2024 season, Its gonna be busy

Got home this evening and got the buck all processed in the freezer, minus grind. I tore apart the camper and got all of the families stuff out. Repacking for Colorado now. Once laundry is finished I'll be ready to go. Going to head out at 6 am to bring the camper over to some BLM land in my Colorado unit and drop it off, maybe get in a few hours of scouting. My grandpas funeral is on Tuesday in Sacramento, so I'm going to drive to Denver and fly out for it Tuesday morning, then fly back late Tuesday night and head up for the season opener on Wednesday. Busy week!
Well, my season came to an unceremonious end. Colorado literally kicked my ass.

I headed up Wednesday morning and started my hunt. Hiked 13 miles with the weather being 17 degrees and 65 mph winds. It was miserable and I saw 0 animals in total.

Thursday brought on warmer temperatures and wind around 13 mph. I drove 2 hours to the other side of the unit, suspecting the snow had pushed the elk down and I might be in some deer country as well. It didn't take long to find elk. I ran into 70-80 elk in total throughout 12 miles of hiking in 3 different heards. Almost all were cows/calfs. I passed on several small raghorns/spikes with 3 or 4 point being the biggest of all. 0 deer spotted.

Friday morning kicked off with a little more excitement. I was hopeful to find a bachelor group of bulls in a canyon 3 miles off the road. This is were things took a turn. I slipped on some ice under a layer of snow and fell about 20 feet down the mountain. I ended up throwing my back out and couldn't move very well, but knew I had to get out of there. I looked on OnX for the shortest route out. Thos was a mistake, I should have taken the path in, back out. I ended up crawling through 1.2 miles of snow covered deadfall, barely able to lift my leg, with a 25 lbs pack on. At one point I played in the snow contemplating if I had enough fortitude to get out of there. It was the closest I've ever come to hitting my SOS button on the inreach. Overall, it took close to 3.5 hours to get back to the truck. I was dry heaving and light headed. I chugged a couple of Gatorades and took 2000 mg of tylenol and headed back to camp.

By the time I got there, the tylenol had kicked in enough thay I could walk a little better. I knew I couldn't hike out an elk or even a deer at that point. I hooked up the camper and called an end to the season.

Stay safe out there folks, things can turn in a hurry on you. It was a good hunt with plenty of young age class elk. I feel the deer is managed more for their checkbook than actual heard quality. I ended up seeing 3 nice bucks... but, they were all about 0.5 miles over the Wyoming boarder 🤣. It's ice time with plenty of anti-inflammatory's on board.

Overall, I had an amazing season and both of my freezers are full. I shot a buck of a lifetime and my second biggest bull. I have absolutely nothing to complain about and I am extremely greatful for the opportunity. Next year, I will only be hunting 1 state, maybe 2 if I draw LE in Idaho. Thank you for following along!
You had a great season. I've only been on 1 elk hunt and it was also cut short to 3 days because I hurt my back.
That's a bummer. I rested for a few days and it's feeling better tonight. I'm going to try and head out for a day trip tomorrow for the last day. Ill stay within a mile or so of the road, hopefully 🤣.
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