoy seeing the Rokstock roll out became a dumpster fire. Ryan and unknown ran their mouth 90 this 90 days that. I think they’re approaching 2x that now and it’s radio silence from them. They’ve had plenty of time to get stocks to their buddies and go bear hunting though.🙄
I'm on Rokslide more for the entertainment than for actual useful information.

Guys get ripped a new one for not agreeing that a .223 with 77 TMK's is good for everything in NA.

Leupold scopes are total junk and if you can't drive tent stakes with your scope and have it hold zero, might as well go home.

Sure I will get booted at some point, but my nature is to converse on the internet like I am talking to the person face to face, with a bit of respect.
Me in a nutshell! People will say anything when not looking you in the eyes. No respect whatsoever.
I quit being able to log into my account after a the topic of buying and selling wildlife coordinates was brought up.

I think I said anybody that does that is a lazy douche bag. Turns out, one of the owners of RS sells coordinates of wildlife, like a lazy douche bag. I’m not saying he made it so I can’t login, but that’s something a lazy douche bag would do.

Could just be a coincidence.
I recall when they came on here talking like they were the coolest website ever and we should kick rocks here and head over there. The grey-hair types here told them to kick rocks and quit trying to tear down another website to promote their website. I hope they got banned here. The thread is likely still in the archives.