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75 percent reduction of wild horses

??????????? please . until our nation decided to enter that war ,it wasn't our problem. so, just another example of creating a problem to be fixed.

but that is a debate for another time another place.

I keep forgetting that if Germany and Japan had taken over the world they would have left the US alone...

I do think there are some people on this forum that don’t care about hunting, they just have a political agenda, and use hunting as a method of getting people on their side.
I saw so many horses while hunting lopes this year it sickened me. Talked to one old boy in Long Valley about them and he stated there were upwards of 1,000 of them in the area with no hope in sight to get rid of them. They were everywhere I went and I covered a butt load of ground in the valleys while hunting. For my .02, I say chootem and be done with it. The horsey folks won't like that I'd chootem but, hey, they're so dense they just don't get that the durn things die anyway of some malady or another. They don't get it that they'll die getting eaten alive by pack of yotes when they can't move anymore, either. Chootem. I'd be willing to bet they taste pretty good, too. Heck, they're feeding pretty good off crops.
I once was friends with the game manager on White Sands Missle Range, in New Mexico. That area is fairly delicate, desert habitat. During a real dry period, I was on the range hunting Oryx. The horses that we saw were in terrible shape and everything that they could not eat, they shit on-literally. Some were so weak that they could not get up. The terrain was destroyed in many areas. My friend told me that he and an mp were going to do some incognito horse control with some rifles one day. By the time that they got back to base, the loony leftist dummies from Kalifornia were already calling and whining about the horses. Obviously, someone in the office ratted them out.

Ultimately, the government allocated TEN MILLION DOLLARS to take care of the problem and round up the horses. A couple riflemen could have done it with a few hundred rounds of ammo.

There also was/is a bunch of wild horses on Yuma Proving Ground north of Yuma, Arizona. There again, it is fragile habitat and the horses have absolutely destroyed it. There, they also have the feral burrows, which adds to the problem. They pressure the big horn sheep and foul all of the small water holes.

These things are a scourge. I was in a bar (highly unusual occurrence:whistle:) in Meeteetse, Wyoming. A guy that I was chatting with runs wild horse tours for idiot tourists, east of Cody on BLM land. We discussed the horses and I told him what my opinion was, which, living in that country, he understood. The beautiful girl that was tending bar spoke up and said that she grew up in Idaho and they shot every one of those damn things that they saw. She took the wind right out of his love for wild horses.
I keep forgetting that if Germany and Japan had taken over the world they would have left the US alone...

I do think there are some people on this forum that don’t care about hunting, they just have a political agenda, and use hunting as a method of getting people on their side.
lol. funny the conclusions folks come to when someone upsets their beliefs, by questioning the approved version of history.

you do understand hitler is only a villain because he lost . had he won , he would today be heralded as the greatest thing since , chocolate met peanut butter.

history is written by the victor
lol. funny the conclusions folks come to when someone upsets their beliefs, by questioning the approved version of history.

you do understand hitler is only a villain because he lost . had he won , he would today be heralded as the greatest thing since , chocolate met peanut butter.

history is written by the victor

And the US buried all the Jews we gassed, burned, dissected alive, etc.
And the US buried all the Jews we gassed, burned, dissected alive, etc.
even you, if you are honest , must acknowledge, the U.S is not the moral light on a hill we claim to be.

I've no doubt the U.S buried plenty.
let he who is without sin ,cast the first stone.
lol. funny the conclusions folks come to when someone upsets their beliefs, by questioning the approved version of history.

you do understand hitler is only a villain because he lost . had he won , he would today be heralded as the greatest thing since , chocolate met peanut butter.

history is written by the victor

What's even funnier is the extent of the contortions some will do support their fringe beliefs.

You do know Hitler is a villain because of what he did, and not the outcome of the war right? Villains have won throughout history and yet are still remembered as such. Hitler's contemporary Stalin as an example. History is rife with evil dictators who are known for what they were.

Saying outlandish shit doesn't make someone edgy or ultra aware, it just makes them the guy spouting outlandish shit...
What's even funnier is the extent of the contortions some will do support their fringe beliefs.

You do know Hitler is a villain because of what he did, and not the outcome of the war right? Villains have won throughout history and yet are still remembered as such. Hitler's contemporary Stalin as an example. History is rife with evil dictators who are known for what they were.

Saying outlandish shit doesn't make someone edgy or ultra aware, it just makes them the guy spouting outlandish shit...
the main point is, don't believe what your told . it generally isn't true.
even you, if you are honest , must acknowledge, the U.S is not the moral light on a hill we claim to be.

I've no doubt the U.S buried plenty.
let he who is without sin ,cast the first stone.

No one said any government, or for that matter, any single human being other than Christ, has ever been perfect. That said, Hitler was a villain because he was a villain, not because the Allies won the war. There are also people and countries with quite good track records and those with quite poor track records. They are not all equally moral or immoral. The US is not only one of the most powerful nations in human history, it has also been one of the least imperialistic. You’re either quite ignorant, or quite full of lies.
Ignorance is bliss - ".......reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else ".....................................................................................................................
Suprised the locals are not just using thermal scopes killing them off.....
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