Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wolves or German Sheperds?

At least he's owning up to it. But he is still says thanks to whoever turned him in, like they were doing him a favor
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"I made the decision to shoot."

What a piece of garbage. Stuff like this gives hunters a bad name.
Just lol at giving this guy a break. What in the world makes some hunters think that just because they are in the woods with a gun they can shoot whatever they want? Shoot first, ask questions later? Absolutely irresponsible.
I can understand him thinking that they were wolves from a distance. And even if he could identify them as german shepherds I think he would have been justified in shooting feral dogs if they were really as far back as he claims.

However, given the fact that his brother and father have both killed wolves in recent years and he was present for at least one of those kills(as evidenced by his youtube and instagram) I would have expected him to be able to tell the difference when he got up close to them. Certainly before cutting his tags.

Good on him for taking care of some feral dogs and and for owning up to this embarrassing situation.
wllm1313 thinks that idiot has guts? Another guy I'd like a couple minutes alone with. mtmuley
I've seen wild dogs really do damage in an area. He should have known what they were from the get go, but after having as many runs ins as i have with feral dogs, I can't say i'm too upset about it. I've watched them run deer and elk to exhaustion and kill them. The neighboring ranch to my family's has a couple cow dogs that have chased off every deer in the country at this point and it's hard for me to watch them do it mucb longer. Wild dogs are feral animals in my eyes and should be treated the same way. And BTW, i am truly a dog lover.
Hold the applause.

I've seen wild dogs really do damage in an area. He should have known what they were from the get go, but after having as many runs ins as i have with feral dogs, I can't say i'm too upset about it. I've watched them run deer and elk to exhaustion and kill them. The neighboring ranch to my family's has a couple cow dogs that have chased off every deer in the country at this point and it's hard for me to watch them do it mucb longer. Wild dogs are feral animals in my eyes and should be treated the same way. And BTW, i am truly a dog lover.

Nothing wrong with shooting feral dogs chasing deer.

Thats not really what this is about though. Go check out the posts if you have IG.

This guy is just your next fame seeking, social media douche bag (with a prior elk poaching conviction) that will do or say anything-regardless of the kind of image it gives hunters (as you'll see when you go look) to get more followers for his little website, or hat sales, or youtube channel or whatever the flat-bill wearing, supplement snorting shed hunters do.
Guess you don't have to go look
Byrmoore was posting at the same time as I

Crazy that people with that mentality are out there. I go out with my dogs all the time and no, they aren't on leashes. The one doesn't get very far at all from me ever and the other one listens very well and has an e-collar just in case(she likes small fuzzy animals like rabbits). Crazy to think that one could come over a rise 20 feet before me and get shot by a guy like this.
Let it be known that anybody who shoots one, better get serious about doing some more killing real quick.
Yep, like he said above ^^ as wild as they get. He's lucky he escaped with his life! I have 2 Short Hair Pointers and I always put orange on them when they get anywhere near an area where someone might have a gun. This dude is not bright. Bragging about notching your wolf tag, only to have shot a pair of dogs.....WTF? This is why I wear more blaze orange than what is required by law.
mtmuley... just saw his most recent post you are 100% right, I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was trying to do the right thing but clearly not
I'm not shooting any dog PERIOD. How do you tell a feral from someones lost pet? Where I live we are thankful to have a local pet recovery organization and they have been successful in trapping the most fearful and leery lost dogs that have been out in the wild for months.
I agree that feral dogs(or cats) or those running free and attacking animals is a problem. Call a game warden, BLM, animal control officer, whoever, before you take lethal action.
I'm a bit late to the party - but it sounds like:
1) Dude shoots "wolves" and tags them
2) Dude posts the action to social media
3) Social media says "dude, those are dogs"
4) Dude takes wolves/dogs into Fish & Game to verify
5) Fish & game says they are dogs
6) Private land, dogs shouldn't have been there.
7) F&G has no legal option
8) Dude exclaims he is righteous because he "smoked" some dogs.

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