Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

1080 poison

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
I'm surprised anyone is still using it. Anyone wanta bet who done it?

"CLAYTON — A gray wolf found dead near Clayton in central Idaho was killed by a poison known as Compound 1080, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agents say.
The carcass of the collared wolf, identified as B-143, was found six miles northwest of Clayton in the Squaw Creek drainage on May 18.

Compound 1080 is a highly toxic chemical used to kill coyotes, and its misuse is illegal. It can be ingested by livestock, family pets, wild animals and humans.

“We are very interested in finding whoever is responsible for the crime,” said Scott Kabasa, an agent in the department´s Boise field office.

Anyone with information about the illegal killing should contact Fish and Wildlife officials, he said.

The killing of an animal protected by the Endangered Species Act is punishable by a fine of up to $100,000 and one year in jail. "
Lets see my guess is......its his own private Idaho.....!!
Ithaca, I hope you don't think that this sort of thing is an isolated incedent. That is called a non-target species. It happens all the time. Dept. of Ag., Game and Fish, extension offices, Invasives boards, etc., etc. gave or give 1080 along with many, many more tools for killing what ever varmint you want to go for. Hell, they give it out like candy and use it themselves to boot. Unfortunately, these chemicals are not animal specific. The non-target species that die would blow your mind. Nobody wants the paperwork, so hush, hush and business as usual. I think to investigate something like that is a huge waste of time and money. What probably happened is too many people found out and a special interest group got it's panties in a bunch. So now they need a little publicity for damage control, so the special interest group can feel warm and fuzzy that some gov. angency is "working for them" and for what is wholesome and good. Got to love the game of politics...
Troy, "Dept. of Ag., Game and Fish, extension offices, Invasives boards, etc., etc. gave or give 1080 along with....."

I didn't know they were STILL giving it away and using it. Who's still using it and giving it away? Do you think the Idaho Dept. of F&G is using it and giving it away? Who is the Dept. of Ag giving it to? Do they give it to anyone besides ranchers and farmers?

I'm surprised gummint agencies can give away a poison that can indiscriminately kill engangered species like wolves and eagles. Do you have any proof of what you're claiming?
I don't beleive 1080 is used here anymore. But it was sold, but not real expensive. I know many who still have it. If you pay for something, you'll use it till it's gone. Many of the ag. producers, I'm sure don't even know it's illegal to use. But they have other chemicals that took 1080s place. The new chemicals are almost just as effective, but have less residual. So it's not really that big of change.

I personally am not going to say anything about my experiences, I don't want the hassel. Maybe some of the other gov. workers on the site want to talk about it, but I doubt it.

The thing is IT, it's something you can't get away from. Like I said before, you can't just target one species for control with out getting some non-target species. It's the same concept as collatoral damage.

Not long ago, had a rancher that had a severe coyote problem. Only a couple miles away from where I live. He took an antelope carcass and laced it with I'm not sure what. But eagles fed on it instead of coyotes. Had a half dozen bald and golden eagles die. Well the feds found out who it was, he didn't dispute it. Since it wasn't his intention to kill eagles and he was licensed and using current labeling and bait, his case was dismissed.

As far as getting any restricted use chemicals, all you need to do is get a private applicators license. That entails nothing but an hour or two open book test at your local extension office. You could take the test today and have your license in a week. You could then get chemicals to kill anything from plants to varmints. Not the part-timer, childrens versions of chemical you get at the local hardware store either. If you follow the labeling / intructions on the packaging and are licensed, you are good to go.

Lets say IT, you had a severe coon problem and you got some baited eggs and put them out with the intention of killing coons. Well, your neighbor finds what looks to be a perfectly good looking fox dead on his property. The gov. comes in and runs tests and finds what it died of and finds out the fox is a protected swift fox. They look under the records and find you are the nearest person who has purchased that particular chemical the fox died of. What do you do?

Got to run to Sturgis for an appointment, talk later. Be glad to answer any other questions IT.
What I gather from your retraction is that the gummint agencies are not currently giving out 1080, which is what your first post claimed.

You also said, "Many of the ag. producers, I'm sure don't even know it's (1080) illegal to use...." What kind of a rock would some idiot have to be living under to not know 1080 is illegal to use? If there are actually ag. producers who are so outta touch they don't know that, they should be put in jail. Talk about irresponsible ranchers and farmers!! No wonder the industry is in such trouble, if they have people who are that stupid!
IT, I said gave or give, you know IT, "gave" past tense. I put it like that because I wasn't sure if it is a state or federal mandate. Here in South Dakota, chemicals are controled by the chemical division of the state dept. of ag.. That's where I get my info.

I guess I should have phrased it different. I should have said, most ag. producers don't know what they are using is illegal.

And of course you know all IT and jump the gun on anything and everything, even if you don't have a clue. 1080, as all other chemicals are like anything else sold. The same mixes and bases in chemicals are sold under numerous names by a variety of different companies. For example, 2,4-D chemical has dozens of labeled names. I guess I'll have to put it in a manner you might be able to grasp. IT, you bought yourself an oven cleaner, it sits under your sink for ages. In the mean time the gov. puts a stop to whatever the active ingredient is in your oven cleaner. Hey, you decide to clean your oven. What did you do, grab your can and spray away ofcourse. Did you look at the small print on the can of what the ingredients were before you used it, probably not. All you see is the directions and the brand name of super duty, ass kickin oven cleaner.

I understand that what I've said falls on deaf ears. You just have to contrive any way possible to bash ag. producers or anyone else for that matter, that just doesn't fit into IT's perfect little sterile world. If that's what turns your crank, you raging, egocentric, delutional prick. God must be jealous of you IT.
Dept of Ag, is what ADC or renamed wildlife services falls under, gov trappers can still get there hands on it I am almost sure of. I think in some areas its broken down not only into state but county mandates on who and how it can be used.
Troy, You sure are sensitive about having someone point out your inaccuracies! "Give" and "gave" have two different meanings.
I'd really like to know if any gummint agency is still giving out or using 1080. Gato seems to think so.

Here's what I found, "History
President Nixon banned the poison in 1972, but the it was used experimentally in the early 1980’s, and brought back officially in the mid-1980’s. The poison is still used by federal agents and other countries. Tull Chemical Company in Oxford, Alabama is the only legal maker of Compound 1080 in the U.S. It’s a small, family-owned business that has been making this toxin for decades. Most of the 1080 produced in the US is used in New Zealand.

Inevitably, at least some of the exported 1080 ends up back in the United States. Over the past two years, officials have found nine wolves killed by 1080 poisoning on national forests in Central Idaho. Last winter, a series of 1080 baits killed 30 dogs and cats, and at least 35 birds in Grand Junction, Colorado. Because of the time lapse between eating the bait and the onset of sickness, the actual body count is likely much higher."


There's more:


Maybe you'd like to sign a petition to ban 1080!

=317569342&sign[memberID]=317569342&sign[partnerID]=1]http://www.thepetitionsite.com/take action/805370161?ts=1074922131&sign[partner_userID]=317569342&sign[memberID]=317569342&sign[partnerID]=1

" I always find it interesting to watch "regulatory" people ignore the facts: In 1972 the E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Association, USA) found 1080 to be among the most toxic chemicals known to man. There is no known antidote. The chemical has been banned for over 20 years in the USA and in most other Western countries in the world. The acute effects of 1080 poisoning are: in severe cases atrophy of the brain and intense cerebral damage, and just a whiff causes convulsions accompanied by intense pain for days. In spite of this knowledge, New Zealand "regulators" wrote the following:....."

"that led to the Presidential Order banning Compound 1080. It is one of the great environmental achievements of the Nixon administration......"


I'm kinda confused. Is it banned in the US or not??? Maybe it was banned and then unbanned.

"In the US, 1080 was banned by President Nixon in 1972, but reinstated by President Reagan in 1982. Today, its use is severely restricted to licensed users who receive specialist training. It can only be used as collars on sheep and goats and for control of selected coyotes. The bait must not be used in the range of known threatened species, and all carcases killed by 1080 must be incinerated. US NGOs however are hard on the heels of another permanent ban."


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-23-2004 22:41: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
This 1080 stuff don't sound near as effective as the high velocity lead poison the gummint agents administered here in Montana a few days ago. They got seven, not one.


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