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  1. D

    Biden positive for Covid 19

    Same for me. Seams like its very slowly coming back. From time to time I catch a faint whiff of something familiar that I haven't smelt since I first caught it. Weird.
  2. D

    Air Tanker Crash

    At least it appears as though the wind isn't blowing. That's a huge blessing in itself.
  3. D

    SOLD *** WTB SWFA 6x MQ or MOA

    He's awfully proud of it but here's one that was just posted for sale.
  4. D

    kids sneaking out

    Probly aught not make statements like that unless you plan on following through, which I hope you wouldn't.
  5. D

    kids sneaking out

    Have a conversation with the kid? Lovingly speak reality, consequences and sense to them.
  6. D

    Angled Spotting Scope

    What kind of budget are you dealing with?
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    First family camping trip

    Plenty of food and snacks. Plenty of warm and comfortable clothes. Its amazing how much fun my young kids can have with very simple things like a shovel. Rope, flashlights and glow sticks are also very useful tools to occupy a kid in the woods. Last trip out we all found sticks and made bow and...
  8. D

    Halo LR Thermal SOLD

    free bump. Heck of a deal on one of the best thermals out there. You can see a rabbit in a field at 1000 yards with these things, and you can tell its a rabbit.
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    FWP Approves First Prairie Dog Conservation Contract

    Lots of subdivisions popping up in Garfield county for sure. Glad to hear prairie dog "conservation" is the best use of $150k
  10. D

    My coolest shed find

    Never found a super weird elk shed but shot a couple weird bulls. I'd take a weird one any day! I shot a bull that looks very very similar to that bull.
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    Lets see your fishing boat!

    Man there's some nice rigs here
  12. D

    Brother's ?

    I had no idea they could do genetic testing on antlers. That's wild. I've got a handful of bulls that were killed from the same area, would be interesting to get them tested just for curiosity sake.
  13. D

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    Seams like there's just as many things to gripe about on this forum, but a wealth of information nonetheless. Also I am lead to believe that many folks use both of the aforementioned forums. 🤷‍♂️
  14. D

    ISO Affordable, quality lightweight sleeping bag.

    Hit up your next REI garage sale, I've got some killer deals there in the past, one being a sleeping bag which is still my primary bag.
  15. D

    Brother's ?

    Obviously nobody can say definitively, but they sure appear to have a lot of similarities. Awesome finds!
  16. D

    Wall tent vs tipi tent

    Those bigger seek tipis are very roomy, simple, and easy to put up. If you're maxed out on weight going in, what is your plan for if/when you get an elk down? Make another 16 mile round trip?
  17. D

    Dave N Elk tag fund raiser

    Awesome to see you guys putting this together!
  18. D

    Got my ram back !

    Bad ass man that looks great!
  19. D

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Although I haven't actually met up with any of the folks from here, there are a few that I could see myself hitting the hills with at some point.

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