CJCJ is Back

welcome back CJCJ. been wondering what happened to you? get locked up in a mexican jail for a while? finally get tired of you and throw you back to the US of A?
Welcome back.
ya gotta keep us up-dated on our un-documented brothers from the south, coming here to pick our tomatoes and make life better for you, me and Jose.
Welcome back CJ

I was out watching young eagles yesterday (2 in the nest this year) and ran into a guy who was looking for any bird he could find in his great big spotting scope

The guys license plate was from Texas, so I stopped to talk with him

His tee-shirt had "Volunteer Border Patrol"

The visit was good and he's fighting the good fight taking a hiatus in Montana to look at the wildlife as a break

He said it was great getting out of the garbage strewn, rat infested (illegal's) area he was helping to patrol

Really makes me thankful I'm not down where you guys are, when I was in LV it was bad enough
Hey Russ... those TX boys have seen enough of the problem too!... The political landscape is totaly "mucked up"... We have a bunch of liberals in both parties who just won't deal with the truth ... they don't have any balls...
I think thats the problem with the whole sysem from top to bottom, there are a few people who still have the nerve to stand up to the status quo

Sarah and Joe are a couple I can think of...

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