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Idaho Tag Trade?


Feb 23, 2017
North Carolina
Hello all, this morning at 10:00 am mountain time, my buddy and I were sitting waiting on the Sawtooth A tags to be released for sale. There were only 43 of these available for non-residents and we both hit purchase at the same time hoping that either we would both get one or that neither of us would get one; well, I ended up with one of them, but my friend who I have been planning this trip with did not get one. They all sold out within 3 minutes of going on sale. We are planning on coming out in September and spending 2 weeks hunting, and although my friend says he would be ok with just hunting on a deer tag I know he was really disappointed since we've been planning this trip for so long and we both have our heart set on hunting elk. It is a 33 hour drive from where we live to get out there so I'm wondering if anyone knows if it is possible for me to trade my tag for another elk zone so that we both can hunt elk.
Yes you can exchange your tag for another zone as long as the season for the tag you already possess hasn't started yet.

The exchange has to be made at a Fish and Game regional office. Since you are out of state I'd call them and see what can be done.
Thanks, I'll give them a call here shortly, I was going to call yesterday but wasn't able to find time until late last night and I assumed they'd be closed. In hindsight I guess it would've been much smarter just to pick a zone that wasn't so hard to acquire a tag in. I'm sure there are plenty of good units there, just kinda liked the looks of everything I had found researching the Sawtooth zone, but overall we're really going for the adventure of the trip, we've been talking about doing this for several years and finally this year I told my buddy that we need to just buckle down and plan a trip, so this is why I really would like us both to be heading in with elk tags. I will continue to research other zones, and I suppose I need to know where I'm wanting to trade my tag for before I call them about it, I just hope that we're able to work something else out.
If your driving I would suggest a unit in SE/E Idaho, lots of prime units over there, the sawtooth tag imo isn't all that good, unless you like hunting superthick forest, most of that unit is sitting in treestand's or blinds that are put up on trails, more like whitetail hunting. It would a shade closer of a drive too for you and your buddy. Good luck,
If your driving I would suggest a unit in SE/E Idaho, lots of prime units over there, the sawtooth tag imo isn't all that good, unless you like hunting superthick forest, most of that unit is sitting in treestand's or blinds that are put up on trails, more like whitetail hunting. It would a shade closer of a drive too for you and your buddy. Good luck,
I agree with this as well, eastern idaho has a lot of very good units over there and that will cut down on the drive a bit.
I've looked into SE Idaho somewhat, but I was worried about access issues as there seems to be a lot of private land in that region, I'm sure there is some great hunting but I was attracted to units that are predominately public land and also I like the idea of hunting in wilderness areas so I don't have to worry with ATV's buzzing around me. This being our first trip I mainly just want to get out west and see what it's all about without having to worry about getting in trouble with tricky access, etc. I'm currently checking out unit 36A in the Pioneer zone or 36B in the Salmon zone as they are mainly public and I know 36A has a decent amount of wilderness as well.
People would probably pay dearly to know when you'd be turning that tah in for purchase...just sayin. Most overhyped tag ever!!!!*

*I got one ;)
As a hunter in SE Idaho, I think you would be surprised with how far you can get away from people even in more "accessible" areas. It's also worth noting that there is a motor vehicle restriction in most of the elk zones in the southeast corner of Idaho, to try to reduce the impact of atv's. It does also seem that most hunters are stacked in one particular zone (won't name it in the post but feel free to pm me), leaving good opportunity in the other areas.
Yeah I didn't realize they were such desirable tags, but if everything goes as planned there will be one more available for a lucky non-resident! haha...As of right now we are leaning towards the Pioneer zone and unit 36A, can anyone think of any reasons that I might be overlooking that should persuade me not to go there?
I hunted the pioneer zone in 2015, didn't get one, screwed up a few bulls, did it all wrong. Feel free to run ideas by me.
Sawtooth zone can be pretty good in September. Very easy to get away from the crowds but some of those areas are void of critters, so you gotta know the country.

McCall zone is okay. Smoky mt zone is pretty fun. Weiser river has a shit load of elk but even more roads and people. Still fun though, just not a wilderness experience in most of the zone.

I don't know anything about southeast but the sawtooth, McCall and smoky are good options with lots of opportunity to carry tags for deer, elk, bears and wolves simultaneously.
After a few phone calls today it sounds like I am going to be able to trade in my tag, I just have to mail my other tag to a regional office with a check for $3.75, Steelhead I sent you a PM...thanks to everyone for the help!
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