Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Why is it so complicated?

Peace and strength to you and your family, Topgun.

We all need to understand that those who have lack the $, time and/or motivation to hunt public land in the West are less likely to oppose public land transfer. They don't value the public land resource like we who utilize it often. It is still their land and birthright, even if they never set foot on it. We have to recruit their support for keeping public lands in public hands. CO is relatively friendly to NR hunters, w unlimited OTC NR tags, high percentages of draw tags designated for NRs and lower price cow tags for NRs. Please remember that when your legislators support PLT, and rip them a new one.
If you "rip them a new one" you might simply be dismissed as a professional protester even though there is no such thing.
Topgun, that's some really tough news. Wishing your family a miracle.
I have been reading through some of the recent posts about the Wyoming elk draw and I just don't understand why the states have gone to such a complicated draw system. I've seen several post their hestitance for western hunting due to the jacked up systems and I'm starting to agree. I thought I had a good grasp on Wyoming but I guess I was wrong after watching the video about draw odds that Randy posted. I guess I'm just frustrated and confused about the western draw systems and really just don't understand what the states have to gain???

I think the drawings got complicated when people started complaining that the drawings weren't fair. Without doing too much research I bet it is a fair assumption to say that most if not all state tag drawings started as random draws. Then to make it more fair to those who didn't draw they put in wait periods. When that didn't satisfy everybody they added in other restrictions (OIL, weapon choices, longer wait periods) When that didn't satisfy everyone then they cooked up point systems. When that didn't solve everything they made adjustments every few years to have the appearance of making it more fair. Split draw, more money for a special draw, squaring points etc. Now, as some posts have indicated, it has become a major source of revenue for many states and if they were to phase out and simplify their systems, they would have to find new ways to replace that revenue or cut programs.

None of that really matters. If you want to hunt you learn how the system works. It may take some time but you'll figure it out.
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