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Anti_Hunting Dubya and Anti-Hunting White House Gut National Wildlife Refuge System.

"Refuges are becoming more popular as tourist destinations, but Idaho still will lose almost a third of its personnel on seven national wildlife refuges, which encompass 84,000 acres and more than 50,000 visitors each year."

"Some also are easily accessible for auto tours, hunting, picnicking or boating."

"Budget cutbacks also may affect hunting on refuges. Some, like Kootenai, have to pump water to maintain wetlands. If refuges can't afford to pump water, they can't attract waterfowl."

You think maybe they could charge a $1 per tourist, a boat fee, a picnic fee, a waterfowl pump fee and cover the old geezers salary whos retireing?

There's an idea for you Idahoans who want to use those places more. It says people come from Montana too, Canada, get some fees from them, expecially Canadians. Heck they charge us a $50 tax to take a gun into their country.
"Refuges are becoming more popular as tourist destinations, but Idaho still will lose almost a third of its personnel on seven national wildlife refuges, which encompass 84,000 acres and more than 50,000 visitors each year."

"Some also are easily accessible for auto tours, hunting, picnicking or boating."

"Budget cutbacks also may affect hunting on refuges. Some, like Kootenai, have to pump water to maintain wetlands. If refuges can't afford to pump water, they can't attract waterfowl."

You think maybe they could charge a $1 per tourist, a boat fee, a picnic fee, a waterfowl pump fee and cover the old geezers salary whos retireing?

There's an idea for you Idahoans who want to use those places more. It says people come from Montana too, Canada, get some fees from them, expecially Canadians. Heck they charge us a $50 tax to take a gun into their country.

I think they should tax Texans who post idiotic tax ideas on HT with a $5,000 per word tax and give that to land management agencies.


That's a good kind of pork, at least for hunting and eating. Cut the other pork too though, that would be good, then that bill wouldn't have passed.

You think they'll add more pork after a veto to pass something again, geez?
Hey Tom,

Out of the 50 species that you get to hunt in Texas without wildlife refuges, how many are native and how many are circus animals that you Teaxans seem to prefer to hunt?
...suppose we could come to Idaho & take one out of Rammell's circus tent. How much was he fined & how much did Idaho collect?
"Out of the 50 species that you get to hunt in Texas without wildlife refuges"

We have wildlife refuges, so you're asking me a question starting with something false. It gets nowhere, you have to ask a meaningful question to get anywhere.

What do you think, have a waterfowl pumping fee there to support those waterfowl? Do people hunt waterfowl around there, do people go bird watching around there, hike around there, they might see some value in supporting that pumping? Otherwise, right the lady in NY and ask her to send some money in, eh? Do the Canadians really see the waterfowl there for free, do you know?
That article said they pump water for the waterfowl. Excuse me, write the lady in NY, especially the ones you like.

There's even a species in Texas that you can hunt and you can't take it out of the state. They raise enough here to hunt though. I forgot what it is, but I could find out, if you want one. I mean, how many of those Idaho mosquitoes does it take to make a meal when you go after them? You don't kill them just for the fun of it do you? Why do you hunt the mosquitoes up there, you think they are dirty, they carry diseases? Maybe they'll spread those Idaho diseases down here if we don't get after them more down here too? How much federal funds to you get to go after mosquitoes? We should get some here too, eh?
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