Am I the only one who feels this way?

This conversation is making me think of that Outdoor Life gun writer who caused quite a stir a few years back, by writing about how he hunts with a round chambered and the safety off, most of the time...
Really? Wow! I suspect his life insurance was cancelled after that publication.
This conversation is making me think of that Outdoor Life gun writer who caused quite a stir a few years back, by writing about how he hunts with a round chambered and the safety off, most of the time...

Yep... though I think a huge part of this is context driven.

Walking out to your stand on a path with one in the chamber... hunting hardwoods, hunting elk in tight dog hair... though not heavy blow down. Grouse on over grown roads, pheasants, etc etc. Very different from going through oak brush to get to aspen groves, climbing through alders in SEAK, hunting swamps back east :oops:, ptarmigan hunting in the high alpine....

Also how good one is at walking...

I'm not

So I'm careful about the state of my weapon.
My only rifle is a Weatherby vanguard with the 3 stage safety. I’d have a hard time buying another rifle without the same/similar safety. Just my personal preference and comfort. Looks like they've taken the comments off-line. I remember there being some pretty strong ones... To me, the goal is to not trust the safety, do everything he says AND use the safety anyways.
I think his "goal" was to stir the pot. Makes no sense to me. His arguement for not using a safety is lame in the extreme. I hunt birds and no one does that with an unloaded gun. Changing protocol for rifle hunting is only confusing. There is a difference between transporting a gun and hunting with a gun.
I think his "goal" was to stir the pot. Makes no sense to me. His arguement for not using a safety is lame in the extreme. I hunt birds and no one does that with an unloaded gun. Changing protocol for rifle hunting is only confusing. There is a difference between transporting a gun and hunting with a gun.
Bet he got a lot of people thinking about gun safety without writing a gun safety article that no one would read.
I guess I’ve never given much thought to this subject but here is my personal take.
I never hunt with a round in the chamber. It takes no time at all to work the bolt and chamber a round if I jump an animal while hiking. When I’m done hunting I simply release the floor plate and put the cartridges back into my ammo box.
I guess if the rifle was an ADL style I might have the safety on while unloading it.
Serious Question for the OP or anyone else. You put your rifle on safe when there is a round in the chamber unfired that you wish to remove due to what? If I chamber a round I normally fire it.
I had buddies at the truck unloading their firearms too... the only reason I was facing the truck. You just never know. I started to drop the magazine and fumbled to catch it, gun slipped and finger or something hit the trigger. The worst part is the buddies who witnessed it. I took a lot of poking afterwards!
I didn’t read Through the rest of this thread,but I first open the bolt and empty the chamber and then drop the mag. Either way, my safety wouldn’t be off unless opening the bolt.
I purposely buy three position safety models for this reason alone. Unloading the rifle while on safe is a great feature. I bought a savage 110 and love the 3 position. I do also love a rifle with a magazine feature(although, not for dangerous game). I like a safety so much that I immediately bought a weatherby vanguard with a 3 position safety and loved it too (ultralight model and large caliber). Actually bought a model 70 super grade and love it even more. I owned a Remington 700 adl a few years back with a 2 position safety; solid rifle but the feature of unloading on safe is a feature that can’t be overlooked. I didn’t even consider a tikka, Remington, or other model that had a 2 position safety(steven’s or Christiansen arms; nice looking rifles that perform but lack key features) In fact, after buying my Winchester model 70 I’m completely sold on the features and quality of the super grade. Full claw extractor, three position safety, and build is top notch. I’d consider a Kimber as well or Dakota arms. I’m done with “budget” rifles; too many problem in the end. Buy once, cry once. Just my opinion.

Opinion: buy a higher end model your comfortable with and then find a great gunsmith to “polish” the factory rifle up....make the rifle even better for about $150-200 extra bucks. You’ll have a rifle for life and legacy. 👍🏻😃
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FYI Remington 700 rifles can be unloaded with the safety on. If it’s an older m700 that locks the bolt. The safety lever just needs to be trimmed so it doesn’t lock the bolt anymore.
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