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  1. I

    Idaho General Deer

    I disagree with the rumors that the best mulies come from the idaho panhandle, alpine or otherwise. Sure there are some good ones every now and then but for the most part the best mule deer and more of them come from the southern half of the state. If you are coming for an out of state hunt...
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    Idaho Second Deer Tag - 2016/2017 winter implications

    From IDFG website: Q. How will this affect game populations? A: There will likely be no effects, or minor ones. In 2015, second deer tags accounted for about 3.5 percent of the statewide deer harvest, and second elk tags accounted for about 1.4 percent of the statewide elk harvest. There were...
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    Idaho Tag Trade?

    Yes you can exchange your tag for another zone as long as the season for the tag you already possess hasn't started yet. The exchange has to be made at a Fish and Game regional office. Since you are out of state I'd call them and see what can be done.
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    DeLorme InReach Satellite Communicator

    I have one and use the cheapest plan that gives you only 10 texts and charges $0.50 for each additional. You can have 3 preset messages and send an unlimited number of those. At that rate it I would have to send more than 20 more texts each month before it costs as much as the next payment...
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    Any successful NR in past Idaho big 3 draws

    I'm a resident so I can't be a success story for you but I will share the following information. "Only tag fees will be refunded. If you do not draw, hunting license fees and application fees will not be refunded." You have to submit payment...
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    Corner Crossing Referendum Filed

    I find many landowners to be hypocrites. They want to squabble over violated air space but want everyone to turn a blind eye when their fence line wanders over onto public land by a few inches here and there. Erecting a permanent structure on USFS and BLM lands is illegal but we all have the...
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    Euro mount question

    It doesn't take much more than an hour or two to boil one out and clean it up. Just take a propane burner with you and stop in to use a car wash pressure hose to get into the hard to clean areas.
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    Enough of This BS

    I used to think this same thing but anymore I see value in the reservations. Their ancestors fought wars to secure land for themselves and their posterity and although they lost, they were granted those reservation lands and it belongs to their tribe. They earned it. As for requiring them to...
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    Enough of This BS

    It won't change the treaty. Maybe the only thing that sportsman can do will seem counterproductive. We are somewhat afraid that this type of thing will place bad publicity on everyday sportsman but maybe we need to bring these situations to light. Maybe enough bad publicity will lead to the...
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    Wolves or German Sheperds?

    I can understand him thinking that they were wolves from a distance. And even if he could identify them as german shepherds I think he would have been justified in shooting feral dogs if they were really as far back as he claims. However, given the fact that his brother and father have both...
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    Idaho's most impressive mule deer from 2015 poached

    There doesn't need to be third party in all of this. Either the father or the son told the truth to a friend who then told it to someone else and eventually it was told to the Fish and Game department.
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    Hunting magazine and their predator trifecta

    I tried for a predator trifecta a few years ago. Mtn lion, Bear, wolf all in one year. I got the first 2 but the wolf eluded me.
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    Why is it so complicated?

    I think the drawings got complicated when people started complaining that the drawings weren't fair. Without doing too much research I bet it is a fair assumption to say that most if not all state tag drawings started as random draws. Then to make it more fair to those who didn't draw they put...
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    Problems with Utah-Why should I avoid it as a place to live\hunt?

    As a mormon who grew up in a place where mormons are a small minority I believe that the treatment I got was no better and no worse than a non-mormon will receive in Utah. I'm not complaining I love my hometown/area and most of the people treat you the same either way so the few bigots don't...
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    Horse, llama, goat pack animals

    It seems that most of the information you find online about packing with llamas comes from people who do not hunt and tend to be a little on the hippie side of things. They view their llamas more as "trail companions" than working animals. These people tend to give lower packing weights maxing...
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    Idaho Spring Black Bear Hunting for Dummies

    Baiting is like anything else. You have to scout and find an area that is frequented by bears. You might get lucky if you just go out and drop bait somewhere but to be consistently successful you need to be in an area that the bears already want to inhabit. Even then I've had bait sites that...
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    Horse, llama, goat pack animals

    This is a good podcast discussing the pros and cons of horses vs llamas vs goats: I got into llamas a few years ago and I love them. They can pack up to 100 lbs when full grown and well conditioned. I did pack 120 lbs on one a couple times but it...
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    What is the end game with tags?

    This is what would be so great about every state doing random draw. Guys wouldn't be able to apply in a half dozen states. You will have to choose what you really want to apply for and skip the rest and this will eliminate some applicants. If there are fewer applicants then the odds of...
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    Netflix adds another hunting show

    Regardless of whether or not you like this new show, I think it's worth our time to give it a high rating and contact netflix saying you appreciate the addition of new shows to the hunting/outdoors genre and want to see more. I agree that this particular show is not my cup of tea but I think...
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    ID Fee Increase Dead for Now

    I think there is definitely an element of retaliation in this move by the House Resources and Conservation Committee. Gibbs' reason for returning the bills is over concerns "that the proposals did not sufficiently address wildlife depredation problems on private land or the process for...
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