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  1. H

    Happy Birthday Nut

    Happy B-Day Nut!!! And Merry Christmas!!!
  2. H

    Happy Birthday Mojave !!!

    Happy B-Day Mo!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!
  3. H

    The lion, The witch and the wardrobe

    Went and saw this movie on my anniversary the 10th of DEC. and even though the movie is very long you really don't realize it. Its pretty close to the book. Even my husband enjoyed Its a good movie for ages 7 and up, I'de say. :D :D :D
  4. H

    Happy Anniversry

    Huntin blinds????????????? who needs those???!!!!! Thanks all of you!!!! Hope you all have a great holiday!!!!!
  5. H

    I got a deer!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations on the deer and that is a great story too!!!!
  6. H

    Were were you...

    I was a sophmore in high school at the time and remember it all very well. Barbara Morgan one of the teachers that was going to go up in the shuttle was my little sisters teacher at one time. And growing up in a small town every one knows everyone. Very scary stuff.
  7. H

    Chats messed up

    So I take it that chat is still broke? cause I logged in and there is a bunch of people in there but no one chattin and then I logged out and was able to log back in and you all were still there.....LOL
  8. H

    Back for a bit

    Absolutly amazing!!! Glad your back Russ!!!
  9. H

    Hunterman & QD Deer pictures

    QD and Hunterman congratulations on the deer!!!! As far as the pics being Gorey well, (and this is coming for a girl that hunts every year) they don't disturb me at all!!! It all ways amazes me that big strong guys get so darn wussy over this stuff. I've seen more guys turn green while cleaning...
  10. H

    Happy Birthday Wapiti2

    Just have to say Happy Birthday to you sweet heart!!! love ya losts and have a great day!!!! :D :D :D
  11. H

    So this is what I've been missing!

    welcome to huntalk!!!!
  12. H

    Unit 39 help!!

    NO NO Moosie thats 2x4 wapiti2 has one on the wall almost like it.....LOL (his is smaller though) LOL (and yes he was born here)
  13. H

    Baby Moosie !!!!

    Hey Moosie, I have a nephew with the name of BEAU HUNTER and ya know he is very apptly named!!!! HE LOVES HUNTING....LOL!!! Its a great name and I'm a woman!!!! :D :D :D
  14. H

    Happy Birthday Ike

    Happy Belated Birthday Ike and nice kitty cat there!!!
  15. H

    Secret Santa Gift Exchange

    Hey QD, Wapiti2 and I are in, just let us know who we get and so on!!! and yes I voted not sure if wapiti2 voted or not though but I know he will be in on it.
  16. H

    Thirty Three

    Happy Anniversary to you and Mrs. Whiskers!!!!
  17. H

    The Secrect to a Happy Marriage!!!

    Secret to a Happy Marriage A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoebox in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband...
  18. H

    Our Baby Girl

    Congratulations to you both!!!! girls are so much fun ...but I'm glad I only have 1 !!!!!
  19. H

    Football Finally Makes Sense

    Football FINALLY makes sense.......... A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. "Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants and all the...
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