Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever


Great points Layin

I had a Martin Pride split limb for 10-12 years, bought it new

It was still slinging arrows about as fast as the one I have now, but gave it away to pay part of a debt

Plus my wife's been on me for almost 3 years to upgrade to a new bow (kinda different, having the guy resisting getting a new weapon and the wife nagging for a new one)

The new one is extremely quiet without any external dampening devices

I shoot instinct, so it wasn't too hard getting it fixed up with a new stabilizer and wrist band, I was ready to go, plus a new release

I was like a kid around Christmas when I finally got it set up
The great thing about new bows is that they are smoother, lighter, quieter and prettier. I still have my old PSE and I often think about going back to it. I shot my first elk with it when I was fifteen and the thing's been abused and still works. It's set at 85lbs with 50% letoff and 31" draw. Carbon's were new when I got it so I tried some, but nobody made a target at the time that could catch the arrow. It blew through everything. Had to use Alluminums. Also shot 160-150 gr. broadheads. Whatever happened to those things. Talk about layin it down.....

Things come and go seems like every year

I miss the hip quivers of old that were fairly easy to use and held your arrows well enough

Couldn't find one last year because mine was falling apart

Finally just buckled down and made one

Works well and is put together far better than the one I had before
Been shootin a Mathewa MQ-32 for over ten yrs now. Even if I could afford a new bow I wouldn't buy one because the one I've got has never let me down. Don't fix what ain't broke!
I still use my jenings original version Buck Master bow that's well over ten years old . I just keep up on matinance as needed , and it still tunes to bullet holes and gives me a pass through every time . Still waiting for it to some day fail me though ; some of those new bows look sweet .
I've got a ten year old alpine that's never let me down, it seems to fit pretty well, and like everyone else said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it
I went with the Diamond Stud. I love it. My shoulder is fianlly back up to snuff and I've been shooting a ton. I can't believe what a difference there is from my old bow. Better last cause I'm not getting a new one for many, many years.

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