Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

I got a deer!!!!!!!!


New member
Apr 15, 2004
:D It was 8:37 am when I shot my very first deer. It was a long time of holding the gun up watching the buck go back and forth trying to decide if he wanted to run or not. There were a total of five deer in front of my 12 year old daughter and I at about 40 feet away. 3 does, a 8 point buck and then another doe. When I first seen the buck he looked like a big doe so I didn't get tooo excited until he turned his head at me and I seen the rack. Thats when mine and the daughetrs hearts starting pounding like we were in a marathon. Well when the daughter focused on seeing the does around she said in a very low voice "holy sheit). I didn't say anything to her because she was right "holy sheit)( she said the curse word though). LMAO. But anyway we were sitting there as still as we could when the buck noticed something was NOT right in that picture. He kept stomping around in a circle and he would not get to the point of a broad side hit away from the trees for a good 10 minutes. Man that 44 mag gets heavy holding it that long. To top it all off I had just laid my gun down for a few seconds to try and stretch. I slowly took my hand put it on the dgun and he looked at me while I was picking it up. I froze. It seemed like an eternity before he would look away from me so I could at least get my gun in my arms. Well he looked for the other 3 does that were in front of him then I was able to get my gun in my arms at least. He kept goin back and forth looking around to see a good escape route. Well like I said it seemed like an eterneity before I was able to get a shot off at him. My arms were shaking due to the fact the gun was playing havick on my muscles, my heart was pounding out of my chest (also the daughters heart was pounding out of her chest). The last doe that was there snorted just before I shot and he looked at her like what is the matter with you it's all ok. Thats when he got broad side, I took my mark and shot and then the doe took off right after that. Well I didn't see him kick his hind legs up (the daughter did though) and then he took off. I said sheit I missed and I will never hear the end of it. It crossed a creek about 30 more feet, I told my daughter I missed him dag gum it. She said Mommy you did NOT miss, he is laying down and when we seen what he was doing, I started laughing and crying at the same time while the daughter and I were still shaking in our boots. I turned on my walkie talkie so I could tell my husband and the 8 year old son that I got my buck. The 8 year old came a running to me like a streak of lightning and then him and the daughter went down to the deer and said Mom you have a heart shot. My adrenaline was pumping so hard that when they told me that I thought I was going to pass out.
My husband had taken a 8 point 2 days before me and his deer had one broken point on it. Mine was a perfect 8, the deer was about 2 to 3 years old. The sad thing about the story is we went in with intenstions to get a massive buck. His mass goes all over the place. HUGE< HUGE buck. The son and daughter was walking back to the truck to get us a rope to help us drag this deer up and down hills and through a creek 2 times (over a half of a mile to the truck) when they seen the monster buck... :( He would have been too old to eat but at least I could have had the bragging rights to this monster buck because it was my very first kill. But I am truely happy that 2 of 4 kids went with us and I did get a legal deer. It was a great day of hunting becaue I had the time of my life watching these 2 kids get very excited like they were the ones that shot this deer. My husband had told me that just 2 minutes before I shot, the 8 year old was crying because he was cold and tired and wanted to go home, until he heard me shoot. He got up so fast that he was wide awake and he was no longer cold and turned on his walkie and said MOM in a scared voice and when he heard me say I GOT A BUCK he took off running towards me and the daughter like he was in a race. The kids were starting to get restless just before those deer showed up. We were in the woods for only 2 hours and 7 minutes. I am one proud mother and hunter. Now this morning the husband is out hunting again with 2 buddies to help them get their deer. :D hump ;)
Well congrats on what sounds like a dandy buck. Please post some pictures for all to see and thanks for the great story of the hunt.
Congrats boss hen, with the season we have been having in Missouri I'm glad to her someone killed a nice one. We have been seeing alot of deer (which is better than alot of people i've talk to) just nothing with the right headgear yet. We still have muzzleloader season yet.
hummm message didn't work the first time

Good going hen , Everyone got time take a look at my thread (camp pics) There are deer on the last 3 pages that was taken from NY and Canada.
Here is the story...

old-boss-hen said:
:D It was 8:37 am when I shot my very first deer. It was a long time of holding the gun up watching the buck go back and forth trying to decide if he wanted to run or not. There were a total of five deer in front of my 12 year old daughter and I at about 40 feet away. 3 does, a 8 point buck and then another doe. When I first seen the buck he looked like a big doe so I didn't get tooo excited until he turned his head at me and I seen the rack. Thats when mine and the daughetrs hearts starting pounding like we were in a marathon. Well when the daughter focused on seeing the does around she said in a very low voice "holy sheit). I didn't say anything to her because she was right "holy sheit)( she said the curse word though). LMAO. But anyway we were sitting there as still as we could when the buck noticed something was NOT right in that picture. He kept stomping around in a circle and he would not get to the point of a broad side hit away from the trees for a good 10 minutes. Man that 44 mag gets heavy holding it that long. To top it all off I had just laid my gun down for a few seconds to try and stretch. I slowly took my hand put it on the dgun and he looked at me while I was picking it up. I froze. It seemed like an eternity before he would look away from me so I could at least get my gun in my arms. Well he looked for the other 3 does that were in front of him then I was able to get my gun in my arms at least. He kept goin back and forth looking around to see a good escape route. Well like I said it seemed like an eterneity before I was able to get a shot off at him. My arms were shaking due to the fact the gun was playing havick on my muscles, my heart was pounding out of my chest (also the daughters heart was pounding out of her chest). The last doe that was there snorted just before I shot and he looked at her like what is the matter with you it's all ok. Thats when he got broad side, I took my mark and shot and then the doe took off right after that. Well I didn't see him kick his hind legs up (the daughter did though) and then he took off. I said sheit I missed and I will never hear the end of it. It crossed a creek about 30 more feet, I told my daughter I missed him dag gum it. She said Mommy you did NOT miss, he is laying down and when we seen what he was doing, I started laughing and crying at the same time while the daughter and I were still shaking in our boots. I turned on my walkie talkie so I could tell my husband and the 8 year old son that I got my buck. The 8 year old came a running to me like a streak of lightning and then him and the daughter went down to the deer and said Mom you have a heart shot. My adrenaline was pumping so hard that when they told me that I thought I was going to pass out.
My husband had taken a 8 point 2 days before me and his deer had one broken point on it. Mine was a perfect 8, the deer was about 2 to 3 years old. The sad thing about the story is we went in with intenstions to get a massive buck. His mass goes all over the place. HUGE< HUGE buck. The son and daughter was walking back to the truck to get us a rope to help us drag this deer up and down hills and through a creek 2 times (over a half of a mile to the truck) when they seen the monster buck... :( He would have been too old to eat but at least I could have had the bragging rights to this monster buck because it was my very first kill. But I am truely happy that 2 of 4 kids went with us and I did get a legal deer. It was a great day of hunting becaue I had the time of my life watching these 2 kids get very excited like they were the ones that shot this deer. My husband had told me that just 2 minutes before I shot, the 8 year old was crying because he was cold and tired and wanted to go home, until he heard me shoot. He got up so fast that he was wide awake and he was no longer cold and turned on his walkie and said MOM in a scared voice and when he heard me say I GOT A BUCK he took off running towards me and the daughter like he was in a race. The kids were starting to get restless just before those deer showed up. We were in the woods for only 2 hours and 7 minutes. I am one proud mother and hunter. Now this morning the husband is out hunting again with 2 buddies to help them get their deer. :D hump ;)

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