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A Navy Veteran’s perspective on racism

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Geez lighten up people. No one's getting out of this alive ya know. Don't all y'all have jobs? I'm retired so I'd really appreciate it if y'all got back to work and paid into the Social Security to keep me in the lifestyle I've grown accustomed to. (y)
And drum roll please.....not to be out done by other companies. Uncle Ben's rice promises to change its branding in the near future. I dont know about you all, but I'm feeling less racist as a country already. 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Geez lighten up people. No one's getting out of this alive ya know. Don't all y'all have jobs? I'm retired so I'd really appreciate it if y'all got back to work and paid into the Social Security to keep me in the lifestyle I've grown accustomed to. (y)

I can think of something you could do to help solidify my Social Security benefit.;)
I don't believe those, "rioting" really care for life or the loss of... race, be it some b.s., Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter, this is certain.

Those rioting are not the same as those protesting.
This forum has been fairly tame on this subject. Other places have been exponentially worse. While some comments represent only dim shade of induivals biases, one can imagine what is said is when the filter of the internet isn't in place.
Geez lighten up people. No one's getting out of this alive ya know. Don't all y'all have jobs? I'm retired so I'd really appreciate it if y'all got back to work and paid into the Social Security to keep me in the lifestyle I've grown accustomed to. (y)
Maybe you can go to the kitchen and make us some sammiches while the rest of us have an adult conversation. Make yourself useful and all that....😁
Those rioting are not the same as those protesting.
Your opinion is based on?
My opinion, those who are 1st Amendment pillars of society tend to leave the protest as nightfall nears however, it's my opinion those "protesting" into the later portion... well, I respect your opinion though disagree. Those rioting are often those protesting at a more amped level and feeding off each other...

Prior to Floyd, USC conducted an interesting study the topic of protests turned riots. Interesting enough, the issue tends to stem from social media and the belief the idea of moral sentiment is widespread becomes its own virus, in a sense.

Your opinion is based on?
My opinion, those who are 1st Amendment pillars of society tend to leave the protest as nightfall nears however, it's my opinion those "protesting" into the later portion... well, I respect your opinion though disagree. Those rioting are often those protesting at a more amped level and feeding off each other...

Prior to Floyd, USC conducted an interesting study the topic of protests turned riots. Interesting enough, the issue tends to stem from social media and the belief the idea of moral sentiment is widespread becomes its own virus, in a sense.

The dude up in Whitefish that got busted and has been all over the news at the BLM rally, was he a rioter or protester? :)
Like roits didn't exist pre social media....maybe they tweeted via land line and smoke signals
If you don't align, don't post. Gonna keep my mouth shut. mtmuley

I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me it’s not the aligning part. It’s the intentionally being a d$&k part. Obviously there are many different, sometimes nuanced, opinions or we wouldn’t be here. If people can adequately express their views, I think most here are more than willing to examine them at face value. There have been lots of varied thoughts posted here that didn’t resort to loaded rhetoric and slinging derogatory terms and labels. Once it goes there it’s not a discussion, it’s trolling.

The most meaningful discussions require different perspectives being brought to the table. Otherwise it’s an echo chamber and that’s useless. I think @Big Fin recognizes that and has allowed quite a bit of latitude in this one, which I appreciate (though I kind of feel like maybe it’s run it’s course now after the last couple pages 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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