Active fires and hunting, whats your thoughts?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2024
What are your thoughts or experience with hunting near large fires? Any specific precautions or guidelines you follow?

Curious to know what others consider a safe distance from a fire to hunt from.

Been planning a trip over to Idaho and season is here essentially, I got the A, B, C, D, E Plan A, and B, is within 30-40 miles as a crow flies to the Wapiti fire around 110,000 acres and 12% containment. Obviously plan A is my favorite... but curious what others think, wife's saying it's to close for her to be comfortable with. Plan B is fairly close as well and C and D are well away from it. Where I have picked is still open but several roads and a highway is shut down.

Honestly my biggest concern is the smoke and visibility. I feel like my access road is far enough out... thinking smoke is gonna hurt a bit. I can come down about 3-4 times if needed. Would you guys push plan A to a different trip, or stick to it? Wife I think is more worried since I'm headed in solo.. I got a sat phone but likely won't have true phone service to really get updates besides threw her on sat phone.
If the forest area you are hunting is open, it should be safe. At least around here when a fire gets going USFS will close a large area around it. Distance doesn’t really dictate smoke so much as wind. We live and I hunt 25-30 miles south of a large fire this summer. The wind was predominantly out of the west so we saw little smoke from that fire. However we are getting lots of smoke from Idaho, hundreds of miles away.

30-40 miles is plenty of distance IMO. Forest fires can and do move fast but for the most part they creep along and then move with the wind when it picks up.

Another consideration is how far out your hunt is. Once we have a good snow fires usually slow way down.

Hope this helps.
I assume you are following this Inciweb page. There is still lightning expected. I would be more concerned of a new fire starting on top of me or on my egress route.
Inciweb seems to say that Wapiti is moving North and East as we would expect. Containment number will likely jump pretty quickly as segments report contained.

If the forest area you are hunting is open, it should be safe. At least around here when a fire gets going USFS will close a large area around it. Distance doesn’t really dictate smoke so much as wind. We live and I hunt 25-30 miles south of a large fire this summer. The wind was predominantly out of the west so we saw little smoke from that fire. However we are getting lots of smoke from Idaho, hundreds of miles away.

30-40 miles is plenty of distance IMO. Forest fires can and do move fast but for the most part they creep along and then move with the wind when it picks up.

Another consideration is how far out your hunt is. Once we have a good snow fires usually slow way down.

Hope this helps.
It does thank you. I'm not super concerned myself the wife is a bit... the weather is forecasted to be pretty tame, high 60s, 5-10mph, slight chance of rain.
Check out the WatchDuty app. It’s helpful for getting alerts of new fires in your area. Of course, you’d need service to get those, though.

Wildfires are just sort of a part of fall. I agree that smoke is the bigger concern. It’s no fun being out there with your eyes and throat burning, plus visibility issues. I’ve definitely hunted within 20 miles or less of one, but the wind wasn’t blowing the smoke to the area I was so it wasn’t a problem.

My primary exposure to fire in the landscape while hunting is the burning of fresh clear cuts. That’s always kinda spooky. The grounds completely blackened, occasional flames spouting from holes, everything’s steaming, and it stinks like a freshly doused campfire. Nice part about it, the animals aren’t hanging out there either, so no need to stay longer than it takes to pass through.
I assume you are following this Inciweb page. There is still lightning expected. I would be more concerned of a new fire starting on top of me or on my egress route.
Inciweb seems to say that Wapiti is moving North and East as we would expect. Containment number will likely jump pretty quickly as segments report contained.

I am following it and it's definitely a thought of mine too. Just not sure it's worth bagging the entire plan yet... probably just come down to what it's doing this week and where it goes... and how the wife feels about it.
I am following it and it's definitely a thought of mine too. Just not sure it's worth bagging the entire plan yet... probably just come down to what it's doing this week and where it goes... and how the wife feels about it.
FWIW - I would go with plan A unless it is likely to become a "Marriage Moment"
Check out the WatchDuty app. It’s helpful for getting alerts of new fires in your area. Of course, you’d need service to get those, though.

Wildfires are just sort of a part of fall. I agree that smoke is the bigger concern. It’s no fun being out there with your eyes and throat burning, plus visibility issues. I’ve definitely hunted within 20 miles or less of one, but the wind wasn’t blowing the smoke to the area I was so it wasn’t a problem.

My primary exposure to fire in the landscape while hunting is the burning of fresh clear cuts. That’s always kinda spooky. The grounds completely blackened, occasional flames spouting from holes, everything’s steaming, and it stinks like a freshly doused campfire. Nice part about it, the animals aren’t hanging out there either, so no need to stay longer than it takes to pass through.
Yeah it's more the smoke and inversion I'm really concerned about.... I wonder about glass-ability if it's just slogged in smoke. I can hope for the best but I'm thinking it's gonna be fairly smokey but as long as I can glass I'm pretty good with it still. Il check that app out, thank you.
Fire and smoke can be used to your advantage.
Less hunters ,animals will be more concentrated in small areas with less smoke.
Usually lower on the mountains and closer to water sources.
Go for it.
Wapiti Fire is slowing down. It’s not going to move 30-40 miles. If it did, you would have time to get away. Make sure you can keep up to date on it.

I just ran a line distance from my house to the Wapiti Fire. 42 miles. I’m not getting evacuated.😀

I hunted sheep in September during the Pioneer Fire. We couldn’t see chit and we’re socked in with smoke every afternoon. Cough cough.
My wife's the worrier, her comparison is the rice ridge fire few years back, her dad has a cabin in Seeley. In one night it burned crazy and put their cabin in jeopardy over night... I'm feeling good about the plan but it's definitely something I'm watching... Appreciate the comments though, they seem to be helping the other half calm down a bit about it.
Wapiti Fire is slowing down. It’s not going to move 30-40 miles. If it did, you would have time to get away. Make sure you can keep up to date on it.

I just ran a line distance from my house to the Wapiti Fire. 42 miles. I’m not getting evacuated.😀

I hunted sheep in September during the Pioneer Fire. We couldn’t see chit and we’re socked in with smoke every afternoon. Cough cough.
Kinda my thoughts as well. Plus she will able to give me a get the f outta dodge message. Just watch this week and hope that the winds keep down and stays about what it is.

Honestly smoke is my main worry. But we're already getting a ton of smoke here as well so what's the difference? 💨💨💨
I’ve had good luck hunting right up to the edge of the burns during rifle season. The fires are done growing but still plenty of hot spots. The Teepee butte fire was the best for us. Early rains produced quite a bit of green up. The elk were all over it.
Thirty to forty miles, you should be good. Would however watch the weather. I the forecast is hot and dry with strong winds blowing from the fire to you I would not venture far from the truck. The Remington Fire traveled that distance over night.

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