
Hunterman & QD Deer pictures

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QD, Congratulations on the deer and thanks for the story. It is well written. Here's a comment: "In fact 95% of all of mine and hunterman's shots on animals are either in the head or the neck,"

Those are bad shots to try for. The spine is easy to miss and those head shots are chancy. Someday you'll be a little off with the head shot and shoot the deer's jaw off and he'll starve to death. Stick with a shot right behind the shoulder into the lungs. It's a big target and you won't ruin much meat with a rib shot. Think about how much meat you'll let spoil if you miss a little bit on the neck/spine shot and can't find the deer or if you shoot a deer's jaw or nose off. He'll live for weeks and you'll never find him.
Nut I was smiling in one of the pictures, but I guess it didnt' get sent to Elkhunter.

Ithaca 37 that is some very sound advice.
Quick Draw
QD, Oak summed up my position, that I should have made clear in my first post. There are too many people that we never know about cruising these websites and a Bottle of Whiskey and a Headshot is just the stuff they are looking to find. If I seemed to have been out of line, so be it. We all need to be reminded how fragile our support of those who don't hunt, but who don't try to shut it down either is. John
Thanks for posting the pics for us Elkhunter...I need to get a gallory set up and learn how to post them....

I wasn't going to say anything about the way that the pictures were posted,,but,,,seeing that some want to come down on Quick Draw,,well now I will speak...

Number 1. The bottle of Jack... It was used to hold up the Hunttalk hat on the doe..I thought that I had it hidden as in the second picture..

Number 2. The head shot...The last time I shot a deer the shot looked a hell of a lot worse, and it seemed that people still wanted the picture posted..Shots in the head or neck is the way that I shoot, and the resaults can and do get sick looking..I have killed over 100 deer in my life, and the ones that I killed with a rifle 90% were shot in the head or neck..Risky shot?? Yes for some.. Someday will I shoot the nose or the jaw off a deer (or elk) ?? I don't see that happening..Why you might ask?? For one I don't get buck fever( they are just an animal like a cow) and for two I will match my marksmenship against any swing d**k here PERIOD..AND YES I AM THAT DAMN GOOD!!! Would I have shot that buck in the head?? HELL YES if I had the shot...

Number 3. How far would the doe have gone shot behind the shoulder???I don't know...I didn't want to see...She had aleady gone about 40 yards UP HILL..How many deer have y'all seen do that?? I have lost 2 animals that I shot behind the shoulder (one deer and one elk)..Before someone says that it was a bad shot,,the top quarter of the heart was shot off...Yes she was going to die,,but I have seen deer and elk full of adrenaline from being jumped go a long way before they go down with bigger caliber bullets in them...

Number 4. All the pictures were posted by one of the Admins. of this site, and again a big thank you Elkhunter for posting them...I feel that if he thought any of them were not of this sites quality he would not have posted them...I don't know how many picture were sent to him, but he picked the best ones to go on here...I picked out a few picture that were sent out to a few people to post on here.. And Elkhunter was finally the one able to post them..So get the hell off her back...If your going to get pissed at anyone get pissed at ME. I made the selections on what went out so that they get posted..Elkhunter had the final word..

Enough about that..Case closed!!!!

Thank you for the congrats,, its the first time that I have ever taged out on openning weekend in all the years that I've been hunting, and its the first time that a tag was used on openning day...

Mojave, You know how women like to pick flowers, then watch them die in a vase. Yuck. At least the guy thing is to preserve the animal looking good, it lasts longer and it always looks good. I don't do hat pictures. Even when I get a picture of an animal hanging on the rack, instead of a natural pose in the field, I don't show guts and blood, I try to show the animal like it lived. I could do better though. What do you all think of the pictures where I have an animal hanging? We do that a lot here, its how we skin and quarter them a lot, hanging upside down by the feet. At least is focusses on them being meat for food. Blood and guts pictures are just gorry stuff, I think.

I like Ithaca's advice. I heard about a deer getting a drink of water once, its mouth worked find, it could drink. It had been shot just a little low in the neck and its esophogus was cut in two. No way for food and water to get to the stomach. Deer bob their head up and down all the time, and its fast, faster than I can get them in the scope and pull the trigger. I think a head/neck shot is way to risky for a misserable situation.

How about this version?


I like the way you grip those antlers, its like you won't let go for anything!
Congrats Hunterman and Quick.
I didnt see anything wrong with the pics.
it took me damn near an hour to figure out where ther bottle of jack was. April just bought lunch and I was looking for the Jack under the hat and just couldnt find it, then I started eating and found it.
Now that I saw it that part does look kinda bad. Personally I dont give a shit what others think. If it was my pics I would probally delete the top one or find one with out the bottle in it., but their not mine and they dont bother me any shape way or form.

As far as disrespecting a deer in a pic thats kinda stupid isnt it? I mean how can you disrespect something you just put a hole through

Nice job on the deer you 2 .....

That was Quick Draws 2nd buck, but the biggest so far Bambi Stew hump

Greenhorn,, That shot made me want to hurl too hump

Thanks DelW

Moosie,,Just how do you mean mount it :eek: j/k No he's not big enough to take to the taxi. man..We're going to cut the antlers off his head (anyone want to see pics of that?? :D ) and put them on a board and put them on the wall...

By mount it I meant I wasn't sure if that was a Big buck from were you guys were ? I see alot of doe kills so I was wondering if it was "mountable" for you was all.
Ya'll are just jealous that I have the ability to shoot a deer in teh head and our neck just so it doesn't suffer. If ya'll wanna rag on me go for it, we will take it to the range. I am that confident in my shooting abilities.

As for everyone else congradulating me and my dad on our deer this year. Thank you.

BambiStew, just like my dad said tihs is my second buck, however this is my biggest buck.

Moosie, we are planning on mounting teh deer, but only the antlers. I told my dad that since we are going to Iron Creek, the area where he shot his biggest buck, that I want a buck bigger than his. When I finaly get that buck I will have the head mounted. And yes ya'll will get pics of that deer too, in the field in teh truck, hanging on the meat pole, and even hanging on the wall.

Kikl we do have some decent bucks, they are just hard to find.
Quick Draw
That first pic looks like me after my first boxing match. ;) Congrads on the deer QD. Way to stick up for your daughter Hunterman.
Hey Greenhorn, that pics almost as bad as some asshole posing with an elk fetus isn't it!
Quick Draw said:
Thanks noharleyyet. Sorry about the boxing match though, can you see out of your eye????
Quick Draw

You bet I can QD. Time heals most things...even smug attitudes. ;)
Good luck with your remaining seasons.
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