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buying a used bow

I wasn't looking to buy another bow, but....

Guy was advertising an APA Mamba 6 on another forum.
Came with a Ripcord drop away rest.

When I received it, imagine my surprise when I saw Mamba 7 on it.

I already own/shoot an APA Viper Air. Single cam set for 50lb pull from the factory.

I've shot friends 70lb pull double cam bows without difficulty.

But I'll be darned if I can pull this thing back.

Going to take 4 turns out of the limb screws. (10lbs according to APA)
Thanks for the advice everyone. I ended up buying a Darton spectra E 32 off archery talk. Just got it a couple days ago and love it so far. What a huge difference from my old bow!
Ok so, My name is Tony and I'm a hoarder/collector. Just bought a Darton Spectra E32 LH off the big auction site for 1/3 rd the cost of a new one. This one is new, leftover from a shop closing. Should be here tomorrow. Anybody need a LH alphamax 32, Maxxis 31, or Darton DS 3800. I cant bring all these bows with me as a backup. Looking forward to setting this one up and getting some good practice in the next month before the season kicks off.
I wanted a Mathew’s heli-m a couple of years ago and the only plac e I could find one was on eBay. I bit the bullet and got it. I have been more than happy with it. I knew none of the history and it may come apart on me one day, but I’ve shot tons of arrows through it and had it checked out by my local bowshop where I used to live and it is solid. If you do find a decent used bow I would consider new strings and cables so that is one less thing to worry about.
I have had success and failures buying used bows. Worst one was a cracked limb on a matthews solo cam I paid $120 for. The replacement limbs was $150, handmade strings and tune was $185 so still cheaper than a new bow. Most used bows in that price range are going to be heavier than the new composites. Just find an reputable archery shop (not big box stores) get new strings and have them go through it.

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