Caribou Gear

AARP Bighorn bill in Montana

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Just when you thought things could not get any more strange in Montana, some legislator wants to show you that it can.

As a good friend of mine says, "Beware of an old man in a hurry." He is well beyond SS age, so I always find humor in his comment. Appears to hold very true in this instance.

Here is a bill to be introduced that sets aside sheep and goat tags to hunters over 65. I thought someone had to be kidding me.

Nope. Some guys have convinced a legislator to put forward a bill that would take a number of these coveted tags and have a separate drawing for guys over 65 how have applied for more than ten years without drawing.

At a time when the legislature is further restricting sheep transplants. At a time when we are issuing far less sheep tags than we were just ten years ago, on account of disease. At a time when demand for sheep tags is at an all time high. Then we get this.

Really, I am not kidding you. Here is a draft of the bill, yet to be assigned to a committee.

Here is a newspaper article interviewing the legislator and his two pals gloating about it. He claims it will be "only" 16 tags, 8 sheep and 8 goat tags. When you are talking about tags as scarce as that, you are talking about a pretty good percentage of the tags.

Proof that the Montana legislative session should only last for two hours each year. The good stuff that gets done usually comprises about two hours of their time. The stupid stuff takes the remainder of those three months.

Let me guess, Mr. Thomas is going to support the other bills in this legislative session that will further restrict how we can do sheep transplants in Montana.

'Spose AARP will have their people in attendance to support advancement of this entitlement program?

If any of you guys reading this are part of MT WSF, let us know where you will weigh in on this hand out program.

Odds are that when I reach age 65, I would qualify under this entitlement program. It will be just as stupid of an idea then as it is today. Looks like we are off to the races in the bi-annual winter stupidity contest that takes place in Helena, Montana.
The state that never ceases to amaze me.

Me, either ... and I'm a 3rd generation Montanan a few years beyond 65! It must be the water in the Bitterroot that's doing it. 'Seems like there's just alot of crazy notions coming from that area.
If it passes, I say we add an additional requirement that you must have 300 posts on Hunt Talk. That would get some of you Hunt Talkers qualified for an even more limited pool. :D:D:D
Wow, I read the title of this thread, AARP Bighorn bill, and I thought, Mr. Fin must have made a mistake, there is no way you could string those words together to make sense. Maybe he intended to write “FNAWS” or “WSF”, but not AARP, that would be crazy.
I guess I was right, it doesn't make any sense.
If it passes, I say we add an additional requirement that you must have 300 posts on Hunt Talk. That would get some of you Hunt Talkers qualified for an even more limited pool. :D:D:D

Yipee! I have finally qualified with over 300 posts, but wait a minute, i live in the UK!
Oh and i am too young anyway.
If it passes, I say we add an additional requirement that you must have 300 posts on Hunt Talk. That would get some of you Hunt Talkers qualified for an even more limited pool. :D:D:D
Wait a second, lets make it three thousand posts, and over 55. :D
This follows the lines of the point multiplier setting that was discussed earlier last year or the year before? Though a more direct membership promtion...

Wait a second, lets make it three thousand posts, and over 55. :D

Nooo, 40+ and 1,617 posts...
Oh now that’s just ridiculous. You young guys don’t need any help drawing a sheep tag, just ask the senior citizens of Montana.
I agree with your facebook comment Lawnboy, let them hunt on a guarrenteed unlimited tag if they have to hunt sheep before they get any older.
Forget getting older...I might die in a car wreck in two years therefore I need a sheep tag this year if I'm ever to get it done.
"Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association’s Stephen Kenley said that organization has offered its tentative support."

So I guess these old timers already drew their moose tags, huh?
I am 63, have applied for a MT bighorn tag with no success for 28 years, but this is insane! We "seniors" who have most of the money, continually strive for advantages over young people who are struggling to survive. This is a very bad idea and I hope it goes nowhere!