Yeti GOBOX Collection

Enough of This BS

A slob Hunter is a slob hunter, treaty rights or no treaty rights. This crap makes all hunters look bad.

Yeah, because only tribal hunters pull stuff like this.

Their hunting actually IS a RIGHT, guaranteed via Treaty...yours a privilege. Ponder that for a second. Stick to changing the things you can, not those you have no chance of ever changing.
You mean, it's nothing like this?
The myth of the noble native American feeding himself with wild game is a joke. Six point bull elk get paraded around downtown Orofino in July covered in flies - I doubt much of that animal got used (except for the horns). Most of the steelhead that get snagged out of the Clearwater River get sold or traded for drugs.
Yeah, because only tribal hunters pull stuff like this.

Their hunting actually IS a RIGHT, guaranteed via Treaty...yours a privilege. Ponder that for a second. Stick to changing the things you can, not those you have no chance of ever changing.

Sunlight is a great disinfectant Buzz.
This has been going on for makes the news every so often, and nothing changes.

Good luck with your sunlight.
I guess all I can say is that its a shame we didn't have social media when the market hunters slaughtered buffalo by the thousands and esentially put their ancestors on reservations. I wonder if some of this isn't seen as turn about is fair play? It doesn't make it right but it may make things closer to even. For my selfish reasons I wish it was different. As stated it reflects poorly on hunters in general. However, if I was native american I'd flip the bird and go about my right to hunt. Probably more useful things to accomplish than worry about this like Buzz pointed out.
The myth of the noble native American feeding himself with wild game is a joke. Six point bull elk get paraded around downtown Orofino in July covered in flies - I doubt much of that animal got used (except for the horns). Most of the steelhead that get snagged out of the Clearwater River get sold or traded for drugs.

Someone finally tells the truth about rez Indians.
And what is that going to change? How is that going to change the Hellgate Treaty?

It wont...and that's just a fact.

It won't change the treaty. Maybe the only thing that sportsman can do will seem counterproductive. We are somewhat afraid that this type of thing will place bad publicity on everyday sportsman but maybe we need to bring these situations to light. Maybe enough bad publicity will lead to the tribes placing regulations on their members. They enjoy the false image of being protectors of nature but anyone who has driven through the Nez Perce reservation can tell you differently. Maybe if they lose that image they will have to clean up their act.

Or they might just continue to claim treaty rights and tell everyone to bugger off.
Someone finally tells the truth about rez Indians.

My wife is an enrolled tribal member who grew up on the Fort Peck reservation and my mom on CSKT. Plenty of non-native folks do stupid shit when it comes to hunting and game animals. Try not to paint with such a broad brush.
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A bad hunter is a bad hunter. We the US, has broken so many treaties. Honor the ones that are left.

Still bad, but the US has done worse.
The myth of the noble native American feeding himself with wild game is a joke. Six point bull elk get paraded around downtown Orofino in July covered in flies - I doubt much of that animal got used (except for the horns). Most of the steelhead that get snagged out of the Clearwater River get sold or traded for drugs.

No over generalizations coming out of this post, geez! Try to make a objective educated point instead of lumping all tribe members into one box. You realize you are doing exactly what the non hunting crowd does to us right?
Knuckleheads are knuckleheads, without regard to race or background, as this video illustrates.

As to some of the comments on this thread, I suspect if you grew up near a Rez you would know that their communities have a similar cross section of good and bad as non-Rez communities. I make no distinction of bad behavior towards wild animals, whether tribal or non-tribal; it all pisses me off.

The generalizations some have made here toward tribe members seem to reflect little understanding of tribal life. Maybe ridiculous acts and behavior as shown in the video have a tendency to amplify how people feel about others with different life experiences.
I really don't know much about tribal lands, reservations, and all this crap but doesn't it all just seem a little bit out dated? It's almost like a backhanded form of segregation. I'm sure there is plenty of nice native american people on reservations but to be honest from the few reservations that I have seen they're mostly like slums as far as I can tell. No one is saying you can't practice your religion of keep up tribal meetings and traditions or whatever. It's time to integrate into the broader society.
what about this option:

they buy a hunting license to use modern weapons and must adhere to state rules/regs

if they wish to exercise their traditional hunts they must use traditional weapons and last one must be cleaned up before the next one is taken
what about this option:

they buy a hunting license to use modern weapons and must adhere to state rules/regs

if they wish to exercise their traditional hunts they must use traditional weapons and last one must be cleaned up before the next one is taken

It's not that simple.....the history and legal battles behind these treaties are long and extensive. In my state of Wisconsin native members can hunt deer at night with lights I believe and they use spot lights when they spear walleye, nothing traditional about that but its the way it pretty sure these cases have climbed pretty high up into the judicial system.
I really don't know much about tribal lands, reservations, and all this crap but doesn't it all just seem a little bit out dated? It's almost like a backhanded form of segregation. I'm sure there is plenty of nice native american people on reservations but to be honest from the few reservations that I have seen they're mostly like slums as far as I can tell. No one is saying you can't practice your religion of keep up tribal meetings and traditions or whatever. It's time to integrate into the broader society.

I used to think this same thing but anymore I see value in the reservations. Their ancestors fought wars to secure land for themselves and their posterity and although they lost, they were granted those reservation lands and it belongs to their tribe. They earned it.

As for requiring them to use primitive weapons; it sounds appealing at first but what if the 2nd amendment was interpreted the same way? We would all be restricted to muzzleloading flintlocks. I tend to think that were I a Native, I would want to experience some hunts using the weaponry of my ancestors but I wouldn't want to do it every time and besides taking down a buffalo on horseback with a spear might get you killed. All this is theoretical what if scenarios because as mentioned the legal history of these treaties is extensive.

The comments that a slob is a slob are correct and I apologize for my earlier generalization. My thoughts are that if things like this got enough negative press then I would think that the tribes would be the first to try and rein in the individuals causing said bad press.

It sucks that they can hunt these animals using any method at any time of year but that was the deal that our governments made with them when the treaties were signed.

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