AARP Bighorn bill in Montana

Hunt Talk readers,

I testified at the bighorn sheep bill, HB 83 carried by Terry Murphy, R-Cardwell. The Montana Wildlife Federation came out against this bill because it would make it virtually impossible to transplant bighorns anywhere in the state.
Here are some key points to remember. Montana has lost one out of every six bighorns in the past three years due to major disease outbreaks. At the same time, we have some herds that are overpopulated -- and rife to catch pneumonia as well. The state's bighorn management plan calls for five new herds to be established in a decade, but thus far we haven't moved any sheep. The bill includes requirements that the project area be 80 percent public land, requires landowner consent and county commissioner consultation, among other things. Of course wildlife moves around and biologists only give modeling of where they'll go.
This bill would take away the ability of wildlife professionals to plan and implement projects that are needed to grow our bighorn herds.

Nick Gevock
outreach director, MWF

I think you meant SB 83, and also there is a different thread regarding that bill...

This thread is about a proposal carried by Fred Thomas, to reserve 8 sheep and 8 goat tags to people over the age of 65 who've lived in MT 30 years and applied unsuccessfully for sheep and goat permits for 10 years. That's what I was hoping to hear WSF and MWF responses to.

Thanks for your testimony though.

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