Any successful NR in past Idaho big 3 draws


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I'm considering applying for either sheep or goat in Idaho and it's getting down to the wire.I'd most likely go in the mt goat draw.Has any NR on here ever been fortunate enough to draw??Moose seems to have the best odds and some pretty good ones at that.With sheep being very low odds as expected.But with no points everyone has the same chance.Tags aren't cheap,and I think it's like $240 that's non-refundable.I'd like to hear about anyone's hunt who's drawn one of these tags.How difficult is it to get back into goat country.Any units I should stay away from even though there are very few NR tags for goats.Would a drop camp be advisable for a NR.Basically how long did it take you to draw and if the hunt was worth the wait
I'm a resident so I can't be a success story for you but I will share the following information.

"Only tag fees will be refunded. If you do not draw, hunting license fees and application fees will not be refunded."

You have to submit payment for a Hunting license, application fee and tag.

You only need to pay for the hunting license,$154.75 not the the combo license that is $240.

So total you are looking at:

NR Adult Hunting License $154.75
NR Controlled Hunt Application Fee $14.75
NR Trophy Species tag fee $2101.75

If you do not draw you will be refunded the $2101.75.

In general you have better odds of drawing a moose tag than a sheep or goat. Access in any of the sheep and goats hunts will be somewhere between difficult to just this side of impossible so look at the hunt planner maps on the fish and game website before you apply in any unit. Typically the easier it is to draw a tag the harder it is to access the unit and the lower the success rate. And I don't mean that you have to get a mile off the road to be successful, some of these areas require 10 miles of hiking just to get to the areas that are inhabited by sheep and/or goats.

Harvest stats:

Drawing odds:

Planning Map:

Got to "Highlight a hunt area" and select the unit you are interested in by using the "controlled hunts drop down menu".
Then turn on the layer for roads and trails under the "Turn layers on/off" tab. Motorized roads will generally be some shade of yellow/orange while foot trails will be red dotted lines. There is a measurement tool to give you an idea how far you would have to pack in. You can switch back and forth between topo and satellite imagery backgrounds to get an idea of the type of terrain.

Also under the layers tab you can turn on layers for public/private(land management) and wilderness areas.