
A Navy Veteran’s perspective on racism

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Preaching to the choir.... hmmm didn’t know I was 1/4 Native American, lived in Trenton, ND. But somehow my parents made the right choices and I than followed in there footsteps and made good choices. You proved my point, the Dad and The mom made stupid choices and got stupid prizes! Which in turn F’d the kids. Also the Gov. gives plenty of help to anyone registered with a Tribe.

Yea, you are basically proving the point. The kids didn't make any of those choices, and are no faced with obstacles that are too much to overcome. Also, you should probably look into research regarding "adverse childhood experiences" and how it impacts the brain. Pretty sound science. The life of many of these kids turns out the way it does in zero part of choices they make/made
Now that’s funny. Unconscious bias? Let’s light the incense and yoga this out.
Now that’s funny. Unconscious bias? Let’s light the incense and yoga this out.
You’re timing in providing apropos commentary is impeccable. Thanks for illustrating nearly every point being made here.

Again, didn’t post it for your benefit. Its still a free country...don’t click on the link if it “triggers” you.
Hunting Wife is probably the most reasonable, sensible and hardest to get her feathers ruffled up on this forum. Azelk manages to do it regularly. That says something.
Am I ruffled? I‘m feeling more amused at this point. Just when I need an example, BOOM! Manna from heaven.
You’re timing in providing apropos commentary is impeccable. Thanks for illustrating nearly every point being made here.

Again, didn’t post it for your benefit. Its still a free country...don’t click on the link if it “triggers” you.

Nothing triggers me baby. I’m not here to save the planet; I’m here to have fun. 😉
Hunting Wife is probably the most reasonable, sensible and hardest to get her feathers ruffled up on this forum. Azelk manages to do it regularly. That says something.

plus one !

She wasn't selling anything, simply sharing. She is aware of who the people are that put it out and what they might or might not do with the information they collect.

Read her post again. See the words "self-awareness". Important words. And for the record I like incense.

'baby" with a wink. Oh yeah, hunting Wife and I are turned on now. My God man.

I am out-------
I’ve explained to my daughters behavior like that is when you want to say GFY, but the recipient isn’t likely to have the emotional intelligence to do anything useful with it, so don’t waste your breath.

True, but I’ve dealt with that bs professionally for decades. I never just let that crap slide. Probably a fault of mine. I did warn you guys a long time ago though...

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