Woodrow F Call
Active member
Not addressing your mom of course VG, but shouldn't we demand a valid voter ID card using E-Verify to prove that you are actually a bona fide US Citizen? I for one didn't stand on the wall defending my Country to have illegals and other ineligibles outright steal my birthright from me. I hold that precious. You want to see a revolution in this country then allow that to occur. We'll put an end to that nonsense lickity split. Arguing that its inconvenient for someone to be registered and justly recognized to vote is laughable and if true so what? That's another "you" problem not societies. I'd like US to go back to the additional standard that you have to be a Real Property owner to actually cast a ballot. If you're not then you have no skin in the game of the future of your Country.![]()
No skin in the game? Somehow one's opinion does not matter unless they own physical property? An 18 year old with an M16 in a far away land doesn't get a say? The people who drive our economy in a big city don't deserve to be heard because they live where property can't be bought without being wealthy? What about the old man who liquidates his property to live a more comfortable remainder of life? Do you need to wait until your mortgage is paid since you don't own the land yet?
I understand we don't want voter fraud. I just don't see how that would be fair. It would essentially be the same as taxation without representation as we all get taxed. Only the elite/wealthy would be represented..... that sounds like why we rebelled in the first place.