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4 Canadian wolves air-dropped in US national park to deal with moose

What Addicting shared


if concern is over hunter activities and we want to make sure the meat is provided to American families whose freezer would happily take on a moose weight of meat, Follow the same activity used within the Theodore Roosevelt National Park elk culling activity.

Park staff will continue to use only non-leaded ammunition during the reduction.

"We will quarter the animal and take the back straps and the rest of the animal will remain there (in the park) for the scavengers," said Bill Whitworth, TRNP chief of resource management. "Because we don't use lead ammunition, they will be fine."
This goes far beyond funzy reintroduction of wolves, or moose population management. Isle Royale is one of the best predator-prey relationship studies the scientific community has. It was literally the text book example when I took Biology 101.
Syktes, $15 moose hunts for the impoverished and malnourished ain't happening. Not on IR, not anywhere in the lower 48. We both know that.
Syktes, $15 moose hunts for the impoverished and malnourished ain't happening. Not on IR, not anywhere in the lower 48. We both know that.
Nope, you THINK that. As a MI resident for 39 years I think I have a pretty good read on what our tag system is like. It would Likely be resident only 15 app fee and if drawn in the neighborhood of 100-200 for the actual tag. No different from how we do elk.
After reading about this it sounds like the perfect location to reintroduce caribou back into the USA. Screw the moose. We need caribou reintroduction!

Did a quick search and it appears this has actually been discussed at isle royale.

The loss of caribou from the Lake Superior region has been ongoing for more than a century. Scattered bands hung on in northern Minnesota until the 1940s. In the early 1980s, up to a dozen caribou wintered near the North Shore community of Hovland, then disappeared. On Isle Royale, native caribou were extirpated in the 1920s. Local anecdotes and genetic research suggests moose were introduced to the island as a replacement species. When moose began to overpopulate the island, a mostly unsuccessful introduction of wolves was attempted to control their numbers. Wolves are thought to have crossed on the ice to the island a few years later.
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Nope, you THINK that. As a MI resident for 39 years I think I have a pretty good read on what our tag system is like. It would Likely be resident only 15 app fee and if drawn in the neighborhood of 100-200 for the actual tag. No different from how we do elk.
Just imagine what an auction tag for a population of moose that have never been hunted could be. Especially if a flyover or photographer got a pic of a great big one. Would be an unique opportunity.
Feel free to answer my question about why you call moose and caribou that can't be hunted "targets", then read the article, and if you still don't understand why this would be a unique location to reintroduce an animal that no longer lives in the lower 48 and is native to that area then we can talk.
I dont understand why they don't give out tags. They shut down the moose season on the main land due to low population then they release wolfs onto an island to get rid of to many moose.....wonder what it getting the moose on the main land.....
so when we reintroduce elk it is "conservation" but when we reintroduce wolves it is "stupid" and "idiots."?

To me this is a non-issue. All the woof haters like Sytes should be happy about this. They are taking wolves from areas where we can hunt and putting them on an island on Lake Superior. I thought you all would be rejoicing.
Meh... 🙄

Topic wise... Opinions vary. Canadian wolves feast on moose or raise conservation $$$ with managed hunts and fill American family freezers.

Opinions agreed or disagreed - Respected.
Cheers all.
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