2023 Montana Bighorn Sheep Tag/Hunt...

Congratulations on one heck of a hunt. You put the hunt in your sheep hunt. Man you have a lot of patience to pass up some of those rams. You did it the right way thanks for taking us along.
Having the good fortune to draw a sheep permit a couple years , your thread brought back the excitement I felt.
Pretty cool that Montana has some very diverse sheep country, the Breaks has its own uniqueness. Beautiful country.
Congratulations on killing a GREAT ram.
Thanks for the story.
WoooowwwoooooWWeeeeeeeeWaaaaaahhhh!!! Nice work! Sounds like an awesome time and you made it happen! Great ram! Savor those memories for years and years to come.
Man… I love a great sheep story… Congrats on the ram, he’s a beauty and story well told.

Gets the juices flowing during application season… hope to share a story of my own one day..😎
Great writeup. I don't know if I could have kept my finger off the trigger as long as you did. Your gift of a good tale is so important to convey what happened so others can enjoy as well. Look forward to the next one. Congratulations on a beast of a sheep.

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