AARP Bighorn bill in Montana

"Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association’s Stephen Kenley said that organization has offered its tentative support."


That was just the Big Game Committee, which I am a member but wasn't called for the meeting.

Everyone feels "Entitled" these days. Kids get special treatment so they will go hunting, now the old boys feel they need special treatment too.

The Club hasn't voted on the endorsement!
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along with their subsidized NR license.

Don't fret too much. The overbearing criteria to qualify for one of these is proposed to be lessened. You may soon only need to have a relative that died in MT to qualify. And no need to have a previous resident license or taken hunter's safety in MT.:rolleyes::mad:
This idea has merit! I need to have a bill sponsored for a middle aged man (41) who loves to hunt but gets turned down in most states. It needs to be narrowed down and written for guys with the name "John" who are loving fathers/husbands who love to hunt and fish. If that is to broad I could add requirements that the guy needs to have all his hair, drive an FJ cruiser. If there are still too many people we could add other qualifiers. Any support for this idea? I also need a damn sheep tag and I don't want to wait either.
This idea has merit! I need to have a bill sponsored for a middle aged man (41) who loves to hunt but gets turned down in most states. It needs to be narrowed down and written for guys with the name "John" who are loving fathers/husbands who love to hunt and fish. If that is to broad I could add requirements that the guy needs to have all his hair, drive an FJ cruiser. If there are still too many people we could add other qualifiers. Any support for this idea? I also need a damn sheep tag and I don't want to wait either.

Good one! Only problem is my brother's name is John and he is 61 and would most likely ask you to have a few beverages around the campfire until you were brave enough to indian leg wrestle him in the nude. Do you know how cold it can be while you are racing around trying to find out which dirty rotten mother took your clothes and hid them. NO, I have never seen this happen:D
Don't fret too much. The overbearing criteria to qualify for one of these is proposed to be lessened. You may soon only need to have a relative that died in MT to qualify. And no need to have a previous resident license or taken hunter's safety in MT.:rolleyes::mad:

Enlighten me here bro?
I don't know what to say. Another damn bill because life wasn't fair. The more we justify entitlements, because life wasn't fair to us somewhere down the road, the more we become a nation of stupid laws and regulations that handcuff common damn sense.

WTH! Hopefully, this bill doesn't go through, but it just shows HOW SPOILED we are.
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And I think it is sorta funny that these guys apply for hunts where the odds are as bad as 250:1 and then feel cheated when they haven't drawn in 40 years. Didnt they know that their outcome was not just possible but probable?

So is the next tactic to introduce a bill in the state legislature to assist all those unlucky suckers who haven't won it big in the "unfair" Montana lotto?
Make way...coming thru

It took me 46 years to draw my sheep tag. Now I'm doing my 7 year wait. I have drew 3 Mt. goat tags over the years. When you get to be 65 you mite not be able to get were the goats live.
I don't see the odds being that much better for these guys even if this goes through. That's a very small amount of tags, and there's a lot of hunters in MT that would fit the criteria.
In the democratic allocation of tags, why does an old man have more rights to a tag than a kid or middle aged man? It's a game to get a sheep tag, some of us win, and some of us lose. We shouldn't let money or age create special groups of people that have more rights than anyone else.
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So... because you applied for the toughest to draw units and somehow did not get get preferential treatment that makes it harder for the next generations of sheep hunters to get their chance at a tag?

I realized fairly quick that my chances of drawing were pretty slim, so I spent several years actually hunting sheep in the unlimited areas until I finally got lucky. Heck, I can't even draw a ewe tag while I wait the 7 years before I can chase rams again.
Even as an old senile guy over 65 yrs of age, I can recognize reverse discrimination when I see it.

This is a bad idea ... but just another example of a legislator wanting to satisfy the wants of a select few constituents at the expense of the vast majority of others.

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