AARP Bighorn bill in Montana

If the hunters that have drawn tags and are applying again are excluded from applying again, your odds might go up .001 percent. :)

It wouldn't make that much difference. Colorado had a once in a lifetime harvest for awhile and dropped it because hunter's wouldn't punch their tags if they couldn't find what they wanted as far as size goes. They hoped they could draw again, and in those days in CO, that was a possibility.

I drew a Rocky ram tag, a Desert Ram tag, 2 ewe tags and a mountain goat in CO from 1995 to 2008. I have been applying in MT since 1990 and I don't expect to ever draw another premium tag.
The way i see it a guy puts in for a sheep or goat tag most of his life and never gets drawn,, he has contributed to montana sportsmens clubs for over 50 years has donated a lot of time for wildlife cause's, he is 65 or a tad over and his life is neaing the end of all the things he has loved to do, giving this guy an advantage for getting a sheep tag seems like a good idea..
The way i see it a guy puts in for a sheep or goat tag most of his life and never gets drawn,, he has contributed to montana sportsmens clubs for over 50 years has donated a lot of time for wildlife cause's, he is 65 or a tad over and his life is neaing the end of all the things he has loved to do, giving this guy an advantage for getting a sheep tag seems like a good idea..

Would you stick with your above attitude if I told you I have had 2 sheep tags in Montana already.

Oh - and I also have 2 goats mounted on the wall - yes, both from Montana.

Life isn't fare so get used to it - I'm tired of the whole Omaha attitude of ENTITLEMENT that seems to be sweeping this nation on everything from A to Z.

This is the dumbest feel good idea I have ever heard but hell - go a head and pass it and I'll sure send you some pictures of another sheep on my wall.

I need to find me a legislature that will carry this same proposal for moose. Been applying for 40 some years for one and can't draw one of them SOB's to save my soul. just doesn't seem fair.
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The way i see it a guy puts in for a sheep or goat tag most of his life and never gets drawn,, he has contributed to montana sportsmens clubs for over 50 years has donated a lot of time for wildlife cause's, he is 65 or a tad over and his life is neaing the end of all the things he has loved to do, giving this guy an advantage for getting a sheep tag seems like a good idea..

But that's not the way the bill is written.
The way i see it a guy puts in for a sheep or goat tag most of his life and never gets drawn,, he has contributed to montana sportsmens clubs for over 50 years has donated a lot of time for wildlife cause's, he is 65 or a tad over and his life is neaing the end of all the things he has loved to do, giving this guy an advantage for getting a sheep tag seems like a good idea..

It's crybaby, life ain't fair, BS - end of story. I hope the guys voting for it never draw sheep, goat, moose, or even a deer B tag... from now untill the day they are worm food. :)
The way i see it a guy puts in for a sheep or goat tag most of his life and never gets drawn,, he has contributed to montana sportsmens clubs for over 50 years has donated a lot of time for wildlife cause's, he is 65 or a tad over and his life is neaing the end of all the things he has loved to do, giving this guy an advantage for getting a sheep tag seems like a good idea..
There are guys a lot younger and a lot more active on issues that have provided a lot more time and effort for wildlife causes. Why should the older guy have an advantage over them?

I agree it's a stupid law. Even though my kids will participate once older, I'm not all that supportive of youth seasons either.
From the newspaper article:

"“Everyone has a complaint or two about the random drawing for special game permits,” Thomas said. “If you get one, you don’t have a complaint, but most of us don’t.”"

"Wolff said it all comes down to a matter of being fair"

These sound more like arguments NOT to introduce this bill

While we're at it why don't we make it a true preference system and give all permits to the highest point holders, that way we can completely discourage youth and new hunters from even applying...And no one will draw till their 86 and need someone to carry them to their quarry.

No way, this is bogus man!
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AARP sheep...

I am a MT resident of 11 yrs. I have entered the bighorn lottery for 8 yrs. and have as many bonus points. I am 65 yrs. old. Frankly I don't believe that there should be a lottery bonus for those 65 and older. It should be left as is. But, I do think that it should be a once in a lifetime tag. Draw once, your done. Harvest a sheep or not, your done for life. I also believe that surplus sheep should be transplanted from one area to another. If I am fortunate enuf to draw this coveted tag, good 'nuff! If I do not draw, good 'nuff! At least I tried and believe I have been fair. My two cents. MTG
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Hunt Talk readers,

I testified at the bighorn sheep bill, HB 83 carried by Terry Murphy, R-Cardwell. The Montana Wildlife Federation came out against this bill because it would make it virtually impossible to transplant bighorns anywhere in the state.
Here are some key points to remember. Montana has lost one out of every six bighorns in the past three years due to major disease outbreaks. At the same time, we have some herds that are overpopulated -- and rife to catch pneumonia as well. The state's bighorn management plan calls for five new herds to be established in a decade, but thus far we haven't moved any sheep. The bill includes requirements that the project area be 80 percent public land, requires landowner consent and county commissioner consultation, among other things. Of course wildlife moves around and biologists only give modeling of where they'll go.
This bill would take away the ability of wildlife professionals to plan and implement projects that are needed to grow our bighorn herds.

Nick Gevock
outreach director, MWF