Hunterman & QD Deer pictures

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Ya'll are just jealous that I have the ability to shoot a deer in teh head and our neck just so it doesn't suffer.

You know I love ya and Don't mean to offend you but I'm pretty sure no one is Jealous. People in school used to say that when we called them stupid but we really made fun of them because they were. (Not saying you're stupid so don't read anything in that just an example). I think it's Great you can shoot a Deer in the head "our" neck..... but a Big hole in the side of..... anything, Even a Cat, which I hate cats, just doesn't sit well with me either. Most everyone here likes to look and hear success stories but some things are a bit to much.

The picture represents what happens, and would never be pulled and I'm happy for you and your doe, and no one is belittleing you (That I know of) for taking it. Just the picture is a little over the top.

Everyone should take notes on some of the pictures MtMiller, Ovis, Oak, Schmalts, and some others. Notice I didn't put my name in there because I'm still learning from those guys :D

All that being said, Congrats once again and be happy with you and Pop's success. Not a big deal.....
isnt this the same site where we had a contest to see who made the worst looking varmints a few years back???? just wondering
Moosie said:
Everyone should take notes on some of the pictures MtMiller, Ovis, Oak, Schmalts, and some others. Notice I didn't put my name in there because I'm still learning from those guys :D
Hey what about me/????? Actually, Schmalts should be permanently ignored for his bad judgement in putting pictures of his 1/2 nekid buddy in the DVD... :D

Ovis definitley gets my vote for best pictures. I only like the MTMiller pictures of his dog Axl and the big-ass mule deer Miller kills. The pics of him are kinda ugly....despite what that chick on the other Forum says....

It is interesting to see who defends the right for people to have bad taste and bad judgement.
as they say at primo "this aint hollywood"!
nice shootin, nice story & nice pix's!congrats.

you really pissed the hissy fitters off with that picture (....nice job)
Hissy Fitters ? JB, you're trying to stir things..... :D You're right it Ain't hollywood. I'm really surprised that other pictures in the past haven't had that many comment's though. I looked up a Thread the other day and it had some pictures like Tom's buck :


And after a quote from Tom like :

I don't show guts and blood, I try to show the animal like it lived.

You'd think someone would point that out. But noone did. Weird, eh ?

Not Everyone can take a perfect hollywood picture but with time and if we try we can take better ones and thats what it's all about is learning new things .... ?

At any rate, we have hashed this out and some feelings were hurt, some people got it, some didn't. People are like they are and alot of times one side that sees soemthing one way will never get the other side on how they see it. Just the way it is.

Congrats again.
"It is interesting to see who defends the right for people to have bad taste and bad judgement."

Gunner, you ever get dizzy way up there above everyone else? :cool:
QD and Hunterman congratulations on the deer!!!!
As far as the pics being Gorey well, (and this is coming for a girl that hunts every year)
they don't disturb me at all!!! It all ways amazes me that big strong guys get so darn wussy over this stuff. I've seen more guys turn green while cleaning a deer or elk than I can count and yes I have had to finish what they started. Pusses!!!
As my grand dad all ways said" once the animal is down, THE FUN IS DONE,KNOW THE WORK HAS BEGAN!!!!"
Those pictures really speak volumes.

Huntinfool, you can drop the tough doesnt impress anyone.

I've killed a pile of game in my life and those pictures are about as pathetic and gross as hunting photos get. The "people" that take photos like that really must lack attention in their lives or may just be that @#$#ing stupid. Either way, its sad to see. It would have been real, real easy to just take the photo with the deer facing the other direction...but I suppose they thought they were being "cute" or "funny".

I find nothing humorous or entertaining about blowing the brains out of deer, and to be honest, its just not something I need or want to see (as a hunter). It bothers me enough, that in the last 12-15 years, I've never shot anything in the head to finish them. I simply but another shot behind the shoulder (on the rare occasions I find it necessary), its less messy and does no further meat damage.

The last thing I need to see in the field or on the internet is some drunk, six-fingered banjo picker with a bottle of jack and a deer whos head he's just turned into a canoe.

Before I ever support BS and people like that, I'll quit hunting and join PETA...and thats a fact.

You're as clueless as the hacks posting the photos...

Obviously third grade, common sense, and comprehension are all a struggle for you.
BuzzH,, Let me start by saying and let me be quoted "KISS MY ASS YOU SELF RIGHTOUS #*^@#*" How dare you try to talk smack about me or my shooting you GUT SHOOTING BITCH...You are nothing but a "TROPHY SHOOTING PEICE OF SHIT...Take your PETA worshiping ass and got to BUNNY HUGGERS .COM..How dare you talk about my shooting and taking an animal out of pain!!! YOU ARE THE TYPE OF PERSON THAT NEEDS NOT TO BE IN THE HUNTING WORLD,,YOU SELF RIGHTOUS BITCH....YOU ARE THE TYPE OF PERSON THAT CAN KISS MY ASS!!!! ON TOP OF THIS YOU LITTLE HOMO,, YOU PICK THE RANGE, THE FIREARM, AND THE PLACE,,AND I'LL SHOOT YOUR ASS INTO THE GROUND,,,,AS LONG AS YOU HAVE $1000 A ROUND TO PUT UP!!!! AFTER ALL YOU SAID I WAS A DRUNK AND A 6 FINGER BANJO PICKER



I agree with Delw and Mojave…..

I usually do not even come to Hunttalk anymore, but WH was laughing at the names Tony was calling Buzz and was reading the post to me. I had to catch up. Robert and I actually meet up with them on Saturday afternoon after we had a little accident on the quad (the baby is fine). We saw the buck and we have a good time hanging out with them.

WH has taught me not to shoot a deer in the head and to shoot deer in the lungs, but that is a preference of ours. You fussy little boys need to mind their own business and leave them alone. I do not recall Erin or Tony asking for Ya’lls opinion on how they should shoot their deer, or did they?????

Along with Delw I had to HUNT for the JD bottle. I did not even notice and laughed out loud at the deer wearing the hats. I am very girlie and I have no issues with the pictures.

BuzzH said:
I simply but another shot behind the shoulder (on the rare occasions I find it necessary), its less messy and does no further meat damage.

The last thing I need to see in the field or on the internet is some drunk, six-fingered banjo picker with a bottle of jack and a deer whos head he's just turned into a canoe.

Before I ever support BS and people like that, I'll quit hunting and join PETA...and thats a fact.

Please translate the first sentence??????? :confused:

And a deer whos head??? Should it not be “Whose” you Buttfaced, Ignorant, Lonely Jerk Off.. :rolleyes: I guess all the time you told me I mistyped my post, was just another way you were being an arrogant ass!!!! :BLEEP:

Like Got2hunt said you should just join Peta, that way Hunters will not be associated with ppl like YOU!!! :D

I never thought anyone could piss off Tony!!! He is such a cool person and so is the rest of his family…. Mojave, Hunting fool and Myself (ALL FEMALES) think you guys are a little sensitive and find nothing offensive about the pictures. GET over it and if you do not like it DO NOT LOOK AT IT!!!
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