2024 season, Its gonna be busy

Opening morning- I woke up early around 4 am and headed out to a walk in area. I wanted to get back around 2 milea to see if any animals were going to be pressured back there as the morning went on. I found a nice knob to glass from and had a descent pronghorn feeding about 200 yards in front of me at first light... then this clown shows up
There goes the whole valley I was going to watch. I had been chasing 4 mule deer bucks in there most of archery season, so I thought it would be a good place to start. It forced me to push all the way into the back of the area, which was a good thing. I glassed up 3 different buck and picked out the biggest one. I waited for him to feed over a hill so I could close the 790 yard gap. I slowly crawled up the hill and had him broadside around 50-60 yards. Dropped him. Now the work began. I was 4.2 miles from the truck and he's a pretty big bodied deer, so it was going to take 2 trips. 82 degree weather and 6 hours later I was at the truck and toasted.

Opening Afternoon- after chugging 6 mini Gatorade and a bottle of water, I set out on a few short hikes that didn't yield a single pronghorn, so I did what is usually against my core values and drove around. I was still pretty beat from the pack out earlier. I ended up coming upon my small pronghorn buck about 200 yards off the road and I said to myself... good enough! I belly crawled over the terrain and got to about 80 yards were I could make a good shot and dropped him... but, he jumped back up and ran, never had that happen before. I put another one in him around 150 and he didn't take a step. Processed him out and got him on ice.

Opening night- I enjoyed some delicious pizza and water. Found myself waking up with gnarly calf cramps multiple time. Today will be a rest day. I'm going to bring the meat to a processor, then hook up the camper and head to an area that might hold some elk about 2 hours away. We'll see!