2024 season, Its gonna be busy

Opening morning- I woke up early around 4 am and headed out to a walk in area. I wanted to get back around 2 milea to see if any animals were going to be pressured back there as the morning went on. I found a nice knob to glass from and had a descent pronghorn feeding about 200 yards in front of me at first light... then this clown shows up
There goes the whole valley I was going to watch. I had been chasing 4 mule deer bucks in there most of archery season, so I thought it would be a good place to start. It forced me to push all the way into the back of the area, which was a good thing. I glassed up 3 different buck and picked out the biggest one. I waited for him to feed over a hill so I could close the 790 yard gap. I slowly crawled up the hill and had him broadside around 50-60 yards. Dropped him. Now the work began. I was 4.2 miles from the truck and he's a pretty big bodied deer, so it was going to take 2 trips. 82 degree weather and 6 hours later I was at the truck and toasted.

Opening Afternoon- after chugging 6 mini Gatorade and a bottle of water, I set out on a few short hikes that didn't yield a single pronghorn, so I did what is usually against my core values and drove around. I was still pretty beat from the pack out earlier. I ended up coming upon my small pronghorn buck about 200 yards off the road and I said to myself... good enough! I belly crawled over the terrain and got to about 80 yards were I could make a good shot and dropped him... but, he jumped back up and ran, never had that happen before. I put another one in him around 150 and he didn't take a step. Processed him out and got him on ice.

Opening night- I enjoyed some delicious pizza and water. Found myself waking up with gnarly calf cramps multiple time. Today will be a rest day. I'm going to bring the meat to a processor, then hook up the camper and head to an area that might hold some elk about 2 hours away. We'll see!
Well, the new ell spot turned out to be a bust. Absolutely crazy terrain. Theres some does in the first picture. I covered around 11.5 miles round trip and never cut a single elk track. Not to mention, it was 91 out today. Going to another spot tomorrow where I haven't seen an elk yet

Definitely the wrong government! I get 8 hours of leave and 4 hours of sick time every 2 weeks. Plus I get comp time for any overtime and award time for my appraisals.
Which branch are you under and you must be in for a while to be getting 8 vacation.

I am 38 days in for working for DHS and already have 12 hours vacation, 12 sick and 8 secretary leave waiting to be used. Plus the every other Friday off is great, able to get so much more stuff done around the house.

Also wife and I are thinking if we have another kid then it will be nice to have 12 weeks paternity leave. Way better than when I was a contractor doing the same exact job I am now.
Which branch are you under and you must be in for a while to be getting 8 vacation.

I am 38 days in for working for DHS and already have 12 hours vacation, 12 sick and 8 secretary leave waiting to be used. Plus the every other Friday off is great, able to get so much more stuff done around the house.

Also wife and I are thinking if we have another kid then it will be nice to have 12 weeks paternity leave. Way better than when I was a contractor doing the same exact job I am now.
It's amazing, right? Sounds like you work the same schedule I do. With my military time and federal time, I accrue time off quickly. I work for Air Force Global Strike Command.
Day 3-4... im going to lovingly call this public land hunting.

I got on a really nice 6 point at first light coming off of a hay field. He was around a half mile out so I had to boogie across 2 large openings between hills to cover the distance. As I crested the last hill from his location, he must have winded me because he was nowhere to be seen. I made a giant circle in direction he could have gone to try and cut him off. At this time it was close to 8 and the wind was calming down so I decided to cow call. Sure enough, he responded and started working towards me. I could hear him 1 hillside over and about 300-400 yards out, so I set up my pack and got into a good shooting position. All of a sudden... boom! Someone else heard him bugling and worked there way into him and tagged out. It just works out that way sometimes.

About 2 hours later, I saw a flash of a bull feeding on a hillside. I started to work my way towards him and ended up pushing him over the hill... boom! Another one down. Damn... twice in the same day. I was pretty discouraged at that point.

Ended up hunting all night and this morning. Never layed eyes on another elk. Thats how public land works sometimes. Someone pushed my bull to me last year, so you can't hate the game. I'm gonna take a much needed week or 2 break from hunting to rest and spend time with the family. I ended up hiking right between 60-70 miles this week.

Reading about all the government work benefits from you all, no wonder why I pay so much in taxes and work items are slow when we deal the government! 😁