El Jason
Well-known member
This has been going on for decades...it makes the news every so often, and nothing changes.
Good luck with your sunlight.
This is truth right here. This issues comes up every year in the state I live in. People get all up in arms and demand to renegotiate the treaties.
Guess what? It won't happen. If someone came to you and said, "look, I know you own your land outright, but I want to renegotiate your deed and you give certain rights", you would tell them to go jump off a cliff. Treaty rights DON'T HAVE to be renegotiated if the tribes don't want to. And, why would they?
Like it or not, they are a sovereign nation in that regard and no state official can stop them from doing anything that is in accordance with their treaty. Yes, this is ugly. No, it doesn't seem right for them to whack bull elk on the winter grounds. No, they don't have to talk to FWP about any of it. Plain and simple.
Thinking anyone is going to compel them to purchase state licenses and follow state laws is an absolute waste of time.