
Anti_Hunting Dubya and Anti-Hunting White House Gut National Wildlife Refuge System.

Tom- You can definitely tell you're from Texas where there is very little Federal or state land. When hunting becomes a Private industry, it will be the downfall of hunting. Animals are only "owned" in Texas (and other high fenced areas)and for everyone else they are "owned" once they have been harvested. Until then, wildlife (in general) is for the enjoyment of all people. There is a value in having wildlife and habitat that is not a guest ranch with an 8 foot fence. Hopefully you can understand. The responsibility for maintaining and taking care of these lands is not up to a sportsman group or useage fee process. There are federal taxes set up to help defer the cost, ie when you buy an elk tag, when you buy a camp stove, ammunition etc. (look up P-R Act). Look at this way. If you buy a condo or house and have homeowner fees for the common area, everyone pays them whether they use the common area or not...well the National forest and WMA's and Park System are part of that "common area" for everyone, that's why it comes from TAXES...
Has anyone suggested what to cut instead of FWS?

How about the $18.5 Billion in Pork from the emergency War Appropriation Bill? Like the $100 million in that bill to pay for both parties conventions? It looks like there will be lots of money left over from the CRP program as many acres are going to come out of CRP in order to grow corn for ethanol production. How about the $4 Billion in "Emergency Farm Relief".

Any of these

-$3.5 million for guided tours of the Capitol
-$500 million to the FS for fire suppression, this is in addition to the $831 million already budgeted and appropriated
-$20 million for reimbursements to Nevada for “insect damage”
-$74 million for peanut storage costs
-$13 million for the Ewe Lamb Replacement and Retention Program
-$95 million for dairy producers
-$850 million for Department of Homeland Security grants ($625M for rail/transit grants, $190M for port security grants, and $35M for urban area security grants)
-$1.5 billion to the Army Corps of Engineers for recovery along the coast, including funding for Hawaii for an April 2006 flood
-$5 million for losses suffered by aquaculture businesses including breeding, rearing, or transporting live fish as a result of viral hemorrhagic septicemia
-$100 million for citrus assistance
-$25 million for spinach growers
-$283 million for the Milk Income Loss Contract program

Pick through a few of the spending provisions and I am certain there is money enough to fund anything.

Matt, I think it would be better if just a little come from taxes, enough for the value of the thought that their is something out there somewhere (like $0.50 maybe), the rest should come from those who use it and who benefit from it.

Nemont gave a good list to consider.

It won't be the downfall of hunting, if it happens, just a small portion, maybe all of your hunting, so you feel like it would be a downfall. I wouldn't be surprised if we lost every acre of public hunting and ended up with more hunting for more people at a better price and more fairly distributed. Now there are some states taking advantage of the Pittman-Robertson funds, I think, in a manipulative way, making people buy a liscense (for more direct money from out of state and for more Pittman-Robertson funds, mostly from out of state), and providing less for it. That's a recipe for failure, more money for less to give to others who don't pay, just doesn't cut it. How can anybody think that's good for hunting?

Those other agencies should take the lead from the BLM, who apparently can make money, that's always better, otherwise you might get cut, if the spinach pickers take a crap in the field and ruin some spinach. Is that what happened with spinach, anybody know? $25 million for spinach growers.
Matt, I think it would be better if just a little come from taxes, enough for the value of the thought that their is something out there somewhere (like $0.50 maybe), the rest should come from those who use it and who benefit from it.


We have about 20 Bald Eagles, you know, the National Bird, that winter on the Refuge near me. How much do you want to charge the Bald Eagles to winter on the Refuge, or, are you a Communist who doesn't support America and our Symbols of Freedom?
Jose- according to Tom unless you can sell a license to hunt them, they shouldn't have any habitat. You have to be able to make money off of them inorder for them to be considered of any value. What a joke???!!!

Tom-Did you ever think there is a type of hunting that exists beyond an 8 foot fence, a water trough and dinner bell?
Ask the bird watchers what they would pay? There's lots of them that might contribute something. Otherwise you might be cut by $100 million for citrus assistence. We have bald eagles down here and they do just fine without being on the federal dole here.

Matt, There's lots and lots of hunting here beyond an 8 foot fence for lots and lots of people. You can buy a $45 over the counter liscense for over 50 species. You can bring a child here to hunt anything for an over the counter $6 liscense. There's lots of hunting beyond an 8 foot fence, no doubt about it.
I would hate to know what 50 species you can hunt.... Kind of like claiming the All YOu Can Eat Buffet at the Golden Corral is quality food....

You think America and our American Symbols of Freedom are not worth protecting and defending? And we should rely on the Audobon Society to protect and defend America?

Do you ever read what you write? Unbelievable....
A day on HT without a Texas disparagement is like a day without sunshine to the smug twins.:rolleyes:
The Audobon Society has a bunch of Americans who care about birds in it Jose.

There's more hogs here in one state here than there are elk in the whole dang US of A. You can hunt them year round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and be legal with lights, with bait, with dogs, with any legal weapon, if they're in a high fence, its probably free to hunt them.

That's one of the 50 or so species. They taste great, that's a reason why the Spaniards dropped them off years ago.
The Audobon Society has a bunch of Americans who care about birds in it Jose.

There's more hogs here in one state here than there are elk in the whole dang US of A. You can hunt them year round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and be legal with lights, with bait, with dogs, with any legal weapon, if they're in a high fence, its probably free to hunt them.
That's one of the 50 or so species. They taste great, that's a reason why the Spaniards dropped them off years ago.

We have the same rules with mosquitos, lice, fleas, and other vermin/pests. 'Cept we don't call it hunting, we call it Hygiene. Not sure why you Texans don't pratice good hygiene and personal grooming, but that is up to you.

So you think the Audobon Society is America's only defender of Freedom and all that is dear?
Tom- You convinced me, I think there should be no national forest/ blm/ wma/ state land/ or national parks...everything should be used and privatized. I would much rather see a skyscraper and less habitat. No sense in having hunting seasons, just buy the deer or elk you want and have it slaughtered or shot if you would like...I think it would be great. Use Texas as the "best example" of game management throughout the US. If you can't sell or buy it, don't have it!
How much do you think a mosquito tag is worth Matt? How about the application for getting into the draw, how much should we pay for that?

Maybe that could pay for the eagles, fish, and such that Jose likes. If we stick with the other way. Call it the Idaho Hygeine draw bill, maybe the New York widows will go for it, eh Jose?
How much do you think a mosquito tag is worth Matt? How about the application for getting into the draw, how much should we pay for that?
Tom, I can't beleive you are advocating hunting mosquitoes. From my understanding, it is damn difficulty to fence those buggers in. Up here in Alaska, mosquito tags are free and you can hunt them without a license. I don't know how you boys do things down there in the lower 48. Personally, we have some trophy quality skeeters up here and I don't think I would pay to hunt them down south. However, I am open to hunting new areas. If someone could PM me their favorite mosquito hunting unit and what the draw odds are, I promise not to post it. If anyone wants to see some of the field pics of the giants I have tagged up here, just head over to (
Can you send some down with Santa next time he comes, I see you're at the north pole? So, what do you do for a compass up there?

I think Jose is the guy who brought up the mosquito hunting, fleas, etc. too.
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