Caribou Gear

Anybody interested in Peta's Forums

Ol texas hunter jsut made a post about a COurt case Peta lost..... I'm guessing wont last long
I put this in the "spay and neuter" post...

BTW I'm Stinkweed... They must have had some problems with their board in the past or something cause I was banned from there about a year ago.

My reply to the Peta High Council... on how Peta justifys euthinizing unwanted, abused and abandoned animals... These guys are fruitcakes. Killing is bad unless WE do it... unbelievable

Also made a post on the "Rodeo" thread. I'm pretty sure that most of these people are about 8 or at least only have that much education!

You will find that if you bring up any sort of discusion it will get zapped... Don't want the sheep to start thinking for themselves. The only "facts" that they get are the one on the site... ANY valid point will get zapped!!!

I whole heartedly feel the same way... Both of my dogs are fixed, one of them happens to be a "dump off dog" too. I think that every cat should be "fixed", there are somthing like 100,000,000 feral cats in the US. I don't think that raising licencing fees will do any good though. People just won't licence their dogs... meaning even less revinue for shelters! Anyway you put it killing is killing.

Justifying it the way you do puts you in no better position to defend yourself than that lowly hunter who is trying to control the overpopulation of deer to help out all the other animals in the forest that are in danger of encroachment from the over abundance of deer and thier destruction of their own environment!

These animals will die if the population is not controled some how... So we should let nature take its course right? But you say that we should take these dogs and cats that are starving to death and put them to sleep??? Isn't that what hunters do in certain circumstances??? What about all the sick feral cats and dogs shouldn't we just let nature take its course??? The diseases are natural right? If a wild population of animals got a disease then we just let em all die right... What about the bird spieceis in Florida that are on the verge or extinction because of the over abundance of feral cats? Is that nature taking its course? Should all those cats be captured and put to sleep?

I just can't see how PETA can justify killing animals and then putting others down for doing the exact same thing!!! Putting a geriatric animal down... would you shoot your grandma cause you thought she was too old?

Have you ever witnessed a deer starve to death in 3' of snow... they last about 7-10 days... the last 2 they can't even keep thier head up, all they can do is breath and blink! Wouldn't it be better to let one of those blood thirsty hunters kill enough deer before they get to that stage? Ya know keep that population at a level that the animals don't have to starve to death and suffer for days and days! Ya know spare a few quickly so the rest can live healthy lives? I've litterly seen hundreds and hundreds of elk dead, in one area they all died from starvation because the population had become so large that they litterly ate themselves out of house and home... About 70% of that herd died that year! This will happen about every 15 years. Hunters take about 5% of the heard each year so that this doesn't happen in that cycle... Can you imagine all those families that were devestated? It was quite gruesom... frozen bodies all lying like they just "fell a sleep" as far as you could see. But In know better... those last 3 days of "sleep" were of extream suffering.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I had to put it in some sort of perspective... I just can't see how to justify saving some animals and killing others. Dead is dead!
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GAME ON this winter ;)
Heck Oscar...they're still talking about "moose" over there......they must have really taken a shine to you :D
Oh man the my dad bought a hunting rifle thread is a riot.

What a bunch of ignorant uneducated A-holes

I be the greek is in there somewhere too.

LOL.. 26 posts about me and I was there 1/2 a day

You bassturds talk Crap and I was Pleasant in every post.. Yet I'm nuked.. NOT fair...

They say people that bombard them leave because they get out debated ? WTF ? I was Nuked, not out bebated... Will be time to kick some Grass Eating Admins ASS soon

But tomorrow it's off to kill BAmbi !!
Good thing that they still like me...I tried to save ya Moosie..But you are just to Contraversial and politically incorrect :D :D

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