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  1. E

    Beetle Killed Forests, wow.

    It didn't take long... Looks to be two different beetles creating the same havoc Dendroctonus ponderosae and Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte Here's a couple articles to strengthen everything I've stated in my above posts for those who are always looking to find fault and poke holes in others...
  2. E

    Beetle Killed Forests, wow.

    I was told the Pine beetle out here has always been around, all the cards happened to be lined up in perfect unison for this little bugger to explode If it is an invader from another place, then it's an entirely different beast Time to hit the research and find out...
  3. E

    Beetle Killed Forests, wow.

    BRI... You're not reading what I write, only glossing over and finding fault... Your also browsing the edges of my posting and using that as the main case of your debate (extremes in your organization have created this way of thought and it's just plain wrong)... Don't be an apologist, just...
  4. E

    Beetle Killed Forests, wow.

    LOL Buzz... Your right, the big problem at the present is weather and bugs Proper thinning and burning long ago would have lessened fuel loading making in the end, less intense fires, giving existing trees and other plants less competion for resources (light/water/nutrients) That boils down to...
  5. E

    Beetle Killed Forests, wow.

    Yep... Pass the buck... Seems to be something you're really good at If you had actually read what I posted instead of knee jerking your answer as you usually do Buzz, you'd have noted that I had said the plants have to be stressed first As with anything, when there are far too many...
  6. E


    Yep... Things come and go seems like every year I miss the hip quivers of old that were fairly easy to use and held your arrows well enough Couldn't find one last year because mine was falling apart Finally just buckled down and made one Works well and is put together far better than the...
  7. E


    Great points Layin I had a Martin Pride split limb for 10-12 years, bought it new It was still slinging arrows about as fast as the one I have now, but gave it away to pay part of a debt Plus my wife's been on me for almost 3 years to upgrade to a new bow (kinda different, having the guy...
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    Spring Picture Dump

    Great pics Randy Looks like you get around very well...
  9. E

    Backpacking Gear advice

    Randy If your still following this thread There are techniques you can use to keep the weight down and have a good time, especially for short term hunts like your talking about PM me and I'll pass them on, I've posted many pics and stories about how this is done and taken a Hunttalker out on...
  10. E


    Little behind the times on this thread Just bought a PSE Super Short I looked at a ton of bows and have always been on the premis that if your going to buy something that you will use for years and years, get a bow that is #1 Top of the line so it really doesn't go out of style after years...
  11. E

    ..nuthin' to it

    Wouldn't that freak out the pitcher from the other team :D
  12. E

    Beetle Killed Forests, wow.

    Great pics Larry they seem indicative of almost everywhere I look out here The Pine beetles are only secondary pathogens attacking stressed plants Anything stressed (by drought in this case) is going to get sick or diseased, Pine beetles girdle a tree from the inside eating the cambium layer...
  13. E

    CJCJ is Back

    Welcome back CJ I was out watching young eagles yesterday (2 in the nest this year) and ran into a guy who was looking for any bird he could find in his great big spotting scope The guys license plate was from Texas, so I stopped to talk with him His tee-shirt had "Volunteer Border Patrol"...
  14. E

    !!! Wooo hooo !!!

    I've been out most of the time since this post was made looking for the black elk again 14 days altogether looking The sets of twins mentioned earlier in the first post ended up being a mistake I believe The herd mainly hangs on private ground where the feed is good because the individual who...
  15. E


    It's easy to patch Get your stucco mix, clean area well, get all loose material out of screen, fill hole, smooth to same texture as surrounding wall, paint to match If they used any coloring agents when your house was stucco'd, it will be a little harder to get the right color mix If it's a...
  16. E

    Grizzly pics

    Looks like the two in front on the first pic are cubs that are just about old enough for mom in the back to send packin...
  17. E

    !!! Wooo hooo !!!

    I was just out on a walk and had 126 elk walk inside of 30 yards from me There was 21 sets of twins All but 2 or 3 had a calf, this should be a good year for elk if this is an indicator of the herds around the state The coolest of them all was an elk that is almost jet black except for the...
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    Fish, Wildlife and Parks reorganizing

    Not until 06:38 AM
  19. E

    Fish, Wildlife and Parks reorganizing

    LOL Buzz... Read into, twist, and justify it all you want... You usually do and will any way... It is what it is and no amount of brow beating will change the facts, nor will it change my opinions or keep me from posting them...
  20. E

    Fish, Wildlife and Parks reorganizing

    Yawn...... Think what you want Buzz.... Still can't hide from the truth... So whats your point except to notch up another post...
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