Baby Moosie !!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Is not here yet Damit !!! But we're waiting every day.

So I wanted to Name it Baeu.... Baeu Hunter Williamson. My Wife knixed that Idea |oo So I came up with another one.. How About Broc ? Broc's a Nice name. I figured use a Middle name of LEE and last name of Williamson.

What do you guys think ?!?! Cool name ?
You know it would have sucked had you named your kid BEAU and not known how to spell it! |oo :rolleyes: No wonder Vicki shot down Ba-oo
I named my two boys and my wife named our daughter. That was just the standing rule on naming children...if it's a girl, mom names her, and a boy gets to be named by dad but only after being okay'd by mom |oo :D .
Broc Lee? moosie, say that a couple of times... Broc Lee...broclee.... brocoli?

I like the name broc, but I think one needs to consiter a better middle name.
"and last name of Williamson.".........Shouldn't you give the kid his father's last name!! :D

Wierd...prior to knowing the sex of my youngest kido, I suggested (jokingly) several times the name, Broc Lee, if it were a boy. That is some crazy chit, because I came up with that on my own...not like I seen it on a movie or anything.

You got my vote though...I didn't end up having a boy.
Lets see, If I remember the way the naming game goes :rolleyes: Mom and dad sit down and go through about a zillion names and then agrees on one like lets say for a boy :rolleyes: Anthony Paul,,,and a girls name of lets say hmmm :rolleyes: Christy Ann... Everything is right in the world :) Now mom goes in to the delivery room :D the baby comes out healthy and all,,, the nurse askes " Well what is her name going to be?" and dad with his chest stuck out gets ready for his part :D then mom SHANNON REBECCA, :eek: or ERIN ROSE :eek: or LINDSEY VAUGHN :eek: and dad wonders,, what the hell ever happened to Christy Ann??? And mom looks at dad and says " Well honey we DID agreed on the names" :D

My point is that MOMS HAVE THE FINNAL SAY ON NAMES...Dads are :rolleyes: well just dads...

smalls said:
Broc Lee? moosie, say that a couple of times... Broc Lee...broclee.... brocoli?

Thanx for Pointing that out Smalls..... I had NOOOOOOoo Idea, Boy do I feel silly .. ;)
Moosie, sneak it by her instead...make it "Brian Oscar Williamson." Or go the Foreman way and just name them all Oscar.
Hey Moosie, I have a nephew with the name of BEAU HUNTER and ya know he is very apptly named!!!! HE LOVES HUNTING....LOL!!! Its a great name and I'm a woman!!!! :D :D :D
I think you should name kids like you name cats and dogs....

you know bring them home put them on the floor and let their personality help with the name..

names would probally be like.
hungry hippo
kinda names like that ;)

Dont ya just love naming kids...