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2024 Garden!

Got 3 yards of mushroom soil spread on the garden and turned enough over to plant onion sets, spinach and lettuce.
Also planted a couple blueberry bushes and 2 apple trees I picked up last week.
Good to be getting the hands and boots muddy again.
For the last year, every time my daughter finds a seed of any type in her food, she goes and digs a hole in my new lawn to plant it. I caved a few weeks ago and agreed to start a garden for her, if for anything just to keep her from destroying my yard. I’m currently resurrecting an old tiller from the dead. Should have it in good working order after this weekend. Seeds arrived in the mail last week. She and I have been laying out the garden on paper evenings this week. It was supposed to start out very small but it keeps growing. I have no experience. It could be a disaster. I’ve been struggling with lower back pain the last 8 months and something tells me maintaining a garden isn’t going to help. We shall see. Hopefully I can find some good advice here!
My daughter (1st grade) made a list of the vegetables we’ll be planting and crossed them off as I laid them out on my plan. About 5 hours working this morning and I had the tiller running great. Tilled up the garden this afternoon. I’m really happy with the soil I found. I’ll till in some old pony manure when I get a chance here and then we wait to plant.

All the dead grass/stubble you see is seeded in native grasses and forbs. It’ll be kept mowed this year to keep the weeds at bay while the natives are establishing themselves.

My soil last year in my raised beds was pretty terrible and didn't produce well. I mixed in a pile of mushroom compost this year which also helped fill the beds up a fair bit. I went in with most of my seeds after mixing it in really well. We'll see what starts coming up over the next couple of weeks.

In the bed I have the following. All are seeds except for onions, garlic, and potatoes:

Corn (planted a couple weeks ago and already sprouted)
Sugar Snap Peas
Bush beans
Pink Eye beans
Yellow onions
Bell Peppers
Butternut squash
Straightneck Squash
Two types of cabbage
Yellow potatoes
Red potatoes
Lettuce mix

In the next few weeks I'll go in with the following:

Tomatoes (Cherry, Roma, Beefsteak varieties)

I overseeded by a fair margin using the SF method. I'm sure I'll have to thin out a fair bit as things come up. But as much as possible I'm going to let the beds go and see what happens. Last year my harvest was pathetic so I have a low standard to beat lol.
Had a light frost last night, but looks like my trees did ok, some buds damaged, but not the majority. No frost temps in the forecast for the next week, so may do alright with the peaches, cherries, asian pears and pears.

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