Kenetrek Boots

RIP Gene Hackman

My dads 83 , and said it was a good way to go for Gene, his reasoning was Gene didn’t have to get put in an old folks home and be taken care of by strangers who may or may not really care about you. Your just a job to the caregiver’s at that point.

A different view from someone who’s lived long life himself
Not sure I can agree. People with Alzheimers can get very upset and agitated if things appear wrong or they don't understand. Could have been very distressing to Gene towards the end to be in that house.
Not sure I can agree. People with Alzheimers can get very upset and agitated if things appear wrong or they don't understand. Could have been very distressing to Gene towards the end to be in that house.
I’m not 83 and staring my own mortality in the face , I’m guessing if I make it that far I’ll have a my own thoughts about how I’d like to die. then also there’s nothing pretty about death, unless you just pass in your sleep.
My ex-wife and I were round the clock caregivers for my uncle who had dementia. We saw him through the early stages all the way to the end when he quit eating. Hospice helped near the end and I'm thankful to have had them.
As difficult and painful as it was, I believe having us as caregivers gave my uncle some peace. I know if he'd have been in a home the "care" may have been adequate but would have lacked the compassion, especially when he was angry & violent yet had no clue.

Bless Gene's wife for her efforts in doing what she felt was best for the man she loved.

This song by Glen Campbell helped us at times.
Mice do not understand economic or celebrity status. The disease was originally diagnosed in the 4-corners area and is common there, but it exists in most states. Peromyscus maniculatus (the deer mouse) is one of the most widely distributed mammals in North America, so we all can encounter it. Some other species will also harbor it to a smaller degree. Anyway, don't fool around when cleaning places with deer mice. If you don't know what mouse you have, assume that is it.

Spraying down an area to be cleaned with weak bleach or Lysol solution will help a lot. Wear a mask (ha, we have heard about that with viruses before - wear it anyway). And if you do not feel good, do not wait until the last minute to see a doctor, especially in today's medical world.
I mask up when I clean out my deer hunting blind that I seem to use every 3 years or so. The amount of mouse shit is alarming in that thing. I hate mice with all I have. You just have to wonder how she got it, was their house becoming a filthy mouse infested place due to old people not cleaning anymore? They obviously did not have cleaning staff or you think they would have been found dead a lot sooner. How or where do you think you got it?
I mask up when I clean out my deer hunting blind that I seem to use every 3 years or so. The amount of mouse shit is alarming in that thing. I hate mice with all I have. You just have to wonder how she got it, was their house becoming a filthy mouse infested place due to old people not cleaning anymore? They obviously did not have cleaning staff or you think they would have been found dead a lot sooner. How or where do you think you got it?
Friend of some family supposedly got it from mixe being in the silverware drawer. Killed him. For anyone who lives out in the country where mice seem to be more prevalent. I've always noticed they are always in the silverware drawer. That story true ir not has certainly changed the way I approach stuff with mice. Nasty ass things.
I mask up when I clean out my deer hunting blind that I seem to use every 3 years or so. The amount of mouse shit is alarming in that thing. I hate mice with all I have. You just have to wonder how she got it, was their house becoming a filthy mouse infested place due to old people not cleaning anymore? They obviously did not have cleaning staff or you think they would have been found dead a lot sooner. How or where do you think you got it?
Although they nearly killed me, I love mice. They rule the world in their own way.

I'm a mouse biologist, I get bit. I handled hundreds of mice and occasionally one would get in a lucky bite, which I never thought twice about back in the 1970s and 80s. Hanta as unknown until the 1990s. Mouse shit was not something that worried me a whole lot. Like horse shit and cow shit, shit happens. But I may also have gotten it from a window AC unit that I borrowed that summer. It was hotter than Hades in August 1983, and I lived in very old, decrepit house out in the country. Because I am a mouse biologist, everyone is sure I got it in the line of duty, but I think the house and that AC unit are more likely candidates. We will never know. I was diagnosed 10 yrs after I had the disease.

You don't have to have a lot of mouse shit, just the right mouse shit. And it's not really the shit you need to worry about. The virus is shed in their pee and it dries and becomes dust when you vacuum or sweep.

An N95 mask is good, because the virus is bound to dust particles. But nothing is perfect. A HEPA filter would be better if you were really going to plunge in.
Although they nearly killed me, I love mice. They rule the world in their own way.

I'm a mouse biologist, I get bit. I handled hundreds of mice and occasionally one would get in a lucky bite, which I never thought twice about back in the 1970s and 80s. Hanta as unknown until the 1990s. Mouse shit was not something that worried me a whole lot. Like horse shit and cow shit, shit happens. But I may also have gotten it from a window AC unit that I borrowed that summer. It was hotter than Hades in August 1983, and I lived in very old, decrepit house out in the country. Because I am a mouse biologist, everyone is sure I got it in the line of duty, but I think the house and that AC unit are more likely candidates. We will never know. I was diagnosed 10 yrs after I had the disease.

You don't have to have a lot of mouse shit, just the right mouse shit. And it's not really the shit you need to worry about. The virus is shed in their pee and it dries and becomes dust when you vacuum or sweep.

An N95 mask is good, because the virus is bound to dust particles. But nothing is perfect. A HEPA filter would be better if you were really going to plunge in.
Seriously it's the piss dust and not the shit? That is good info. Since you love mice come to my property in WI and take all you want, I hate the bastards. Just last weekend I noticed my 5th wheel camper has shifted over enough under it's permanent shelter and one slide out was touching a post. I went to put the slide out in a little and fluid sprayed all aver the ground. Second time mice thought eating through a braided steel hydro line was a good idea. I have fixed my truck engine wiring 3 times. I just bought a new Bergara .22LR and I am going to suppress it and mount a thermal on it. Besides coon, I will grab a couple of beers and go out at night and shoot millions of mice on my land. I know it won't do much but it will satisfy my hatred for them.... a little
Friend of some family supposedly got it from mixe being in the silverware drawer. Killed him. For anyone who lives out in the country where mice seem to be more prevalent. I've always noticed they are always in the silverware drawer. That story true ir not has certainly changed the way I approach stuff with mice. Nasty ass things

Although they nearly killed me, I love mice. They rule the world in their own way.

I'm a mouse biologist, I get bit. I handled hundreds of mice and occasionally one would get in a lucky bite, which I never thought twice about back in the 1970s and 80s. Hanta as unknown until the 1990s. Mouse shit was not something that worried me a whole lot. Like horse shit and cow shit, shit happens. But I may also have gotten it from a window AC unit that I borrowed that summer. It was hotter than Hades in August 1983, and I lived in very old, decrepit house out in the country. Because I am a mouse biologist, everyone is sure I got it in the line of duty, but I think the house and that AC unit are more likely candidates. We will never know. I was diagnosed 10 yrs after I had the disease.

You don't have to have a lot of mouse shit, just the right mouse shit. And it's not really the shit you need to worry about. The virus is shed in their pee and it dries and becomes dust when you vacuum or sweep.

An N95 mask is good, because the virus is bound to dust particles. But nothing is perfect. A HEPA filter would be better if you were really going to plunge in.
Is that virus more of a SW states thing? I know NM has had a lot of the deaths. The majority of the mice on my property is the deer mouse but I have not heard of stories on henta virus in Wisconsin
Is that virus more of a SW states thing? I know NM has had a lot of the deaths. The majority of the mice on my property is the deer mouse but I have not heard of stories on henta virus in Wisconsin
This was ND but it was a story take it for wgat it's worth. Brent would obviously know if that's possible.
Mice do not understand economic or celebrity status. The disease was originally diagnosed in the 4-corners area and is common there, but it exists in most states. Peromyscus maniculatus (the deer mouse) is one of the most widely distributed mammals in North America, so we all can encounter it. Some other species will also harbor it to a smaller degree. Anyway, don't fool around when cleaning places with deer mice. If you don't know what mouse you have, assume that is it.

Spraying down an area to be cleaned with weak bleach or Lysol solution will help a lot. Wear a mask (ha, we have heard about that with viruses before - wear it anyway). And if you do not feel good, do not wait until the last minute to see a doctor, especially in today's medical world.
I actually met a buddy last night and this whole topic came up as he is going to gut his run down cabin this spring. I told him to mask up. Do you know if it is true that it can only be infected from mice less than 48 hours? Meaning old piss and shit is not a worry? He said he heard that it has to be current infestation
Is that virus more of a SW states thing? I know NM has had a lot of the deaths. The majority of the mice on my property is the deer mouse but I have not heard of stories on henta virus in Wisconsin
No. It is everywhere except maybe a few of the very SE states.
There are many species of Peromyscus maniculatus. Some live in deserts, some on mountains, some in the middle of dense forest, and some in prairies and even more in corn and bean fields where they do farmers a tremendous amount of good. The prevalence of the disease in the mice (% infected) varies tremendously in time and space. One of the places where it is absolutely off the charts is the Catalina islands off of California.

I do not know how many HV cases there have been in WI, but, once upon time, you could find it on the CDC website or even call them up. But those days may be over. I just do not know.

Hating mice is kinda stupid. Life is what it is. Some of it may inconvenience you from time to time, but it probably also greatly benefits you as well. Your forests and fields would not be the same without them.
not a lot in the midwest. I would bet a handful of cases can go undiagnosed as well. people in rural areas going to low level medical places and just being diagnosed as something else. regardless that numbers for Wisconsin is a bit more comforting.
I actually met a buddy last night and this whole topic came up as he is going to gut his run down cabin this spring. I told him to mask up. Do you know if it is true that it can only be infected from mice less than 48 hours? Meaning old piss and shit is not a worry? He said he heard that it has to be current infestation
You mean that it is only viable for 48 hrs outside of the mouse? No, I do not think that is true. If it is, it is probably due to Ultra Violet light, but in a cabin, dusty corners, cabinets, etc. UV light is nil.

Masking is good. Spraying down with a little Lysol or weak bleach solution in a weed sprayer, is good to. Nitrile gloves are good.

Use your head, you will be okay.
Hating mice is kinda stupid. Life is what it is. Some of it may inconvenience you from time to time, but it probably also greatly benefits you as well. Your forests and fields would not be the same without them.
I can't help it. They have caused me a lot of headaches. But because of it I will not allow anyone to hunt fox on my land and asked people in my area to not kill them. Owls have become my favorite bird *because they are awesome* Until I bought a thermal I had no idea how many mice there are in my woods. Not sure if it is a population cycle thing or not but oh my god.... Last fall they were all over. I had no idea they were in trees at night as much as a squirrel
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A couple more comments. HV is not super contagious. You will not pass it person-to-person, but even those of us that work with rodents all the time, very, very rarely get infected. That said, we do take some precautions.

Years ago, when we were largely ignorant of the disease, a few of us with direct or indirect experience with it did an bit of an analysis to see who is at risk. While researchers and pest control people were at greater risk that most, we were not falling over dead in the trenches every day either.

Maybe you can see one of the articles we produced.

Also, I'll put in another 2 cents here. It was the CDC that tracked this bug down, when there was a sudden outbreak of mysterious cases of rapid death with pneumonia-like symptoms on the Navajo reservation. They are the ones that found what caused it, what animal was carrying it and how widespread it was. They are the front line between us and things like bird flu and a ton of other diseases that routinely creep out of wildlife and into human populations and more. And they are getting the shit kicked out of them by Elon Trump. They are now going to be cut off from international data on diseases as well. So, get your hygiene in order and stock up on gloves, masks, and saline IVs. It is going to get rough, but Hanta will not be a great concern.
I can't help it. They have caused me a lot of headaches. But because of it I will not allow anyone to hunt fox on my land and asked people in my area to not kill them. Owls have become my favorite bird *because they are awesome* Until I bought a thermal I had no idea how many mice there are in my woods. Not sure if it is a population cycle thing or not but oh my god.... Last fall they were all over. I had no idea they were in trees at night as much as a squirrel
Lots of critters go bump in the night in your woods besides deer mice. Redback Voles, White footed Mice, several species of shrews, and many more. Some mice are arboreal their entire life and never set foot on the ground. Voles too (though not in WI).

Make coyotes #1 on your protected list. They are specialists on small mammals. Some mice eat other mice, (though not in WI forests), and do not forget the weasels.

Keep your food and garbage well sealed up - and that means picking up your dog's food bowls as well. Rethink your bird feeder if you have one. It is all part of the plan.
Bicarb & corn meal mix will kill them.
I rid the area for a short time and the chipmunks have moved in.
Looks like they eat them too. No deer mice in the house or trucks,but chipmunks are worse.

Sorry I have been dealing with rodents for many years and hate the little creeps. Deer mice for sure.
Building owl boxes this year.
Dotti is denting the chipmunk crowd.

Sorry for the jump Gene.