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Unit 39 help!!


New member
Mar 28, 2005
My hunting partner fell through and I need some help finding a buck in 39. Can anybody steer me in the right direction?
OK lets see if I remember....
Are you familiar with the Cow Creek bridge below Anderson Ranch Dam? If so good.

Follow the road downstream (along the South Fork) from the Cow Creek bridge about a mile or so (maybe more) be on the look out for a large turn out on your right. You will know the spot when you see it...look for a massive Ponderosa all by itself at the top of a bluff overlooking the turn out. You can't miss the tree, it's the biggest one along the road and it stands out because its by itself. Just past that turn out is an old horse trail (now its an atv trail) that angles up the bluff to your right. You can go straight up the bluff to the tree or take the trail, either way that bluff is the edge of a big meadow that was once a homestead. The trail goes all the way to the back of that valley and it splits. Just before the slpit you will see an old orchard. If they're still there, a few of those trees continue to the produce beautiful apples (I always went home with a pack full). Big bear piles near the trees BTW. Anyway, take the canyon to the left. After you cross the little creek, climb to the ridge with the giant rocks on it, in the canyon center--its a hike but worth it. Once you're on top and assuming the orchard is to your right, you'll have a good view of a big basin above you and to your left and a big timbered bench cross canyon to your front.

Watch that basin and watch that bench. You will see a buck or two. Oh, and bring a pack frame. If you shoot you'll need one.

Good luck and munch an apple or two for me

BTW that creek bottom is full of grouse and there's turkeys there in spring
andeson ranch area. horseshoe bend, middle fork of the boise. I haven't been able to spend a ton of time so I am just looking for someone to send me in the right direction.
39 is an Awesome unit. Problem is, It's big and most of the big ones are in places that are hard to get to. I know were alot of Forked horns have died :) I'd focuss around Anderson ranch. Any onf those dirt roads that you drive and look to the side and think it would be too tough to climb the hill and then you keep driving... you should stop at any of those places and start hiking up.. and up... and then keep going. Sounds like generic cheesey info but it will work anywere up there.
Hey Erik

You mean climb up this ridge? :D

That is probably what I am going to do. I have the 300wsm. dialed in and ready. Now it sounds like I need to get my pack filled with moleskin and extra socks! Atleast the drag will be all down hill. thanks for all of the help fellas. I will let you know how it goes.
good luck B Killin....i am headed out today.....be back tuesday...hopefully with a nice buck in totehumphumphump hey Ovis.....is that a 2x4?????
NO NO Moosie thats 2x4 wapiti2 has one on the wall almost like it.....LOL (his is smaller though) LOL (and yes he was born here)
hey moosie....that is what my wife thought when i came home and told her i shot a 2x4.....till she went and looked in the back of the truck......it is a neat looking rack though......looks about like Ovis' pic:D:D
B Killin,

Unit 39 is a unique unit in that it has very remote sections and very busy areas. I vote for the prior for quality hunting. I've seen some nice bucks both alive and dead in there. Look at Snyder creek on the topo. Doesn't look like much until you get to the top, then it opens up into a nice bowl, albeit a very steep bowl.

Very nice directions on the homestead. I arrowed my first turkey not far from there. 99% luck on that hunt. The best part was that my 3 year old son was in on it.
Well hell, I guess 90% of hunttalk has hunted the homestead.
Thanks for all of the help fellas. Hopefully I will have a good bloody story to tell. If not at least I will see some new country.
Thats the spot! The exact spot I was trying to describe is to the right of your photo. If my bearings are right (and memory serves) the old orchard is behind and downhill from your buck (just about)

B-K, Moosie and Tone pretty much nailed it, head uphill away from the roads. About 1/2 mile will put you in virtually unhunted country.

Good Luck
Kenetrek Boots

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