Caribou Gear Tarp

Enough of This BS

I in no way say all of any race are to blame for the actions of a large majority. I've been around Indians growing up and throughout my life. Ute's, Seminoles, Chukchansi tribe and now Blackfoot's. I find that the majority share one thing in common. They are lazy. They feel because we took their land that they are entitled to everything for free. When we look at history how many country's defeated by another country get that kind of treatment? African's have warred and defeated many other African country's and taken their land and even worse for century's. Does the government pay them for losing a war? Umm, no. Is it because we are the greatest country in the world that we do this? Maybe. Is it because we still, to this day, feel bad about how it happened? Maybe. But in that justification wouldn't we also still be paying families whose ancestor's were slaves?? Im quite sure the majority of us have made some kind of remark against that idea. I, for one, don't understand in this day and age why they live separate from our laws. Whether they are the basic laws of murder, rape and child molestation or laws about hunting and fishing. What's good for the goose should indeed be good for the gander. That's my simple opinion. But I'm sure not all agree. That to me is what makes our country the greatest. We can all have our own opinion.

Strong racism. Very strong.
The myth of the noble native American feeding himself with wild game is a joke. Six point bull elk get paraded around downtown Orofino in July covered in flies - I doubt much of that animal got used (except for the horns). Most of the steelhead that get snagged out of the Clearwater River get sold or traded for drugs.

After reviewing this post, I realize that I should have chosen my words more carefully. Someone earlier in this thread commented that they thought that native Americans were less wasteful of game than others. In response to this overgeneralization, I responded with an emotional overgeneralization of my own to the opposite extreme. Sorry.
It would be nice to see the MTFWP worry as much about managing elk, deer, and pronghorn as they do wasting time with this...its a total waste of everyone's time and is a non-starter. I also believe the MTFWP is being irresponsible and complicit in doing nothing more than agitating this situation. Not how a State agency should act or respond to this situation, IMO.

We have similar problems in Wisconsin. This last summer/fall a moose wandered into northern Wisconsin. Not unheard of, but rare. With in a day or two of entering the reservation a boy living on the reservation shot and killed it. It was only a mid sized cow. They also recently allowed night time hunting for whitetails with spot lights.

It is frustrating because the Native culture stands for woodmanship and a devine respect for nature and the animals, yet the newer generations seem to abuse the privilages their ancestors fought for.
From what I've seen this definitely isn't a problem confined to Montana (or Wisconsin) I hunted Ontario and Saskatchewan last year and it seemed tensions were very high between the tribal hunters and everyone else. Everyone I talked to would walk on eggshells until you made mention of native pressure on moose, then they'd open up and give you a piece of their mind.

In Saskatchewan they were telling me that it is nearly impossible to get a moose tag outside of the farmland area because they'd been wiped out by natives, and since the farmland was private the natives weren't allowed to hunt in there. In Ontario, everywhere that wasn't plane accessible was practically shot out. They talked about how the biologists next door in Manitoba wanted to pull their hair out because moose are borderline extirpated in most of the province.

We have the same issues in Michigan, I have buddies who have showed me videos of them pulling gillnets through the ice with hundreds of trout and salmon in them left to waste. Many are afraid of being labeled racist for criticizing it. Of course people bring up what we did back then and that doesn't make it right. Heck historians say that even without european settlers, the natives were well on their way to driving the bison to extinction due to the introduction of horses, our ancestors just sped up the process.

We did some bad things in the past, but native americans are just one group in a long list of people that were conquered around the planet throughout history. I don't understand why we still offer so many concessions. In my opinion, generations of handouts exacerbate a problem regardless of the group of people receiving it.

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